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Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 618: Kuroto vs Six Uchiha Jonin
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Hokage Building, Elder Hiruzen’s Office.

Looking at the documents stacked high on his desk, Sarutobi Hiruzen helplessly put down his tobacco pipe and sighed with a tired expression.

Although he is no longer the Hokage of Konoha, he is still forced to deal with all the official duties of the Hokage, and the daily affairs of the village, whether big or small are still taken care of by him.

In fact, Sarutobi Hiruzen is very confused at this moment…

In order to become Konoha’s Hokage, Danzo took great pains and even went as far as to completely offend him, after doing all this, it stands to reason that he should have kept the power in his hands, even as the temporary Hokage agent…

But this did not happen…

Unexpectedly, after becoming the temporary Hokage, although, Danzo made a few decisions and exercised a bit of Hokage’s authority, his actions were well measured, such as changing the leaders of the Anbu department and some other things…

But other than these few actions, Danzo did not do anything else, even managing the daily affairs of the village was left to Sarutobi and other Elders of the advisory board, which is too abnormal considering Danzo’s personality and his desire for power.

‘What does he want to do?’

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen can’t guess Danzo’s thoughts, he has a vague feeling that Danzo is planning something secretly, and whatever Danzo is planning, it must be extremely important to him, so important that Danzo doesn’t even have the time to devote enough attention into exercising his power as the Temporary Hokage.

‘What could it be?’

As Hiruzen was pondering, suddenly there was a rapid knock on the door of his office.

Knock Knock Knock

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Interrupted in the midst of his thoughts, Elder Sarutobi retracted and said, “Come in!”

Immediately after he instructed to ‘come in’, a Hyuga clansman under the lead of an Anbu walked inside Elder Hiruzen’s office and concisely reported the violent act of the members of the Konoha Military Police Force and everything they did after forcing their way into the Hyuga Clan district.


Upon hearing the details of the actions of members of the Konoha Military Police Force, the former Hokage was taken aback and got up from his chair with a shocked expression.

Initially, Elder Hiruzen really wanted to give the position of the Principal of the Ninja Academy to Uchiha Shisui in order to appease the Uchiha Clan, but even Shisui deemed Hyuga Kuroto to be a better candidate, so, Hiruzen went along with it.

From Elder Hiruzen’s perspective, Hyuga Kuroto is also a very good candidate for the position of the principal of the Ninja Academy, and considering Kuroto’s identity as the member of the Hyuga Clan, giving him that position also meant drawing the favor and support of the Hyuga Clan towards him, which is also a good political move, so the former Hokage also chose Kuroto and assigned him the position.

Hiruzen knew that the Uchiha Clan would be slightly dissatisfied with this, and had planned an alternative means to compensate the Uchiha Clan, but he didn’t expect that before he could offer them that compensation, some of the Uchiha Clansmen had already taken such impulsive actions… They were arrogant and crazy enough to forcefully enter the Hyuga Clan district and provoke conflict with Hyuga Kuroto and the Hyuga Clan!

Although this has angered the former Hokage when he thought of the possibility of a large-scale conflict that might happen between the Uchiha Clan and the Hyuga Clan, Sandaime knew that he couldn’t sit still and let it happen, so immediately after getting up from his chair, he ordered the subordinates around him, “Hurry up! Arrange a team of Anbu and follow me to the Hyuga Clan district… can’t let them fight at any cost!”

In the Hyuga Clan district.

Upon seeing two of their clansmen get defeated within a few seconds, the remaining six Jonin Rank Uchiha were taken aback and looked at Kuroto with vigilant expressions on their faces.

They knew that they can’t play around anymore and might have to take this fight seriously, else not only will this affect their reputation, but also affect the reputation of the entire Uchiha Clan!

Understanding this, they got serious and entered their respective fighting state… And as soon as they did so, all six of them showed amazing cooperative skills and superb tactical qualities.

Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh

With the sound of breaking wind, the six Uchiha used body flicker Jutsu and instantly divided into three teams, each one consisting of two members… and surrounded Kuroto from three sides, thus effectively cutting off his escape from three sides.

Observing their actions, Kuroto smiled slightly.

Surrounding from only three sides, and leaving a retreat for the surrounded target is a not-so-popular tactic sometimes used by the Uchiha Clansmen.

Under the pressure of being surrounded by three sides, the target chooses the only option to escape, and then the game of hunting begins where the target is the prey and the Uchiha Clansmen are experienced hunters playing with their prey as they slowly kill him mentally and physically until the prey loses all his fighting intent and surrenders.

