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Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex-Novel

Chapter 1255. Afterglow / Victory Party (Part 1)
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Chapter 1255. Afterglow / Victory Party (Part 1)

「Welcome back!」

「Welcome back」

Arriving at the party dining room…

Kuromiya Motoko-san and her bodyguard, Mikuriya Kurumi-san welcomed us.

The two of them are wearing an apron over their Japanese clothes like a young wife look before the war.

「Onii-san, these people are amazing!」

「Both of them are quick at cooking and everything」

The twins Rie and Eri told me.

True, there is a lot of delicious-looking food on the table.

「Megumi-oneechan and I have been working on the recipes Katsuko-oneechan left us but when they came over, it got finished in no time」

Mana said.

Oh, Megu’s coming from the kitchen.

Megu and Mana are learning how to do housework from Katsuko-nee together with Ruriko for the past six months.

Katsuko-nee had to go outside and so they asked them to prepare for the party.


「Kuromi and I have been thoroughly trained by my Grandfather when it comes to household chores such as cooking, laundry, cleaning, sewing, and spear techniques」

「Yes, I also learned housework and spear techniques」

Err, housework, and spear.

「Kuromiya house’s daughter has to learn both after all」

「Motoko-ojousama’s possess full mastery in both」

「Kurumi, you’re almost there too, your diploma will be approved by me as the head of the Kuromiya house’s spearmanship」

「Yes, I’ll devote myself every day so I can receive my diploma soon!」

The master and bodyguard tell each other.

「Ah, but Kuromori-sama. We’re not taught any night skills at all」

「The Lady said that we have to adapt to the taste and preference of the gentleman」

「Therefore, please feel free to dye us as we’re still uncolored」

「Please take care of us」

The two bow their head to me.

「U-Uhm, what does that mean Kuromiya-san?」

Misuzu asks.

「Rest assured, we only visited to give our greetings」

Kuromiya-san replied with a smile.

「As for the date of the wedding, I would like to consult with Kuromori-sama and choose an auspicious day」

Wedding what?

「Today, we came here to greet all our predecessors as we join in as Kuromori-sama’s latest concubine」

「We came here to find a place to keep our spear in this mansion and a place to practice」

Oh, she’s serious about being my concubine.

Furthermore, she’s also bringing her spear here.

「I-I haven’t heard anything about this, what about Danna-sama?」

Misuzu looks at me.

「No, I don’t know anything about this. I mean, I didn’t even get a formal talk about this」

「Well. Kouzuki-sama has given his permission to the Kuromiya house」

Kuromiya Motoko-san said.

「We also had a conversation with Kuromori Minaho-sama through phone and she gave her permission too」

Jii-chan didn’t mention anything during the call earlier.

Minaho-neesan didn’t tell me anything either.

「The sudden event may be troubling but Kurumi and I don’t look down on Misuzu-sama and all the other concubines」

「Not at all」

「Naturally, we will serve Kuromori-sama for the rest of our lives. We’ll never talk back. We’ll do anything. We swear our loyalty」

「We promise」

「Although, we only have two requests」


「One is to let us practice our spears for a few hours a day」

「Let us practice our spears」

「Also, please allow me to pass on the Kuromiya style of spear fighting to Kuromi and my child with Kuromori-sama」


「I will not allow the Kuromiya style to end in my generation」

「Please allow us」

Kuormiya-san and Mikuriya-san talks to me in sync.

「Meaning, you’ll serve Danna-sama for the sake of your family’s spear?」

Misuzu asks.

「Frankly speaking, that’s indeed the case」

Kuromiya-san replies with a smile.

「However, Kurumi and I saw Kuromori-sama’s personality and felt that he’s the one」

「Yes, if it’s Kuromori-sama, then I can give him my everything」

Meaning, when we watched Edie’s match with us.

That was their marriage interview.

「We feel that he would accept us, and we would be able to pass the Kuromiya style of spear fighting to the future generations」

「That’s how I feel too」

Meaning, Kuromiya-san treasures handing down her technique more than anything else.

If she were to marry another family, she won’t be allowed to practice her spear.

So, even if she bears a child in that family, she may be forbidden from passing her art.

