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Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 407 The Craziest Part Of The Plan!
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Legolas' crazy plan worked.


[NEW! Tamed Beast!]

[Guardian Komodo Dragon: ???]

[Gender: Male]

Affinity: Strength; Magnetism

Level: 85

Grade: C+


STR- 14,320; DEX- 9,900; VIT- 13,100; INT- 7,800; MYS- 10,235; CHA- 5,000; LUK- 8,000

Health Points [HP]: 97,450/209,000

Mana Points [MP]: 211,300/413,000

[Basic Active Abilities:]

>Draconic Strength<

>Strength Amplification; Triple Threat<

>Magnetic Field<

>Magnetic Hole<




[Special Active Abilities:]

>Might of the Guardian Komodo Dragon<

>Limit Remover; Dragon Descendant<

>Unstoppable Charge<

>Charge- Endless Potential<



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[Guardian Ability:]

>Hyper Magnetism<

[Remark: This is what you call a Monster, not useless blokes like the others!]


Just one look at the status of the Guardian Komodo Dragon told Legolas how much of a risk he just took, and how much of a genius his plan was.

Without a doubt, from it's status, this Guardian Komodo Dragon was the strongest Grade C beast that Legolas had encountered to date.

Compared to Predator and the likes, this beast was far superior.

'I won the jackpot!' Legolas clenched his right fist.

For the first time since the cataclysm started, he felt a feeling of satisfaction stir within him as the uncertainty of the situation faded a bit.

After suffering so much during the arc of the Clown Society, sacrificing so much for victory, he wanted to make a change in Version 2.

This was why he strived so hard to help President Shanks develop the planet, this was why he didn't blink twice in revealing some of his core secrets that he had the means to bring Mechanics to Planet Darvis from far away planets.

With his assistance, Planet Darvis developed rapidly, becoming the stalwart that it currently was but he was never assured because he knew Dominator.

Some of the sequences during Version 1 reminded him that this time, he was not living in a monotonous game, he was living in a real game world.

Depending on how much he interfered, it was already proven that the game could also improvise, even going as far as changing the storyline.

This was what increased his uncertainty.

'Did my intervention make things better or did it worsen things?'

'Will the cataclysm really play out as I imagined?'

His paranoia in the end proved to not be without basis after the emergence of the Grade B enemy Mechanic.

When he made his plans, he never put in the factor of a Grade B Superhuman because no Grade B Superhuman arrived in Version 2 during his previous life, this was another ripple effect of his actions.

Despite hating the changes, Legolas had no choice but to adapt as they came. It was either he improvised, or his quest in getting stronger ends which indirectly meant his quest to knowing the full mystery of reincarnation also ends.

The pressure pushed him into making the unconventional plan.

And now, here he was, already extremely close to achieving his objective.

The Guardian Komodo Dragon trilled softly as Legolas patted its head, rubbing its scaly body even as the humans also finally stood up.

When the humans suddenly stood up from death, the Komodo Dragon froze.

"Hiss…!" It hissed as realization finally dawned on it.

Despite being tamed already, the Komodo Dragon did not suddenly lose its personality. It was still the ferocious Guardian of the border, this was when it finally realized that it was played by the humans.

Its sensitive tongue would have detected the truth long ago that the humans were not dead if it was in the right state of mind, but unfortunately, Legolas' display offset it so much psychologically which spilled on to its physical performance.

In the end, psychological battle mattered as much if not even more than the physical battle, the Guardian Komodo Dragon learned an important lesson today.

The look that it gave Legolas changed instantly.

Legolas rubbed its head. "No hard feelings bro, a man got to do what a man has to do to survive this cruel world".

Seeing the scene before them, all of the Grade C Superhumans who accompanied Legolas to the Beast Plane were stunned.

'He did it… again'. The same sentence rang in all their minds.

Again, they saw Legolas perform a miracle, making the impossible possible.

When Legolas proposed the plan, all of them thought it was crazy but since there was no better plan, they had no choice but to go through with it.

They had to fulfill their parts of the plan while praying that none of them die, but the real hardest part was the part played by Legolas.

He had to really act like he hated them and was willing to kill them, and his attacks had to really hurt to be able to trick the Guardian Komodo Dragon.

In the end, Legolas pulled off a perfect Oscar worthy performance.

They were all amazed and awed.

"We did it?" President Shanks walked closer as he asked.

"Yeah, we more or less did". Legolas smiled.

The President finally looked through the colorful barrier that separated this sub plane of the Beast plane from the higher plane.

Legolas read his intentions. "Yes, if you want, since the Guardian is already taken care of, all of us can take a trip to the higher plane but it's dangerous".

"Not only do Grade B Beasts reside there, there are also Grade A Beasts".

The sparkling look in the eyes of the others immediately dimmed.

"Besides, remember, Blade is currently risking his life on our behalf".

That remark immediately drew them back to what mattered. For a brief moment, they already forgot but this reminded them, they were currently at war.

They came here to achieve a goal which they already got.

They all looked at Legolas. "So, what next?"

Legolas' rubbing of the Komodo Dragon's scales turned rough even as his face turned serious, his energy turned turbulent.

"We execute the craziest part of the plan".

It was already a couple of hours since the aerial bombardment by the Nak Battleships started, and Planet Darvis was already a scene of total carnage.

The cries of pain of dying warriors reverberated.

The roars of anger of warriors losing their comrades echoed unceasingly.

Combining the cries and roars with the burning world engulfed by fire, and the blood dying everywhere red, Planet Darvis painted a perfect picture of an ongoing Apocalypse or a Cataclysm.

Unless a miracle happened, Planet Darvis was already lost.

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pǎпdǎ Йᴏνê1,сòМ Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of collisions reverberated like thunder.

Here stood the only warrior who defended the Planet with vigor.

"Planet Darvis will not fall!"

Blade already had blood all over his face and body, his combat armor was torn and damaged but he didn't let this affect his will to save his planet.

"I must fulfill my master's will!"

"I must not fail my master's expectations!"

"I must save the Planet!"

Screaming words at random intervals, Blade seemed like a mad man as he clashed against the strongest enemy of the Nak Navy. The defense by the 2 Destroyers were already now tame as both were close to their limits.

They could barely keep themselves afloat in the skies.

Champion Onana thrashed them singlehandedly.

"Weaklings!" He taunted.

"I expected more resistance from you lots".

As the outcome of the battle increasingly tilted in the favor of the Nak Navy, Champion Onana finally regained his casual spirit to taunt his opponents.

"I admire your grit and determination but they are useless".

"Against a warrior of my caliber, you stand no chance".

"Planet Darvis does not deserve you".

"Join my cause to fulfill your true potential".

Blade glared at this warrior. "Get lost!"

"Stones' Specialty: Obliteration Fist!"

Champion Onana sneered. "Futile".

He erected the shield generator of the Silver Surfer to defend against the attack but at the last second, his danger instinct suddenly spiked.


~Silver Surfer~

[Warning! Discovering Unusual Fluctuations in place!]

[WARNING! Space-time…]


Champion Onana was shocked as his mechanic suit was suddenly locked in place, he felt his heart skip a beat.

Blade's eyes gleamed as he seemed to develop a crazy edge.

'It's finally time'.