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Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 3: 7: I Volunteer
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Book 3: Chapter 7: I Volunteer

Soon they had touched down on the shore within the gates and were greeted with the sight of the first key tower… except it was nothing like a tower.

Standing in the distance about a kilometer from the pier was a massive tree hundreds of meters in diameter and height. But, if that wasn’t shocking enough, the tree itself looked little like what a tree would. It was an amalgamation of thick vines that weaved up and down to form its trunk before rising into the air to bloom into a canopy of intricate patterns that seemed to hold no life at all.

However, it was still a beautiful sight. The vines making up the body of the tree held myriads of oval shaped spaces between them that were filled with transparent crystals that acted as windows into the hollow trunk of the tree. To an observer, if they had to describe the key tower two words, they’d land on ‘World Tree’ without hesitation.

That aside, between the pier and the key tower was a ridiculous amount of moving parts.

Hundreds of thousands of tents, makeshift buildings, and what seemed like millions upon millions of warriors buzzed about in an oddly orderly fashion.

Ri suddenly nudged Dyon, “You haven’t stopped smiling in a long while, learn to read the room. Did I promise myself to a psychopath?” She said teasingly.

Dyon looked around, seemingly just realizing the gloomy expressions on everyone’s faces. The only person who seemed completely unaffected was Arios who was smiling right along with him.

Dyon grinned at Arios, “This is a great feeling, isn’t it?”

Arios’ eyes shone, “The very best.”

“You know the Sicarius family is most likely here, right? You’ll meet your brothers soon. Maybe even Ava is here knowing her personality.”

Arios paused. It had just dawned on him that Dyon was right. He had been so focused on executing the plans Dyon had laid out, that he completely forgot.

Akash was stunned, “The Sicarius family?” Her look sharpened as she looked over Arios once again. It wasn’t that she hadn’t noticed the blood thirsty aura dripping from him, it was just that she didn’t know how someone who seemed to be Dyon’s subordinate could have such a deep background.

To the outside world, the Sicarius family was a small backwater family near Focus Academy. But, God Clan level existences knew fully well how important they were to the underground of the martial world. They weren’t only the leaders of the only assassin guild on Earth, they also happened to be the only personal guards of the Royal God Clan themselves.

Akash turned her gaze toward Dyon, ‘It seems I’ve underestimated you again…’

Sighing, Akash stopped trying to put a gauge on Dyon, “Dyon. Ri. Gael. Bele. Zaltarish. Aeson. You six will come with me. The rest of you can start setting up camp. Be ready to move at any time.”

Gloomy expressions appeared on the faces of many when Akash mentioned setting up camp. It seemed that they didn’t like the footwork. But, Dyon caught a whiff of something else, ‘Seems the elves haven’t been treated well recently…’

But, he said nothing for now. If it was as simple as bad land, there was little his array alchemy and celestial will couldn’t fix.

So, Dyon ignored it, looking around to confirm some things. For one, it was clear that the space nearer the gate was much more stable than it was as you reached the middle. The fact there didn’t seem to be any counter measures against the unpredictability of the gates here attested to that.

The weather was stable, the temperature amiable, and the sky stuck in a perpetual sunlight. In other areas, day and night might flip on a whim, spring might become summer in an instant, and even the ground you stood on my not be sturdy for long.

‘I may have to use my crystal will constantly to amplify my senses when the time comes. I can’t afford any mistakes.’

However, just as Dyon was getting lost in his thoughts on their walk to the key tower, he suddenly felt a small and delicate hand slip into his, “Half the load.” Ri said softly.

Dyon was stunned for a bit before smiling, “Half the load.”


Within the key tower, a heated debate was taking place and it seemed like very few had the right to speak.

The room itself was near the very top of the key tower, sitting in the center of the canopy of vines out in the open air. And, there was of course a collection of people Dyon would recognize.