In exchange for coming to this mansion and mastering their spear to their heart’s content, they’ll become my concubine and do all of the household chores.

「Kuromiya-san and Mikuriya-san are both particularly unusual in our school」

Ruriko speaks from the side.

「Indeed, other men may not accept you unless it’s Onii-sama」

「But, Ruriko!」

Misuzu turned to Ruriko.

「Kuromiya house isn’t as much as the Kouzuki, Kaan, and Kanou house, but, they still have a high standing in the nobility. Much higher than Karen’s Mizushima house or Arisu-san’s Kurama house」

That’s why Karen and Arisu are allowed to stay with us by the order of the Kouzuki house, which is of higher rank.

「We don’t need to follow the rules of the nobility, do we? Misuzu-oneesama」

Ruriko said with a smile.

「What’s important is Kuromiya-san’s feelings, and whether Onii-sama will accept them or not」

「Yes, therefore, we have come to show Kuromori-sama what we’re capable of. If you desire, then night activities as well. We don’t mind if you try out Kurumi and my body」

「Yes, you can do as you please with us」

Hmm, that’s…

「Anyway, today is Margo-san and Edie’s celebration party.」 Everything else is for later. Although, I’ll taste Kuromiya-san and MIkuriya-san’s cooking」

「Yes, please enjoy the meals」

「Please enjoy」

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Kuromiya-san and Mikuriya-san smiled at me.

「I’ll call Grandfather」

Misuzu says abruptly, but…

「No, not now. Jii-chan’s in the middle of a meeting with some big names outside the country. That’s what he told me」

I said.

Jii-chan didn’t mention Kuromiya-san in the call earlier because;

He knows that we can resolve this ourselves.

I’m the one to decide whether I accept or reject Kuromiya-san.

「Huh? What’s wrong. Mii-chan, you don’t look calm」

Nei enters the dining room.

「Just when I thought that Megu-chan finally found her resolve, now it’s Mii-chan that has a problem?」

She looks at Misuzu and smiled.

「I’m not like that」

Misuzu said, but…

「I think that it’s shameful for you to panic when someone who may threaten your status is coming in. To put it in another way, that just means that Mii-chan’s been underestimating the girls so far, right? You were so sure that you have the title as Yo-chan’s wife on the surface」


「Haven’t you thought that you, as the daughter of the Kouzuki house, will keep the status as the one who’ll stand next to Yo-chan, right?」

Nei smiled.

「What about you Nei-oneesama?」

Misuzu talks back to Nei feeling sullen.

「Nei-oneesama, aren’t you the one who thinks that you’re the closest to Danna-sama?」

「Ooh? Mii-chan, now you said it. That’s a good omen, instead of the sisters you can’t tell what you want to say, isn’t it better to have someone you can talk to and argue without fear?」

Nei said.

「By the way, I’m not as greedy as Mii-chan. I don’t care as long as Yo-chan’s happy. I don’t care if I’m Yo-chan’s first or not」


「To me, Yo-chan’s the only one. I want to live in this world because Yo-chan’s in it, and if he were to die, then I’ll follow him. I love the family, my big and little sisters are precious to me, but Yo-chan’s in the middle of this family that’s why we’re able to gather like this, right?」

「I can understand that, but…」

「I love Yo-chan. I love him the most in this universe. That’s why I don’t care whatever rank I’m in Yo-chan’s heart. The rank doesn’t matter, I will love Yo-chan with my all either way. That’s how I love Yo-chan」

Nei said and hugged me.

Then, she kissed my lips.

「You did your best again today. Good job, Yo-chan」

Nei embraces me with her soft and warm body and my body quickly loses strength.

「That must’ve been hard, your body is too tense that you can’t even loosen up all that time」

With Sakurako, or with Kaan-san.

I was being so tense the whole day.

No matter how things turned out, I had to think desperately so that Sakurako won’t feel unhappy.

I wasn’t allowed to fail in front of this desperate young lady.

Despite that.

Minaho-neesan, Jii-chan, Kaan-san, they send in various people one after another.

「Things could’ve been simpler but as always, there are so many people with their agendas involved. That must’ve been hard」


When Nei tells me that, Misuzu was surprised.

