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Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1123: The Bayonet With Fuller
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Ye Jian1 didn’t question the soldier she had ‘finished off’ how many people had come; she touched his rucksack, she then touched the soldier’s waist……

“Comrade, men and women are different, men and women are different. You, you, you…… Where are you touching?” The soldier was young; there was embarrassment on his face when Ye Jian touched his waist, he said hurriedly: “I don’t have anything on me, why are you touching?”

Ye Jian was checking where he kept his rifle; she was also checking whether he had a pistol by his waist, “Checking what you have in your rucksack and whether you have a gun on you.”

” There are guns. All are blanks, no live ammunition! I’m only wearing a pair of pants, you…… please pay attention,” The soldier was not only feeling awkward, but he was also embarrassed, “I’ll stay where I am. I will absolutely not reveal your whereabouts, alright?”

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Why does this female soldier have no self-awareness? He was a male soldier!

” Where is the gun? Other than the rifle, there is nothing else?” Ye Jian began touching because she didn’t see him holding the gun.

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The male soldier lowered his head, he glanced at the rifle placed by his feet, “Under my feet, Type 95 Rifle, then rounds of blanks, no pistol.”

It turns out that when Ye Jian used the dagger to point at the back of his neck, the male soldier reacted quickly and hid the rifle in his hands, preventing the rifle from being snatched away.

There was indeed no pistol in the rucksack except for military necessities. After the inspection, Ye Jian picked up the rifle the male soldier hid; she laughed softly: “Comrade, I’m doing a routine search, not touching. You are a man, you’re afraid of being touched by a girl?”

” Take a…… good rest,” The word good rest whirled at the tip of her tongue as she said lightly. Someone was approaching her.

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” Chirp, chirp, chirp……” Bird chirping could be heard, the leaves then moved, someone, said softly: “F*ck me, I can’t see her.”

The soldier who was squatting down closed his eyes, the female soldier who was standing behind him was like a ghost at that moment as she approached his other comrade, and then…… another brother accompanied him.

The sky was so dark that you could see the stars in the sky; the woods were so dark that you couldn’t see your own fingers when you stretched out your hand. There was no night vision, and they could not turn on the lights. The group sensed their steps and threaded carefully.

Fine rustling sounds could be heard as their bodies brushed the leaves; nobody could see anyone; nobody knew where everyone was at. Ye Jian didn’t know who they were, but as long as she heard some movement, she would quietly head over to finish them off.

After consecutively putting down two people, the team leaders of Team A and B realized something was wrong; they immediately suppressed their footsteps and no longer searched, “Stone and Guozi might have been finished off, there’s no movement.”

” All of you don’t move, take cover! Listen to the movements first. We have an advantage in numbers, there’s movement there and we thought it’s one of us. She is alone, she didn’t move and yet we moved, it’s like forking fish, forking one after another!”

She had forked two ‘fishes’!

The voice in the dark was as soft as a mosquito; no matter how fair Ye Jian’s hearing is, she couldn’t hear it. However, she had forked the third ‘fish.’