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Reborn of Kate by Isla Rainfield

Chapter 169
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hapter 169 Who Could Argue? George's words stunned not only those in the room but also Kate herself. She looked at George in bewilderment.

She had shares in the Davison Group? How had she not known this? When she saw the agreement George held, her heart skipped a beat, and she stood rooted to the Spot George placed the agreement in the middle of the table, making its contents visible to everyone.

Upon reading the agreement, the Davison Group executives fell silent. Slooked upset, clenching their fists as if they wanted to say something but held back.

The document was a share transfer agreement.

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Eric had transferred 30% of Davison Group's shares to Kate for free, complete with Eric's signature and the company seal.

George's cold gaze swept over the person who had questioned Kate's presence.

Moments ago, he had claimed Kate had no right to be there. Now, with the share transfer agreement in plain sight, who could argue that Kate didn't belong? Those who had objections instantly quieted down. George smoothly started the meeting, with Kate seated at the head of the table, her expression neutral as she scanned the room.

Although Kate didn't know much about the Davison Group, she could sense George's deep understanding of the company and his outstanding business acumen through his precise directives.

The public relations team quickly issued statements, clarifying Eric's condition to the public, reassuring them that he was not critically injured.

Regarding external collaborations, the Davison Group adopted a firm approach. They decisively. cut ties with opportunistic partners, blacklisting those who had turned to other companies. Conversely, they strengthened relationships with loyal partners.

Internationally, the Davison Group took swift action against traitors, ensuring their message was clear.

In that meeting room, George's decisions impacted numerous companies' futures, large and small.

The meeting concluded quickly, and with Kate's presence lending authority, it proceeded unexpectedly smoothly. George breathed a slight sigh of relief and returned to the office, barely exchanging a few words Balance: 1 Coins: 1683 755 1 Pearls 1:12 PM Chapter 169 Who Could Argue? Finished Kate watched George with a complex expression. When he finally paused to catch his breath after handling more tasks, she softly said, "Having you as the butler at Summer Estate is truly a waste of your talent."

George was taken aback by her comment, then replied earnestly, "Not at all. Whether at Summer Estate or the Davison Group, I'm here to support Mr. Eric."

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"Lucas is more capable than I am and better suited to oversee everything. If he weren't still unconscious, he would handle these matters more effectively and maintain better control over the staff. George paused as his phone buzzed. Glancing at it briefly, he quickly returned to his laptop, his fingers flying over the keyboard, resuming his work.

His face showed signs of fatigue.

Kate quietly left the office.

She headed to the monitoring room, where she could view the entire Davison Group office area. Everyn employee was diligently working at their stations, the company functioning like a highly efficient machine, operating rapidly and orderly. She stared for a while, slowly clenching her fists.

She realized she too needed to help alleviate Eric's burdens.

With Eric injured and hospitalized, and no clear indication of when he would recover, she resolved to hold the fort at Davison Group in his stead.