“Listen. Dealing with the Scaled Elephants of the Phantus God Clan is not going to be easy. How did they even get this close without us realizing?!” Ace Cavositas raged. Although he wasn’t a head, he was noted campaign leader of a God Clan, he had every right to speak.

“Stop asking stupid questions Ace, that’s hardly relevant right now. What’s important is that we find a way to send them back, or better yet, eliminate them here,” Elof retorted. Ace may be his friend, but scouting was the responsibility of the Saeclum clan, a branch under his family. Blaming scouting was by proxy blaming the Ragnor family, something Elof wouldn’t stand for.

“You of the Ragnor clan sure like dodging blame, never taking responsibility for anything.” Caedlum’s elder brother, Sloane Pakal, spoke out with disdain.

“It would be best if you stop pouting and pretending as though you’re above everything. I’ve never seen such a pathetic first son. Not having the talent to even surpass your younger brother and you think you have the right to talk down to mine?” Vidar Ragnor wasn’t in the mood for dealing with cheap shots from the Pakal God Clan.

The Scaled Elephant of the Phantus God Clan were no joke. They were among the main reason why Earth hadn’t conquered any new key towers in decades.

But, because they were so hard to maneuver due to their sheer size, this also handicapped them from attacking on this side of the gate… until now that is. No one had any idea how the enemy universe had managed to pull off this move, and to make it worse, their scouts hadn’t even picked it up! Now they had to deal with heavy units that didn’t even share the faults of heavy units? This was ridiculous!

Earth didn’t have a heavy emphasis on beast taming and breeding at all. You might see the odd clan like the Grimbold family and their white tigers, but that was all. How were they supposed to defend against thirty-meter-tall monstrosities?

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Sloane chuckled at Vidar’s word, “I think you should probably take some notes from me.” He said rubbing Caedlum’s hair lovingly, “At least I have an understanding when a family member is more talented and smarter than I am.” Sloane sent a not so subtle glance toward Thor who was observing in his usual quiet manner.

Vidar’s jaw clenched at these words. Who wouldn’t be able to tell what Sloane’s words meant?

Thor was a member of a branch family but had been welcomed with open arms as a dual first in line genius along with him. His faith seed was the higher ranked and the one that provided the most talent. If it wasn’t for him not understanding he had a faith seed due to being born in a branch family, no one doubted he’d have surpassed Vidar by now.

“Alright. That’s enough.” Elwing Belmont calmed the situation down. “I think it’s best we try and hold them off for as long as possible and call my brother and Madeleine Sapientia back here.”

A handsome red headed young man, sitting beside a decidedly more reserved and mature Ava, nodded in agreement, “I agree. The first in line genius of the Sapientia clan made her debut in the gates against the Phantus God clan. Her ability to use music will to deal with the beasts is our best bet right now.”

Elwing nodded, turning to a young man with golden eyes and crystal framed glasses, “Do you think you can handle communicating with your other Sapientia God clan branch to get them to come back, Airic?”

“That might be a prob –“

“Actually.” Ava spoke out, glancing toward the Niveus sect to find Delia, “We know someone else who’s even better than Madeleine with music will, no?”

Over the passed year plus of time, Delia had chosen to leave Focus Academy to join the all girls God sect: Niveus. As such, she was now known as Delia Niveus. This was, of course, the sect that only accepted women with God level constitutions.

A girl with white hair and eyes Dyon would have recognized as the girl from the legacy world opening, looked at Delia questioningly. But, she was quite surprised to find a nod of affirmation.

Seeing Erea Niveus’ reaction, many realized there was more than a little truth to Ava’s words. In fact, even if they questioned the legitimacy of such words, not many would be willing to offend the Sicarius clan, especially when it came to Ava… her father was a bit… over-protective to say the least.

The head of the Niveus campaigns, and first in line genius, Evelyn Niveus, was interested in this as well. In fact, she shared Erea’s characteristics even down to the white hair and eyes because they happened to be sisters, “And who is this person?” She asked questioningly.

