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Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 2000: Discharge
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In the Medicine hall of the Gambler's academy.

The young man who was attacked by Sam is lying on the bed with his eyes closed. One could see how much pain he is going through just from his expressions. But what even the elder couldn't know is what's happening inside his head.

The elder only managed find out about death energy and its workings.

But because of its overwhelming domination in the situation, he ignored a small thing that is happening with the student. His nightmares. With the death energy and the wrist band, the student is being subjected a series of nightmares.

And all of them have one thing in common.

The kids that gave him the task of pissing of Sam. The seniors who made use of him as a thorn to poke at Sam. And now he is broken because of that and they are nowhere to be seen.

Even though he is suffering from nightmares, he is fully aware of his surroundings. He even knew that he is having nightmares and those images in his head are not real. But the more he is in that state, the angrier he felt.

He felt angry for being used like this.

And he felt angry for facing the consequences of the actions that he didn't want to commit in the first place. If he gets out of this without losing his mind, he will get his revenge.

For the next seven days, he lived through these nightmares and luckily for him, he managed to keep his sanity intact. Albeit barely.

When the death energy was finally expelled, he sat on the bed as the Elder examined.

Even he is tired by now. The past seven days he stayed beside this student and saw what kind of agony he went through. He wouldn't wish this situation on his worst enemy. And again, this Elder never really had that kind of enemies.

"Please be careful, Riwan. Take it easy for a while. Don't bother about training and academy duties. Try to relax and recover your spirit."

Riwan, the young man looked dead.

His body is brimming with vitality, but his face looked like death creeped all over it. His eyes in particular there is not an ounce of vitality within it.

"Don't worry elder. I know what to do to recover my lost spirit. Thanks for taking care of me."

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He walked out after the examination is done and he was cleared to leave.

He didn't even go to his dorm as he tried to leave, instead he looked towards the dorms of the sophomores and made his way there.

Meanwhile, back in the sophomore dormitory.

Crow is sitting on a chair with his legs crossed as he twiddles with the wristband.

A group of five people are standing in front of him. They are soaked in sweat. It is apparent from the expression in their eyes.

"I specifically informed everyone that you are not to mess with Sam in any way that is out of the rules. How dare you make a freshman do that death energy stunt? Because of you that kid is in the Medicine hall for the whole week.

I went there and saw him.

He is in such an excruciating pain that I wanted to kill all of your bastards."

"Crow, we don't know what you are talking about. We never bothered with Sam. After all, we are not really pestered by people that much because of our position right in the middle of the pecking order.

Why would we go and mess with him? Did that kid tell you that we made him do it? He is lying. He must have done it himself and got scared of the consequences.

Now he is pushing it on me."

"Stop it. Don't insult my intelligence.

Do you think I would take a week to confront you without knowing the full story? Did you really think it took me a whole week just to track you down?

I knew it was you guys on the day of the attack itself. I just wanted to know the full story. You must have been really into that freshman girl Pearl of Zeus Academy.

You took money from her lackeys and did this to Sam.

And since you are afraid of Sam himself, you made a freshman do it and made him take the brunt of it."


"I am not here to listen to your freaking explanations. You are going to face the consequences in the disciplinary committee according to the rules. Get ready for the trial. It will happen in two days and I will present all the evidence."

Crow walked out and the people in the room finally managed to heave a sigh.

But that didn't last for long.

They are clearly a bit nervous about the trial. Their prank in itself is not really that troublesome. In a normal case, they might get some tedious mission that would last for about a week. But right now things are different.

They took money from Pearl's lackey to annoy Sam and just as Crow said, they were a bit scared of him. So, they pushed one of the soft persimmons which happened to be Riwan.

"Go and call some freshmen. I want to blow off some steam."

One of them spoke and a guy walked out.

After a few minutes he came back with a couple of freshmen and they began hazing.

At that moment, Riwan who just got discharged came to the room.

"Oh, look at that. Our very own bitch Riwan is here. See, I told you guys it's a loyal bitch. He directly came to us after discharging."

One of the seniors spoke in a cheerful tone. He walked to Riwan and placed his arm over his shoulder.

"Loyal my ass. I am sure he is the one who spilled the beans to Crow."

Another senior came and looked at Riwan, he felt a bit uneasy when he looked at those dead eyes."

"What the fuck are you looking at asshole?" *PAK* A slap landed on Riwan's face.

Riwan didn't react and looked at them.

"Why did you guys do this to me? If you are really such tough guys, why didn't you do it yourself? Because of you, I had to endure seven days of hell that felt like seven years. Fucking cowards."

The seniors all exchanged a glance and one of them started the beating.

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Riwan got angry and threw a punch at one of them, but he was simply subdued and after some beating, they threw him out.

"If you go and cry at Crow or elders, we will fucking kill you."

Riwan started shedding tears as he stood up and walked away. He didn't know where he was walking, but before he knew it, he came to the entrance of the academy. He wiped his tears and walked out to drink his sorrows down.

He didn't know why he went to those seniors. He knew he had a grudge and he wanted revenge, but he also knew he wasn't capable. That is why he went to them. To see if they will feel at least some remorse. But nope, there is none of it.

He went to a bar and ordered a drink for himself. Only after he started drinking did he notice some familiar faces.

A couple of freshmen who were being hazed by those seniors when Riwan went there just entered the bar and they are approaching Riwan.

He was confused. If they are here, then that means these guys were left alone right after Riwan left and they came here following him and his guess was right.

"Hey Riwan. You Bastard. Why the fuck would you come and enrage those seniors? Because of you, we have to face extra troubles. In the past week, because you were absent, they were taking it out on us.

It is one thing that you are not grateful towards us for getting hazed instead of you for this week. You should have directly gone to your room if you are discharged. Why would you make our lives worse?"

They yapped and yapped incomprehensibly. Their words didn't even have any logic and finally they got down to what they actually came for.

To pick a fight.

They grabbed Riwan by the collar and started fighting.

Riwan who was already pissed at the seniors is full of wrath. It is one of things for the seniors to haze him because he is weak. But these guys are his peers and he is not that weak to the point even they can enrage him.

He immediately made his move and started fighting with them.

He managed to overpower the two pretty easily, but the bad part is there were a bunch of backup forces waiting outside and they stepped in.

Riwan wanted to fight them, but all of a sudden he felt a sense of sharp pain all over and in his soul. Its the side effect of the recovery. He is still not up to par with his original condition.

And this pain gave him enough gap for the new opponents to make a move. He saw a foot approaching his face, ready to kick the living daylights out of him.

But at the same minute, he saw a silver card and a trace of wind going past him and cutting through the foot.

[Important Notice ahead Read Author's Thought]