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Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 536 A Clash Of Calamity Grades! [1]
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'I don't know why master sent me here but it definitely can't be good'. Christensen thought with worry evident on his face.

She could feel his worry.

"Calm down". She looked into his eyes.

"Legolas can do a lot of things but he values relationships, he will never send his student to his death, you should know this already".

Christensen inclined his head to look at Sonia with furrowed brows.

Yes, Sonia was his assistant in his mission in Ackermann Space.

Over the 50 years of growth, bursting into the scene, the Nightmare mercenary group had no lack of enemies. The Sonia that seemingly rode with Legolas to Planet Cloudy Gaze was just an impersonator.

Most of their weak enemies feared them and the strong ones were scared of the Nak Navy but in the case one of them became bold enough to try assassinating his student, Legolas sent Sonia along as insurance.

Having gone on numerous mercenary missions together over the years, the chemistry between Christensen and Sonia was now much. Together in battle, the sum of their powers was greater than a simple addition of 1 plus 1.

Christensen sighed but the worry didn't leave his eyes. "I know he'll never send me to my death, but something tells me that at the end of whatever is going to happen here, I'll be left scrambling for my life".

Sonia grinned. "That's the exciting part of it".

"And that's why I followed you here, Legolas never gives boring exclusive missions, they are always exciting".

Yes, at this moment, they were in the capital planet of Ackermann Space, Planet Macouver and they lodged a hotel in the floating city that was closest to the floating city housing the Presidential villa.

Christensen looked at the distant city with a lot of things going through his mind, he muttered. "I wonder what will happen…" He paused.


The Ackermann State's Presidential Villa erupted in flames.

"What?" Christensen was horrified. "The President is in there!"

From this distance, they saw the golden light left by the staff flash.

Then, it was over…, or so it seemed.

Unfortunately, it was never going to be over so easily.

Planet Macouver roared to life…

Thousands of warships rose into the skies in no time as the skies became bloated by the sheer number of warships. Planet Macouver entered a state of emergency as elite Ackermann warriors filled the cities.

Christensen became increasingly horrified. 'What happened?'

'Was the President assassinated?'

Sonia smirked. "Legolas never fails, he really has prophetic powers".

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45 seconds later…


Alarms blared round this planet as the stealth ship was found.

The leader of the Beast Coalition was found.

The warships all charged after this lone warship at record speed.

Somewhere in Planet Mancouver as this chase started, very far away from the city housing the once Presidential villa, there was an old mechanic workshop.

It was built in a dome shape and was already covered by dirt.

It seemed like its owner abandoned it long ago.

It was while the 5 Grade A Supers led the army of warships aggressively after the stealth ship that this dome-shaped mechanic workshop finally opened for the first time in decades since he went into seclusion.

A 6th Calamity Grade Ackermann Super emerged.

With a thick stone-cold face filled with messy brown beard and hair, he looked up with furrowed brows. "Assassins?" He muttered. "What is going on?"

His eyes narrowed. "The kid Dominik is dead?!"


Instantly, the dead mechanic workshop hummed to life.

The dome-shaped mechanic workshop transformed instantly into a war fortress. Powerful war turrets emerged from inside in various places, gigantic canon launchers appeared with their muzzles all pointed at the escaping spaceship.

The last thing to appear was an absolutely gigantic mech suit.

It was almost a kilometer tall, towering above the dome-shaped workshop.

Those who had heard of his legend would recognize him immediately. This iconic mech suit was the Life Spanner, and its rider was the legendary Ackermann Calamity Grade warrior, Elyon the Heavy Artillery Mechanic!

As soon as this mech appeared, this man jumped inside it as it closed up the next moment. Then all its lights lit up, then it focused at the sky.

It only had 2 weapons, it's hands that were gigantic canon launchers.

"You dare kill the President in my presence!"

He pulled the trigger.


The explosion and sound that followed was like that of a cataclysm!

2 flaming canons of gigantic proportions rapidly accelerated towards the spaceship as they seemed to warp space and time with their movement!

Seeing the origin of the canons, all the Ackermann warriors were uplifted!

As for the target of this attack…

Time seemed to freeze before them…

This was when their lives should flash before them right…?