Ava smiled remembering a handsome young man, “Her fiancé.”

Airic furrowed his brows at this. As the current campaign head of Earth’s Sapientia God Clan, he didn’t like how Ava referred to Dyon. Ester Sapientia had even told him to keep an eye out for him specifically… It seemed Akash had missed one other clan when it came to Dyon’s enemies.

“I’ve never heard of someone under that title.” Airic said, clearly pissed off.

“Whether you want to pretend or not is irrelevant to me. You’re already aware of how Madeleine feels about the situation, and I doubt that you, someone who couldn’t earn the first in line genius title for themselves, has station above hers.” Ava’s words were sharp, she was never one to deal with nonsense. How these people could very well see how Madeleine felt and still deny it was beginning to grate on her nerves.

Airic didn’t seem perturbed by this. He was a scholar above all else and spats weren’t within his style. “My feelings are irrelevant. I only acquiesce my wishes to that of my clan. And I’ve never heard of them accepting such a thing.”

A sudden sound came from the stairs at the side of the room. The sound was faint, but it seemed as though there was not a person here who could stop themselves from looking over.

There, seven people walked into sight. Four were easily recognizable. Akash, her younger brother, Gael and Bele. But, among those not recognized, Aeson was completely ignored.

But, what everyone was focused on was a young man that walked in beside a woman of unparalleled demeanor and beauty.

The eyes of the heads sharpened, focusing in on him. His aura was arrogant and care free. He exuded a lack of respect for practically anyone.

But the beauty by his side was someone none here had seen before, ‘Who is she?’

Ava’s eyes lit up, jumping for her chair and running to Dyon, hugging him tightly.

Dyon was stunned for a bit before he laughed, “Ava, how are you?”

Ava backed away a bit embarrassed. When she had first met Dyon, her impression of him wasn’t so good. He was a flirtatious annoyance who was also arrogant and weak, he hardly deserved any of her attention. But, after he saved Madeleine and got revenge for her even at the expense of his own wellbeing, he took hold of a strong part of her heart. She didn’t romanticize their relationship because she had realized that that was just the type of person Dyon was – he saved and cared without reserve. So, to her, he was a great friend she wanted to always be a part of her life.

Yet, despite Ava’s innocent actions, many people took this the wrong way. Even Zaltarish nearly self-imploded, ‘How many women you bastard?! Teach me!’

Dyon smiled at Ava’s reaction before looking past her. He barely spent any time scanning Elwing and he completely ignored Ace and Elof, much to their anger – but, he did take note of a few people… namely Vidar, Voron and Airic. Well, it may have been more accurate to say that their eyes were among the most noticeable.

Even Thor’s eyes seemed to have a shift in them, ‘He’s grown.’

“I hear you need my services?”

Surprisingly, Elwing was the first to respond. “How useful would your music will be in dealing with beasts compared to First in line genius Madeleine Sapientia?”

“Not as useful as hers.” Dyon said without hesitation. “Madeleine practices music techniques and thus has specialized methods to direct her music will. Music techniques useful for men are rare and I haven’t dabbled in such things.”

Disappointment colored the faces of neutral parties. But, there was a faint happiness on the faces of some at the thought that they wouldn’t have to rely on Dyon.

Dyon smiled to himself. Although what he said was true, that didn’t mean he didn’t have a method to deal with beasts like that. His music will didn’t need to be as well directed as Madeleine’s, he only needed to combine his music will with some tactics he thought of to deal with large beasts. But, he wouldn’t say this so soon, after all, he preferred if his Madeleine came back sooner.

“Useless.” Ace said under his breath. But, who here would not have heard him?

Still, Dyon pretended to have no heard him. Instead looking around the room.

However, too many took this as a sign of weakness. This was a room they had just spent hours yelling at each other in, who would accept an insult like that?

Suddenly, Dyon’s eyes landed on Delia, “Del –“, before Dyon could finish his brows furrowed, “Why isn’t your God constitution awakened to 100%.”