Kuroto is obviously aware of this so this tactic of the Uchiha Clan, as such, this tactic is not going to work on him, in fact, even if he wasn’t aware of it, this tactic still wouldn’t have worked on him because of the difference in their strengths, speed, and battle IQ.

Unaware of this fact, the Uchiha Jonins continued, and as soon as they surrounded Kuroto, two of them started to weave hand signs for a combined Jutsu…

‘Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!’

‘Wind Style: Whirling Tornado!’

In an instant, a hot fireball was sprayed out by an Uchiha Jonin, and at the same time, a whirling tornado was released by another Jonin standing next to him… The Fire of the Fireball was flared by the Whirling Tornado and blasted toward Kuroto in the form of a Fire Tornado.

At the same time, an Uchiha Jonin on both sides of Kuroto started to simultaneously weave hand signs and released their Jutsu…

‘Earth Style: Mud Wall!’

‘Earth Style: Mud Wall!’

In an instant two mud walls rose on either side of Kuroto and blocked his retreat from the side, while the other two Uchiha had their swords, shuriken, and Kunai ready to make their next move as they observed Hyuga Kuroto with their three-tomoe Sharingan, waiting for Kuroto to react so that they can deal with him accordingly.


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The huge Fire Tornado rushed towards Kuroto, along the way, a deep charred gully was plowed on the newly built street, and under the scorching temperature of the Fire tornado, the masonry paved on the streets melted into liquid mud and exuded a burst of green smoke.

Seeing the scale of Jutsu and its damaging effects, the Hyuga Clansmen, including Hizashi, Yui, as well as Hiashi on the streets exclaimed and looked at Kuroto with a worried expression.

Earlier Kuroto managed to instantly take down two Jonin of the Uchiha clan with very little effort, although they were surprised and somewhat relieved, they also knew that it was simply because of the element of surprise and because they were seriously underestimating Kuroto, but now they can see that the rest of the six Uchiha Jonin are taking this seriously… and dealing with six of them at once wouldn’t be easy.

The only reason Hizashi hasn’t interfered up to now is that Kuroto wanted to deal with them himself, but of course, he was ready to intervene any time… most of the other Hyuga Clansmen had the same thought as Hizashi… after all, Kuroto is a member of the Hyuga Clan, and he is deeply loved and respected in the Clan, especially by the members of the Branch family many of whom consider him their ideal, as such, no one in Hyuga Clan would watch him being bullied by Uchiha Clan, that too within the Hyuga Clan district.

Neji, who was hiding behind Hizashi narrowed his eyes with a look of horror on his face. The heat waves emitted by the Fire Tornado were too hot and they instantly charred his lips and were difficult to look at directly… He couldn’t imagine just how dangerous would it be to face such a thing from the front, and as the tornado was about to hit Kuroto, he involuntarily closed his eyes… afraid to watch Kuroto die.

But at this time, a voice reached Neji’s ears, “Neji… don’t close your eyes, open them and see what is about to happen!”

As this voice reached his ears, Neji subconsciously opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Kuroto making his move…

Kuroto made no attempt to dodge the Fire Tornado or defend against it using Revolving Heaven as everyone had expected, instead, he used body flicker Jutsu and dived straight into it head-on!

“That’s practically suicide! Does he have a death wish?!” Such a thought flashed into the minds of the onlookers.

‘Idiot!’ thought Uchiha Jonins.


An explosive sound reached everyone’s ears, they saw Kuroto breaking the entire Fire Tornado using his sheer speed as he moved through it without any hindrance, and the very next instant, Kuroto was already standing in front of two Uchiha Jonin who had just used the combined Jutsu.

“You… wh-…!” That’s all they could speak as before they could finish their words, they found themselves being held by Kuroto from their necks.

“Too weak!” muttered Kuroto disdainfully as he held the two Uchiha from their necks and without speaking anything more, he precisely injected his Chakra into their necks and made them faint by temporarily blocking their nasal cavity.

Watching their companions being held by Kuroto like two chickens, the other four Uchiha felt embarrassed and angry!

Plop… Plop…

Without giving any regard to their embarrassment and anger, Kuroto threw them to the side racks–in the same position where Iwaki was lying unconscious.

Those four of the eight members of the Konoha Military Police Force were taken care of and then looked at the rest of them with an impatient expression, “Go ahead, but can the rest of you be slightly quicker? I don’t have time all day… as I am in a bit of a hurry!”