「Welcome back Yo-chan. We’re in Yo-chan’s home now. You don’t have to strain yourself like you’re meeting with noble people here」

Nei tells me while rubbing her huge breasts on my cheeks.

Then, she looked at Kuromiya-san.

「If you girls want to join us then take a look at Yo-chan without that “ready for war mode” of yours」

「I understand. Kurumi and I saw Kuromori-sama take the pressure exerted by Kouzuki-sama and Kaan Momoko-sama during the party in the Kouzuki mansion. If he’s always that strained, then his mind won’t be able to take it」

No, well.

「Kurumi and I will do our best to let Kuromori-sama relax when he’s at home. I understand we’ll do our best」

「Thank you for your advice」

Kurumiya-san and Mikuriya-san told Nei.

「Yes, that, don’t push your love too much, be careful」



「Yes, I’m glad that you girls are understanding! It’s troubling to have more girls like Mii-chan, but if it’s considerate girls like you, then we all welcome you」

Nei said. Misuzu’s speechless.

「Oh, Yo-chan, I think it’s about time we call in our guests, is it okay?」

Guests? Oh right, the athletes from the women’s martial arts tournament were here today as Edie invited them.

「Margo-oneechan came and picked Yo-chan up so we showed the guests around the garden and other places in the house that’s okay to show off. Now that Margo-oneechan’s back, she’s taken over as our guide. I knew I had to get Yo-chan’s face back to that high school boy before we could invite the guests in」

I see.

I can’t face them as Kuromori Kou, the man Jii-chan recognized as Misuzu’s partner.

We’re about to celebrate Margo-san and Edie’s party.

I need to go back to being Kuromori Yoshinobu, a high school student.

「Onee-chan loves that tight Yo-chan, but a loose smile is okay too. We’re inside our home after all」

Nei tells me with a smile.

「Yeah, you’re right. Haaa」

I sighed loudly.

「Yes, that, that’s the usual face. So cute, Yo-chan」

Nei kisses me again.

「Then, let’s welcome our guests」

We leave the dining room.


Megu and Ai wearing an apron come out of the kitchen.

「Oh, I’m back, Ai, Megu」

I told the two, then…

「These people helped out in cooking so we’re already done so Ai and Megumi-chan made some cake to bring out to the party」

「I-I see」

「Ai also loves the loose Yoshida-kun than the tight one」

Ai told me.


「Yes, Yoshida-kun’s gotten looser now…This one’s cuter」

Ai says while patting my cheeks.

「Right. I prefer this Yoshi-kun more」

Megu said.

「When Yoshi-kun’s meeting with the nobility, you spin your head full rotation and feel like it’s full. That’s lovely, but Yoshi-kun should loosen up from time to time」

「Yes, that」

From tight to lose.

Anyway, they probably meant that I shouldn’t try to show off, and stop hiding my slow thoughts.

「Anyway, good job. I don’t know what happened, but it seemed a lot of trouble. Take a seat, should I bring something cold to drink?」

Megu asks me.

「Then, barley tea please」

Speaking of which, I’m thirsty.

「Okay, Misuzu-chan, you don’t mind having the same, do you?」

Megu goes back to the kitchen, then…

「Allow me to assist」

Then, Kuromiya-san and Mikuriya-san followed behind Megu.

「Those girls stick like that from behind but they never get in the way. They don’t say anything unnecessary, and they observe how we use the tools and stuff in the kitchen and only help out when we need it」

Mana whispers to me.

「They never push themselves. They know exactly what you need help with and they don’t change the flavor with their own. Even so, the food they helped out making is much better than we made on our own. After finding out that they’re skilled at cooking, we started asking them for active help during the process. I mean, at first, I just showed them recipes from Katsuko-oneechan for three dishes and it turned out exactly as Katsuko-oneechan would flavor it」

I see.

「They’re good people. Ai thinks. I can tell…they want to be with us…」

Ai said.

◇ ◇ ◇

「In the end, what is this mansion? Margo and Edie, what’s your relationship with this mansion?」

Margo-san and Edie bring in martial artists.