Dyon didn’t wait for her response, instead looking around at the women surrounding her to land on a white haired and eyed young woman – Evelyn Niveus.

A rage began building up in Dyon’s heart, “You have a lot of nerve.”

Dyon’s care free demeanor changed completely. A dark pressure covered the room as many realized that Dyon hadn’t ignored Ace because he was scared. He had ignored him because such a small character wasn’t worth his time.

Akash could only watch helplessly from the side. It didn’t seem like this matter would be simple.

There, sat an aloof young lady with a faint smile playing on her face. Even though she was seated, her eyes seemed to look down on everything.

But, that wasn’t what angered Dyon.

Her God level constitution was awakened to 100% and that could only mean one thing. She stole what was meant to be for Delia.

Dyon’s anger raged, the small flickers of black flames playing in his hazel-green eyes.

The campaign heads watched on in interest. Although they didn’t like Dyon, they couldn’t help but admit to themselves that they had severely underestimated him. But, this was something anyone would have found ridiculous. If you had paid attention, how could a first in line genius fall in love with a normal man? They should have realized this a long time ago instead of letting their biases play their thoughts.

“Dyon? What’s wrong?” Delia looked confused. “I only haven’t awakened my constitution to 100% because Patriarch Niveus wanted to study the pill to see if more of our sisters could benefit… I hope you don’t mind.”

Dyon’s heart broke at Delia’s naivete. She didn’t have access to the senses Dyon had with his aurora, how could she tell that the pill she had given in good faith had already been used?

“What an excellent sect you are.” Dyon’s eyes sharpened, not yielding to Evelyn in the least.

“What do you mean?” Evelyn said playfully. “The truth is just as younger sister Delia has said. It can’t be that you want to keep such an ingenious thing to yourself, right? You should be kinder to women, I’m quite good friends with Madeleine, I wouldn’t want her to know of her future husband as a short-tempered brute.”

Dyon turned to Delia, “When my soul reaches the 8th stage, I form another one for you. Are you willing to follow me?”

There were not enough pills to condense to be effective at 100%, Dyon had already used too many of them. Therefore, he could only wait until he became a high-level grandmaster array alchemist. So, his soul would need to climb to the peak of the 7th stage before he could boost it to the appropriate level.

Delia looked at the person she had called big sister for the better part of the last year and half. She was slowly beginning to piece together what was going on – but, she didn’t want to believe it.

“Dyon.” She said softly. “Are you sure?”

Dyon walked over to Delia, ignoring the glances of everyone and walking right past Evelyn.

He placed his hand on Delia’s shoulder, “You’re Madeleine’s little sister. Therefore, you’re mine too. I want nothing but the best for you and a corrupt clan like this isn’t.”

Delia looked down, gripping her fists at her knees as she tried to control her emotions. There was nothing she wanted in life more than to get stronger. She had watched her father age away in a backwater Academy for much of her life. She had learned her mother was taken away by the Clyte God Clan, a clan she knew next to nothing about. And now, the sect she had chosen to grow stronger, one she had put her faith in, had betrayed her.

“Leaving the Niveus God Sect is nothing short of a crime punishable by death. I’m not sure what it is you think happened, but I hope you won’t be following a fool to your grave.” Evelyn spoke calmly, her smile never leaving her face.

“You’ve taken our resources, our techniques, you’ve learned our secrets and so much more. Our patriarch has even spent precious amounts of her time diligently teaching you. You’re quite ungrateful.”

Dyon’s head snapped, the back of his hand flying towards the unsuspecting Evelyn.



The eyes of everyone widened as Evelyn was sent flying across the room, the shrieking of her voice causing them to wince.

Erea stood violently, “YOU! That’s my sister!”

Dyon said nothing to her, instead looking back to Delia, kneeling down one knee, “Hey,” He said trying to get the attention of the dazed Delia.

