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Prime Originator

Chapter 647 - Report And Speculations
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Chapter 647 - Report And Speculations

"Although we do want to believe you, Young Master Leonhardt, we cannot expect us to place our trust in you—just based on your words alone, right?" Chief Nightraven stated before asking, "Let us talk about the water supply. How will you supply us water exactly?"

"For starters, the Human Domain does not lack in water. Not only do we have water, but we can also make water," Leon stated confidently with a smile.

His words immediately stunned everyone present.

"You can… make water, Young Master Leonhardt?" Chief Brightstar asked with surprise and a hint of doubt.

"Do you need a demonstration?" Leon smiled lightly before raising his hand, followed by ice condensing into shape before he tossed the block of ice to Chief Brightstar, "For you, take it."

"My ability is an order higher than ordinary water-users, but no needs me to tell them what they will get when the ice melts, right?"

Leon swept everyone a look.

Shortly after receiving their nods, he continued to speak, "Back in the Human Domain, there are quite a few water-users that can be brought over to produce water for your tribes."

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"However, this is not a good solution. The water element in the Infertile Plains is not high, to begin with. I'm afraid that the amount of water production will be limited, and eventually, it will run dry," Leon stated.

"Since this method is not really viable, Young Master Leonhardt must have a better solution, no?" Chief Valencia asked.

"That goes without saying," Leon smiled and said, "Since there are abundant amounts of fresh water in the Human Domain, we simply need to establish a steady supply chain to transport the water to each tribe."

"Fortunately for everyone, I am pretty adept at runes and arrays. I can build a teleportation array in each tribe and connect it to the Human Domain, effectively solving the water problem. But even if can provide water for each of your tribe for years to come, it will not solve the bigger problem."

"Isn't water the biggest problem we are facing once the Celestial Water Spark runs out of power? What could be a bigger problem than that?" Chief Nightraven asked with a frown.

"Well, yes and no," Leon answered vaguely before explaining further, "I can provide water to the Seven Tribes Alliance, but not to the entire Infertile Plains. So in the end, the competition for hegemony will still continue, and all tribes will be forced to migrate eventually."

"What I can only do is stop your tribes from moving to the central region to the chaos early and give you all a chance to grow and compete for hegemony when the chaos is brought to you."

"Why would the chaos be brought to us if we cut our Water Veins and stop drawing water from the drying Celestial Water Spark?" Chief Blacktooth asked with a frown.

Everyone immediately looked at him like he was an idiot, causing him to be taken aback.


"The other tribes are not stupid. If they realized that your tribes can survive without the Celestial Water Spark's supply of water, then they will obviously realize we have our own source of water supply and come for us," Leon explained.


Chief Blacktooth finally understood.

"No wonder this choice will be a bloodied one. If we do not want to submit to the hegemon tribe, we can only be forced to fight for hegemony. There are no other options like staying neutral in this matter," Chief Nightraven muttered.

"Well, there is actually another option. You can still run away from the conflict of the Infertile Plains and move to my empire and become my subjects," Leon smiled before chuckling wryly, "Of course, I don't anyone here is in favor of this choice."

"And that you are not wrong, Young Master Leonhardt. Please forgive my previous unruly behavior," Chief Blackdragon pleaded before saying, "But now that we are pretty clear on our choices, I am more interested in how Young Master Leonhardt will make us stronger—"

"Chief Valencia! I bring urgent news from the scouts in the north!" A warrior suddenly rushed forward and interrupted Chief Blackdragon.

Chief Valencia immediately furrowed her brows before she barked, "Report!"

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"Yes, chief! The scouts have spotted a group of foreign warriors approaching our tribe's borders in high profile!" The warrior reported.

"Sounds like they have come to pick a fight, and they are not bothering to conceal their movements—which means they are confident in their strength," Chief Valencia mused before she queried, "How many are coming? What are their numbers? And their strengths?"

"Due to the scouts suspecting the warriors to all be Battle Masters, they did not get too close. However, it is estimated to be around 50-100 of them," the warrior answered truthfully.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

"50-100…Battle Masters? Only the four strongest tribes of the central region could possibly mobilize so many Battle Masters… But why would they send so many over to the Darkmoon Tribe? Aren't they busy fighting each other?"

Chief Nightraven questioned with surprise.

"Perhaps they came to a temporary truce to assimilate as many tribes under their banner before they resuming their battle for hegemony?" Chief Brightstar guessed.

"I don't think it's that simple," Chief Valencia shook her head and said solemnly, "If we exclude the Battle King factors, 50-100 Battle Masters is enough to wipe out a tribe. I don't think they are coming to coerce us into submission…"

"It's probably the Black Warbear Tribe," Leon inputted his own guess before adding further, "If information was leaked to them somehow, only the Black Warbear Tribe would send so many Battle Masters over with the intention to silence us."

"But why would they do that?" Chief Brightstar frowned before asking, "What did the Darkmoon Tribe do to Black Warbear Tribe?"

"It's not what we did but what we found out," Chief Valencia realized Leonhardt's thoughts before she explained, "Think about it. If they found out that we knew about their scheme to cut off various tribe's Water Veins, they would be most afraid of us spreading the word."

"So they send Battle Masters to silence the Darkmoon Tribe before that happens, huh? Hmph, they're really looking down on us," Chief Blackdragon smiled coldly.

"The Black Warbear Tribe is even more arrogant than my Berserk Dragon Tribe. Do they really think it's easy to take out any of our tribes without Battle Kings on their side?"