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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 97
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Chapter 97

| certainly didn’t expect the Larson family to work miracles for Foebe’s grandma, but with Anthony's cards on the

table. | had a clear picture in my head.

Anthony thought | was still the sold Foebe, easy to manipulate. He couldn't be more


The Foebe of the past might have harbored ssentimental feelings for Anthony and his wife, tied by blood

and familial bonds, but not me,

My parents were taken fromin a car accident when | was eighteen, and as for Anthony and his wife, they

were no parents to me.

“Dad, you've got it all wrong. | mean, I'm the head honcho at the Langley family now. Brendan might be heading

back home, but he’s had a stroke and lost all his clout. And that Samuel guy? He's out for the count. The Langley

folks have to listen tonow,” | said with a quick smile, eager to clarify.

Anthony snorted, squinting at me. “The Larson family raised you for years. You cback to us at eighteen, but

we're your flesh and blood, We've nurtured you since then. We rise and fall as one, you got that?”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

| nodded earnestly. “Dad, | get it, | do.”

He gave a curt nod. “Right now, we need to think about how to take control of the Langley estate as soon as

possible. That Henry has a firm grip on the company. Given enough time, he could snatch everything away from

us, and they won't go easy on you.”

“Dad, what's the plan?” | asked softly.

He gavea look. “We're going to get your sister into the Langley Group. You cback too late, missed out

on the proper upbringing, and don’t know the first thing about running a business. We'll get your sister in there

to help you out. Once she’s got a foothold, you can transfer any shares you get to her.”

| looked at Anthony, trying to keep a straight face. His true intentions were as clear as day.

Why on earth would | hand over my shares to Coraline?

That's laughable.

“Dad, it’s not that easy to just insert someone into the Langley Group. Coraline’s gotta prove herself, right? I've

never dealt with the company’s ins and outs; how would | know how to sneak someone in?” | said quietly. “If she

can’t even get through a Langley hiring process. how's she supposed to carry such responsibility and earn


| sighed.

“Dad, I'm just thinking about our grand plan here. What do you think?”



Chapter 97

Anthony looked atand nodded. “Fine, I'll handle it. Your job is to pave the way for Coraline

and Oscar.”

| stayed quiet as Anthony spoke again. “Foebe, you're part of the Langley family now. There are times you should

step aside for your sister. You and Oscar just aren't meant to be.”

I smiled without a word.

Oscar, Foebe’s boyfriend, supposedly cfrom money, but the family’s fortunes had dwindled, and Oscar

himself wasn’t exactly capable. So, the plan was to hitch Coraline’s wagon to the Langley star.

Bold indeed. It’s the classic case of biting off more than one can chew.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“If there's nothing else, you can go. Get yourself ready,” Anthony waved dismissively.

| raised an eyebrow.

What kind of father was this? Callingback hwithout so much as a meal to offer.

Coraline stole Foebe’s boyfriend, and | was expected to help her infiltrate the Langley Group, hand over my

shares, and support a deadbeat?

Back when | lived with the Fitzgeralds, | only put up with Dexter's mistreatment because | had no other choice.

Fighting back only invited more beatings, so | endured in silence.

But that didn’t mean | was an idiot.

| never imagined the Larsons would be so brazen as to treat someone like an idiot. It just showed how demeaned

and dehumanized Foebe must have felt all these years within their


“Well, if there's nothing else, I'll be going.” | said, glancing at the tand standing up to leave.

Chapter 98