No one knew what was going on. Evelyn was a first in line genius! Her god constitution wasn’t among the best and her talent couldn’t compare to Madeleine or those with faith seeds, but that didn’t change the fact she was a high-level Meridian formation expert. And yet, Dyon sent her flying when it was clear he had no cultivation!

Delia looked up and into Dyon’s eyes weakly, “I’m so sorry Dyon. I – I lost something precious of yours…”

Dyon’s heart saddened looking at Delia. From what Madeleine had told him, he was quite aware that Delia had a tough exterior but was still quite weak. She had a lot of room to grow as a person and the situation with her parents was fast-tracking the progression. But, she felt like this was a wall she had hit. And yet, she cared more about letting Dyon down than not having awakened her constitution.

Dyon sighed, “When I give something, I don’t claim it to still be mine. I gave the pill to you and you had every right to use it as you wanted. You have a kind heart and wanted to help people. How could you know someone you thought of as a big sister would take it for herself?”

Erea froze at these words, slowly turning towards the bloodied Evelyn. Her sister’s usual beautiful appearance had become swollen – even some of her teeth were missing.

“Very good!” Evelyn shook violently, shoving medicinal pills into her mouth. “From this day forth you’re expelled from the Niveus sect!” historical

Dyon turned a sharp gaze to the bloodied white-haired girl, “Say something else and I’ll kill you.”

Evelyn froze mid-sentence, shaking violently under Dyon’s gaze.

Dyon looked her up and down in disgust, “I can already tell what happened. You practice a technique that requires chastity and yet you didn’t keep it. You’re pathetic. You have no conviction, so you seek to make up for it by stealing what belongs to others. Tell the old bitch of your sect that Delia will no longer be in the Niveus sect. The fact she manipulated a young girl for the benefit of such a pathetic first in line genius is enough for me to kill her.”

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Evelyn eyes widened at Dyon’s words, “Y- you!”

“You? What? It’s clear to anyone that you used to practice a lower heaven technique but were forced to switch to an earth one. Did you think the rules of a cultivation method were a joke? No wonder you’re so weak. Did you think you could keep up a façade in front of me?

You can keep the pill and what it’s given you. It’s completely useless to you considering the backlash you’re facing right now. Challenge me again or speak ill of my sister and I’ll have no issues killing you.”

Everyone looked at Dyon stunned.

Ri couldn’t help but roll her eyes again, ‘There you go again…’

Dyon couldn’t be bothered with the Niveus sect girls anymore. He had already been disgusted with their chastity practices to begin with, it seemed more like man hate than anything else – whether that was because he was biased or not.

He wouldn’t have cared about Evelyn being a virgin or not, under normal circumstances, he would have remained silent. But, her actions and her words pissed him off.

Dyon put his hand out to Delia, smiling as her small olive hand entered his, “I’ll protect you while your big sister is away.”

Delia’s eyes sparkled with tears as she nodded.

Dyon stood, walking past Evelyn much to her shock. After bringing Delia to the elves, Dyon smiled at Ri, “Delia, this is my fiancée, Princess Alexandria Acacia.”

Ava’s eyes widened, taking a second look at the otherworldly beauty who had been silent this whole time.

Ri smiled greeting Delia, “Since you’re big sister Madeleine’s little sister, we can be sisters too, no?”

Delia nodded shyly, accepting Ri’s hand.

Ava looked at Dyon at the same time as Ri looked up from Delia, “Pervert.”

Dyon helplessly looked between the two of them, ‘What did I do?’

Delia giggled, feeling a bit better watching this scene, which in turn made Dyon feel better. There was nothing harder than getting someone to stop blaming themselves. Delia was young and naïve, not as mature as Madeleine or as hardened as Ri, but, could everyone be as outstanding as those two?

Madeleine had been basically sentenced to death for most of her life, and yet, she still forged ahead to form loving relationships with those around her. What’s harder than caring for others when you yourself have little to rely on?