Monkey Mimi-san from the Tomi Ashida Dojo of Combat Karate asks Margo-san.

「You’re right, I don’t get it. Both of you are Americans, right? So what’s your relationship with the owner of this mansion?」

Daiporon Karisman, a senior from the same dojo asks.

「Well, the owner of this mansion was a philanthropist. This place has now become something like an orphanage for people with special needs」

Margo-san replies.

「As mentioned earlier, I had no place in America」

「Me too, my Grandma, my last living relative is dead, so I have no home to return to in New Orleans」

Edie also replies with a smile, still wearing that beauty queen winner look.

「These girls are all something like that, right? Yoshida-kun」

Margo-san suddenly calls me.

「Ah, yes. My parents are divorced and my father left me」

I’m not Kuromori Kou from the Kuromori house, but Yoshida Yoshinobu.

「Me too, my good-for-nothing father died, Mama and Grandpa abandoned me, and so I’m taken in by this house」

Mana followed after me.

「Me too, my father died last May」

Ruriko said.

She’s not lying. Miss Cordelia kicked Ruriko’s father to death.

「I-I see」

Line Haruko-san of Creative Martial arts in Golden Balm Gym is surprised by my response.

「Oh yeah, as for me, my whole family died from a local gang in Los Angeles. I’m not lying. Want me to show the newspapers back then?」

Nei said with a smile.

「Not all of them have the same circumstances as Nei’s but there are some with similar situations. Putting us aside, I’d appreciate it if you don’t ask the small ones about their situation too much okay?」

Margo-san warns the female athletes.

「O-Okay, I won’t say anything that’ll hurt the children」

Rodulfo Seiko from the Golden Balm Gym agreed.

「Everyone too. Well, I think that some of you guys already know what to do」

「Got it」

Grace Marinka, a beautiful pro wrestler who doesn’t speak much replied.


「Well then, I think we should call in the other girls」

「They’ve been waiting so let’s call them in」

The twins asked Margo-san.

「Huh? Who are these girls?」

Monkey Mimi-san noticed the two.

「If I recall, these girls show up on TV, right?」

「Oh, yeah. I watch them every week!」

Rodulfo Seiko-san noticed.

「Yes, our father and mother were Yakuza…」

「They had a shootout with their boss and died, it was huge news!」

「I’m Eri!」

「and I’m Rie!」

The twins smiled.

「Oh, I knew it. It’s the twin devils!」

Monkey Mimi-san pointed at the twins and said.

「Oh my~ Rie-chan, we’re called twin devils」

「Can’t help it Eri-chan, we put some celebrities on TV to shame just recently after all」

「We’ve been nicknamed the twin devils on the internet, so pathetic」

「We didn’t do anything evil though, right? Onii-san!」

Rie called me.

Yeah, they’re not devils.

The twins only got back the celebrities who were harassing Yukino.


「Hey, how long are we going to wait before the party starts! I’m hungry you know! I need to eat three shares for my child too!」

Yukino enters the dining room.

「Geh, Shirasaka Yukino?」

Monkey Mimi-san’s shocked as she saw Yukino’s face.

「What’s with that reaction?!」

「No, well, Ge, ge, gegenoge」

Monkey-san tries to sing it to gloss it over, so Yukino.

「At least try saying Ge, ge, get the glory, don’t you think?」

No, I don’t get it.

「W-Wait, if Shirasaka Yukino and the Twin Devils are here…」

As soon as Monkey Mimi-san said that.

「Anjou Mitama has arrived!」

「Stealth Kinuka has arrived!!」

Mitama and Kinuka, who are hiding her face with a historical drama veil have appeared.

「Ah, I knew it」

Then, behind them are;

Arisu, Karen, Haiji.

Then, the Takakura girls, Tsukiko, Luna, Koyomi-chan, and Yomi.

After them is Erica and Marika.


「I picked up Kana-chan while on the way from the shop to here」

「I’m here! Hey~」

Nagisa and Kana-senpai come in.

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Lastly, Agnes and Mao-chan come in holding hands.

「Margo-oneechan, Edie-chan, congratulations on your victory!!!」

The two of them praised Margo-san and Edie cheerfully.