Inside the stealth spaceship, 5 of its occupants watched everything happening around them with calm but serious expressions on their faces.

Since their leader the Beast King already made the decision to go on with this mission, gambling with his life, the others no longer had any objections after getting to this point, their only focus was on getting out alive.

The Strength Elephant clenched his stone fists and looked as his trumpet snorted gray stony particles with every breath.

The Plecostomus grabbed his 2 war bats and looked with total concentration.

The Demonic Lion, the Beast Priest was calm.

The Golden Langur was even calmer, the eyes of this beast seemed to reflect the starry skies as he looked at everything happening around him.

Only the Magic Parrot was speaking.

"…" As he spoke, magic circles appeared around the stealth spaceship, empowering it and creating a hole before a certain beast for what was to follow.

The last beast in this spaceship, the 1st of the Upper Beast Priests, the Snow Monkey who was revered as the Primate Priest sat cross-legged even as magical energy calmly revolved around his body.

Time seemed to slow down to a crawl…

From every side, warships surrounded them, rapidly closing the distance as the scene of their impending doom seemed to become closer with every second.

5 Grade A Supers were charging towards them at this very moment.

Then at the very side of this spaceship came the closest and imminent impending disaster, the 2 canons that was unleashed by the gigantic mech suit.

It approached with speed, force, and a certain feeling of doom with it.

Without a doubt, the stealth spaceship could not withstand this force.

But, in the first place, who said it was going to withstand it?

When it was only 10 meters away from the stealth ship, the eyes of the Primate Priest snapped open and they now glowed golden. His blueish white body was now covered with a golden armor filled with magical runes.

His muscles bulged, pressing his golden armor and making it creak.

His hair stood up on their own violation as arcane energy snaked through them, they seemed to be responding to the natural laws of the universe.

His golden eyes focused on the hole created by the Magic Parrot.


He charged out of the warship.

Everything else that followed seemed to happen at a speed faster than every other existence on this battlefield could keep up with, which made it seem like it was happening in slow mo to the 2 existences involved.

"Primate Power: Golden Staff!"

"Primate Power: Golden Armor!"

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"Self-Created Magic Ability: One-Inch Push!"

The Snow Monkey became a golden glowing light bulb in the sky.

As soon as he charged out of the warship, he faced both rapidly accelerating canons. Their speed was immense but he was faster.

Briefly closing his eyes as he turned his body sideways in the air, he raised his right hand holding the Golden Staff as all his arcane energy focused on it.

Then he stabbed twice at the air.


It happened instantaneously; no naked eye could follow it.



2 loud sounds reverberated!

The air seemed to have been sucked out of this atmosphere, turning it into what seemed akin to a vacuum for a few seconds after this clash of power.

The small stealth spaceship survived by the enhancements of the Parrot.

As for the Ackermann warships, not so much.

Like 15 warships were caught up by the shockwaves of the explosion that followed from this clash, exploding on impact even as the 5 Calamity Grade Supers were halted on their path by the sheer power on display.


'He took a full-powered attack from the ancestor unscathed?!'


The kilometer tall mech suit suddenly launched into the air the next moment. And under it, the dome-shaped mechanic workshop now turned war fortress came online as it unleashed disaster at the Snow Monkey.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

"Primate Power: Golden Domain!"

In the air, what seemed like a surf board appeared under the kilometer tall mech suit which enabled to levitate in the sky.

Now, one of the arms of the mech suit transformed into a 700-meter-long spear while its right arm remained a gigantic canon launcher.



The Primate Priest swathed both canons away with his Staff, then he charged closer. The gigantic mech suit stabbed with the spear as it charged closer.


Both Calamity Grade Supers clashed again and the impact and shockwave this time was even more destruction, literally destroying 2 floating cities at the same time that were too close to this aerial battlefield.

The stealth spaceship tried to use this window of opportunity bought by the Primate Priest to escape but the 5 other Ackermann Calamity Grades blocked them.

Instantly, the Plecostomus Priest and the Elephant Priest charged out of the spaceship. Again, time seemed to freeze…

Planet Macouver was about to witness a clash of Calamity Grades!