Ri had basically been pushed into a leading role since her youth, even to the point where she diligently built and alliance and army under the noses of everyone. The determination she had to climb to the top of the steps at dead kings valley… feeling her bones crack and her organs rupture, and still moving forward – these weren’t things many people had.

Dyon hoped that over time, Delia could learn from her sisters. Then she’d stand as tall as they did.

Finally, Dyon looked back toward those in attendance. His display had had his wanted effect. He had not only dealt with Evelyn and her disrespect of Delia, he had also shut the mouths of much of the people here.

He took note of the fact he saw no members of the Kami God Clan here, ‘Are they not from this planet?…’ But, he couldn’t be bothered with that right now.

His eyes wandered until the snapped onto a young man with crystal framed glasses and gold eyes, “Can you contact Madeleine or not?”

Airic looked at Dyon, and maybe it was because of the confidence in Dyon’s voice or the display from earlier, but he felt compelled to answer, “No. They’re within a gate. Maybe when they come out it will be possible.”

Dyon nodded, a bit disappointed. “Doesn’t matter.”

A strange look appeared on the face of many there, what did he mean?

“I can handle it anyway. I’ll save you all the trouble of finding underhanded means to send me up as vanguard. I volunteer. I already know everything I need to know about the Phantus God Clan. Just stay out of my way.”

Something suddenly dawned on everyone. Dyon hadn’t wanted them to contact Madeleine because he needed her help… He just wanted to see her.

With that, Dyon turned and left. Not caring about their so-called vote. He was sure this was how they’d want it to end up anyway, might as well stop them from wasting his time.

Many watched Dyon disappear with varying emotions, but, the heads were deadpan. They were quite used to arrogance like this. In fact, even their arrogance was like this. But, the difference between them and Dyon was that they had backing that warranted such arrogance. Where was Dyon’s? The Elvin Kingdom? It was true that the Elvin Kingdom was the equivalent of any god clan here, even more so if their king was here, but they were also a declining kingdom… Aside from Akash, none of their younger generation had any rankings of note.

But, with Dyon and now this mysterious unknown princess… their backing was enough for them to take a second look at Dyon.

Ava walked back to sit beside her brother, “What is it?” She asked noticing his odd expression.

Suddenly, a message entered both of their ears, making them shake violently. They looked at each other in shock before rushing out under the confused eyes of everyone. But, there wasn’t much they could do about it.

Sloane Pakal suddenly began to laugh, “Little brother, that friend of yours is quite interesting. But, he might be underestimating the Phantus God clan a bit too much… There’s a reason they can attack us alone without worry.”

Caedlum who had been silent this whole time finally looked in the direction Dyon left in, “I guess we’ll see. He’s right regardless, he just saved us a lot of time. Even I would have voted for him to be vanguard if nothing else but to test him. The first time a person touches a battle field is the time you can tell what kind of person they really are…”

Elwing calmly looked around the room. He demeanor was completely different from his interactions with the Elvin Kingdom, he acted as a true prince here. Aloof and refined.

He turned his gaze toward Vidar and Voron, “If you two want any chance with Madeleine Sapientia, you’d best stop considering this Dyon as a nuisance and more like you treat my elder brother. If you don’t start seeing him as a rival, he’ll crush you before you realize what happened.”

They both nodded. Their thinking was much the same. There was a time for the arrogant young master personalities, and there was a time for taking things seriously. Madeleine wasn’t just a beauty, having her virginity meant a ridiculous boost in power that would solidify most of their futures. This wasn’t just about wanting a beautiful girl. Madeleine was the only virgin in this universe with a god constitution awakened to 100%. Her value was immeasurable.

Of course, Elwing didn’t remind these two of this because he wanted them to win, he just didn’t want Dyon to be strutting around so easily because people constantly underestimated him. The best-case scenario was that he died as vanguard. But, in the event that he didn’t, he’d officially become one of them. And when that happened, he’d learn what it really took to stay at the top.