「My, these girls are cute!」

Poron-san looked at Agnes and Mao-chan and said.

「Well, now everyone’s here」

Megu says as she walks in from the kitchen with a wagon containing barley tea for Misuzu and me.

Err, the only ones not present are;

Katsuko-nee and Michi, who’s sending Misato back to the new brothel.

Will Minaho-neesan come to the party?

Also, Mariko and Shiranui Shie-san who’s waiting for Sakurako, and her post-deflowering checkup. The three of them will probably come with Rei-chan.

Shou-neechan’s still with Jii-chan on his talks with some big shots so I don’t think they’re coming.

The remaining girls are…

「Huh, what about the other girl?」

Monkey Mimi-san asks Margo-san.

「Oh, Nei’s calling her in now」


「Only one in the team Kuromori didn’t win so she’s punished to mow the backyard」

「Huh, one of the girls would’ve won, right?」

Monkey-san said.

「Well, we told her that she’ll be responsible if the girl didn’t win so the two of them are going to do the same punishment」

Margo-san smiled wryly.


「Hey, you girls should take a shower first, you can’t show up at the party looking like that」

Looking at where Nei’s speaking…

Two girls wearing matching jersey tops and bottoms, straw hats, and a sickle, on one hand, hands, feet, and face covered in mud.

Kudou Haruka and Tendou Otome (Kendou Maria) walk in the corridor.

Oh, I see.

Kudou Haruka did win in her class, but Kendou Maria lost halfway.

「Wait for ten minutes! We’ll get them changed right away」

Nei tells me.

「Then, Mana-chan, can you bring everyone some drinks?」

Margo-san said.

「Okay, Kuromiya-san, Mikuriya-san, can you help out?」



「We’ll help out too!」

Arisu and Kinuka went to help too.

Everyone’s getting ready for the party.

「As for the guests, you can take your seats」

Megu leads the female athletes to their seats.

「Auuu, Papa」

There are a lot of strangers, and they’re all big and powerful.

Agnes is nervous.

「Don’t worry, they’re Margo and my friends」

Edie smiled at Agnes.

「Oh, right, while at it, let’s call my friends too」

Yukino said suddenly.

「Huh, Yukino, what?」

I’m surprised.


「You had friends?」

「You’re stupid! Geez!」

Yukino kicks my leg.

Then, the buzzer made a sound, indicating that someone’s at the main gate.

Who could it be?

「Isn’t it obvious when I say, my friends?」

The monitor in the dining room shows a close-up of a car seat parked in front of the main gate.

It’s evening but if someone comes, the lights are on, so we can see who’s there.

「Oh, it’s the comedian Snatch!」

Rodulfo Seiko-san looks at the screen and said.

「No way, Snatch is also here?」

Monkey Mimi-san looks at the monitor.

Indeed, Snatch, the comedian who is Yukino’s talk partner is in the driver’s seat.


「Oh my, there’s someone in Snatch’s back seat」

「Yeah, that’s Francie」

Francie, the gay columnist that appears in the same TV show as Yukino.

「It seems that it’s true, he’s too fat to fasten the seatbelt in the passenger seat」

Monkey-san said.

「Err, should I go to the main gate to welcome them?」

We can open the gate remotely, but…

They probably don’t know where to park the car in the mansion.

「Oh, it seems like it’s not needed, Yoshinobu-kun」

Margo-san looked at the monitor and said.

「Another car just arrived it seems」


There are two cars behind Snatch’s car.

The first one is Katsuko-nee’s car.

Michi’s in the passenger seat.

Oh, Minaho-neesan’s behind her.

Minaho-neesan came.

Then, there’s another car.

「Hey, hey, isn’t that?」

Monkey Mimi-san shouts.

「Isn’t that Fujimiya Reika?」

「Yes, that’s definitely her!」

Rodulfo Seiko-san said.

Rei-chan’s car has Mariko, Sakurako, and Shiranui Shie-san inside.

Oh, Sakurako-san’s check-up finished quickly.

「What do we do? Fujimiya Reika’s here too! What’s with this place?!」

Monkey Mimi’s making a fuss.