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Quadruplets Unite: Mother's Words Are Law

Chapter 1313
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Chapter 1313 Oscar’s Past

“He didn’t give a comprehensive account,” Lewis explained.

“Well, how did he put it?” Robert asked.

At that, Lewis related Oscar’s words exactly, only for Robert to guffaw in response. “I knew he wouldn’t tell the

whole truth!”

Lewis felt a little awkward.

“Please don’t mind, Lewis, Robert said. “I’m merely stating the facts.”

“So, what in the world happened?” Lewis asked, “Please, tell us, Robert.”

“Oscar told half of the story,” Robert said, “His eldest son was actually killed by his own hands, even though it was

an accident, but he was his own flesh and blood.”

Oscar killed his eldest son with his own hands? Everyone was stunned by the revelation.

Lewis’ heart sank as he realized that their father had accidentally killed his eldest brother.

“Master, please continue, Emmeline said, “This is really perplexing.”

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The others also waited quietly for Robert to explain the whole story.

“Oscar’s first wife was actually my cousin, Robert began. “But they didn’t get along well, and their marriage was

arranged by their parents. After a while, my cousin left him due to their constant quarrels and came to me for


“Seeing her homeless, I took her in only to find out later that she was already pregnant. I asked her to go back, but

she refused adamantly, so I let it be. It was like trying to force a square peg into a round hole. pushing her back to

Oscar just to follow societal norms.

“Several months later, my cousin gave birth to a son. At that time, she insisted on giving the child my surname. I

couldn’t persuade her otherwise, and considering that the child needed a father figure, I named him Quinn

Adelmar. But then Oscar suddenly appeared, saw the situation, thought that I had taken his wife and had already

fathered a child with her, and in a fit of rage, he dropped and killed the child by accident.”

At this point, everyone sighed in sympathy. It was clear that acting impulsively in a fit of anger could lead to tragic


Robert continued, “My cousin told Oscar that he had accidentally killed his own son. At first, he didn’t believe it, but

after checking the child’s birthdate and doing some calculations, he realized it was indeed his own child, but it was

too late.

“This is how the situation unfolded. Oscar, thinking that I was responsible for everything, swore to have an eternal

feud with me.”

Emmeline interjected, “Master, this shows that Old Mr. Ryker was wrong. Even if that child wasn’t his, it wasn’t

justifiable for him to kill! That’s twisted logic!”

Lewis hesitated, thinking Emmeline’s words were harsh but true. After all, no child’s life should be taken lightly!

“Later, my cousin went insane due to this incident. I did my best to treat her, but unfortunately, she ended up

taking her own life by jumping into the sea,” Robert sighed, “So, I don’t have a favorable impression of Oscar.”

Lewis wiped his forehead in remorse; he also felt that his father had acted wrongly.

“It’s not your fault, Lewis, Robert said with a smile. “You don’t need to blame yourself. To be honest, I bear some

responsibility too. If that child had taken Oscar’s surname from the beginning and not mine, perhaps these

tragedies could have been avoided.”

To lighten the mood, Robert warmly invited everyone to raise their glasses and enjoy the food and drinks. The

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atmosphere gradually became livelier.

Lewis and Rosaline, along with others, raised their glasses to toast Robert together.

Back in Struyria, Doris closed Nightfall Cafe’s doors at 9 p.m.

The four employees rode their scooters back home.

Carrying her bag, Doris walked to the nearby intersection, intending to hail a taxi to return Garden.

to Starhill

During the time Emmeline and Sam were away, she either took a taxi back or was picked up by Waylon’s chauffeur.

She felt uncomfortable always being picked up, so she declined Waylon’s offer to send a chauffeur.

Waylon, on the phone, replied coldly. “Don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not serving you; I’m here to serve Emmeline

Since she’s not around, I have to help manage her shop and employees.”

“You’re the one getting the wrong idea,” Doris retorted, holding her phone. “I’m on the same page as you. Emma

isn’t here, and she entrusted the store to me. I intend to take care of every aspect of her. I don’t need you to teach

me this,”

“That’s good, then.” Waylon said. Tm happy to save on fuel expenses since you don’t want the chauffeur to pick

you up and drop you off. But send me a message once you’re home so that I can put Emma at ease. You should

know that if something happens to an employee on their way to or from work, it could be considered a work-

related injury, leading to financial compensation or even legal troubles!”

Doris felt a sense of discomfort, her heart sinking inexplicably. She responded with a reluctant “Okay.”