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Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 6: 273: Not Even Top Ten Million (3)
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Book 6: Chapter 273: Not Even Top Ten Million (3)


Elder Bowa’s pent up rage erupted as he laughed maniacally.

He didn’t have to move, he knew that Dyon wouldn’t recklessly step off of the asteroid. Although the protective shield was gone, the asteroid could at least provide some protection.

However, Dyon was still swatted around aimlessly. With the protection gone, the gravity severely dropped, making the weight of his halberd more and more meaningless.

To combat this and have battles in space, celestials would counteract this by using their celestial energy to artificially add weight to themselves. This was possible because celestial energy was quite special on the energy spectrum and was only behind enigmatic energy in terms of its usefulness.

The problem was that Dyon’s energy was sealed. And, even if it wasn’t, he would only have access to essence energy unless he utilized his soul. This was truly troublesome.


Elder Bowa’s actions were so erratic and wild that he took no small number of lives among his own men. They could only miserably scream out in protest, begging for forgiveness.

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But, Elder Bowa had turned into a madman. The humiliation of being so severely injured by a mere essence gatherer made him lose himself in rage.

With every sweep of his hands, the cracking in his ribs became more distinct, fueling his anger even further.

The torrent of palms rained downward, completely surpassing the abilities of a first stage celestial expert, nearly breaking into the middle levels.

From the first palm, to the hundredth, Dyon’s eyes lit up with rage. His blood boiled and his eyes reddened, causing the already dark atmosphere to plummet into another ether.

However, Elder Bowa was too lost in his own world to realize that he had truly infuriated Dyon this time.

Before, Dyon had accepted humiliation for the sake of the soul slaves. They were far less fortunate than he was, so he felt like he had a duty as the Legatee of both his quadrant and his own to save them and wipe away their wrongs.

But, there was no purpose in getting beaten this time. And he wouldn’t allow it to continue!

Dyon roared into the skies, whipping his wings outward with such ferocity that the massive illusory palms that were approaching him completely shattered.

Dyon’s master’s eyes glowed when she saw this, ‘He applied the principles of [Chaotic Halberd] to his wings…. He’s close to breaking through…’

Just as she finished the thought, Dyon radiated outward with an unstoppable momentum. His single pair of wings became three, and their black sheen gave way to a blinding gold that made him look like a shining sun.

Seeing this, Dyon’s master along with the spirits felt their eyes widen in shock. They first thought that Dyon had broken his master’s rules by using some sort of high-level enhancement technique, but they soon realized that the wings weren’t a technique at all, they were part of Dyon!

The moment Dyon’s golden wings appeared, the asteroid threatened to shatter completely, unable to withstand his dominance. However, Dyon’s eyes were blinded with such rage that he could be bothered to notice.

What Dyon also didn’t notice was that just behind his wings, the flickering of six halos flashed into and out of existence, as though they were trying to break through something.

However, despite Dyon’s domineering appearance, Elder Bowa continued to rage, even further angered by his technique being obliterated so wholly.

Dyon valiantly stepped forward, steadily walking toward his enemy.

His halberd swung with such force that the gales pushed the debris left by the destroyed auction house, sending them outward as though they were deadly projectiles.

Every step he took was like another stomp to Elder Bowa’s chest, and every swing was like another slap to the face.

[Chaotic Halberd] circulated to inconceivable levels, leaving a trail of misty black aura with Dyon’s every attack.

Palm after palm shattered against Dyon’s valiant might. Even when they became more frequent, densely filling the air with a palpable killing intent, Dyon’s eyes only blazed with more fighting intent.

Piercing shadow and slicing shadow moved along interchangeably, spinning through a cycle faster and faster.

Dyon had long seen through the worst flaw in this technique. There were only two stances, but they couldn’t gain momentum off of one another effectively. How was one meant to swiftly switch from piercing forward with a spear to swinging with a glaive? It placed too much pressure on the wielder.

In truth, Dyon had no idea how to solve this. But, what he did know was that the faster he forced his arms to move, the more refined his technique became, the less energy he would have to use, while also outputting the most power.

Two hundred meters…. One hundred meters… Fifty meters… Twenty-five meters… Ten meters….

Dyon’s eyes bore holes into Elder Bowa’s pale features. It was clear that his use of the formation core was becoming weaker and weaker. How could a pathetic celestial like this who still had an essence gathering level soul possibly manipulate this formation core for a long period of time?

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“Are you very angry?” Dyon’s deep and rumbling voice shook Elder Bowa awake. “Do you believe that it’ll be an injustice for me to kill you?” Dyon roared, his anger raising to another level. “You don’t even rank in the top ten million powerhouses I’ve killed!”

Dyon’s words shook Elder Bowa to the core. At first he wanted to scream out that that was nonsense, that it couldn’t possibly be true. But, Dyon’s eyes weren’t filled without any doubt or lie.

All Elder Bowa could see was pure disdain, pure disdain for having to stain his hands with Elder Bowa’s blood.

When Dyon swept through Planet Moon, killing hoards of celestials with a single thought, Elder Bowa was busy pretending to be at the peak of the world while bullying children. When Dyon was fighting against a peak saint genius and killing a former dao formation expert, Elder Bowa was busy lording over toddlers.

He was not worthy to face Dyon. They weren’t even on the same level!

Dyon took a final step, his halberd glowing as he raised it for a final attack.

The vacuum of space shattered, cracking the land beneath Dyon’s feet.

There was something different about this swing… Something so primitive and mighty that Elder Bowa wanted to fall to his knees.

He believed it all at that point. Watching Dyon break into the One with Self realm for the second time in less than an hour, he was completely convinced… He was nothing but an ant…

Without even utilizing his Presence, Dyon completely shattered Elder Bowa’s will to live, and then, took his life in their final clash.

The remaining saints could only watch on as Elder Bowa’s body erupted into a bloody shower. Unfortunately, the halberd only had a blunt edge, unable to be properly forged into a sharp one. So, a once mighty celestial became nothing but minced meat.

Dyon couldn’t be bothered with these saints. Leaving them here to die in the expanse of space was more a better punishment than directly killing them. Their luck for surviving was actually worthless.

Looking off into the distance, Dyon’s rage didn’t subside. His only goal was to completely destroy the forces of Planet Cathedral!