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Reborn of Kate by Isla Rainfield

Chapter 240
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Chapter 240 Visit To The Testing Agency The matronly figure faltered in the face of Kate's inquiry, her countenance awash with perplexity. "I...

Before she could conclude her thought, Kate interjected sharply.

Kate's gaze turned glacial as she regarded the middle-aged woman, turning to address the constabulary, "Officers, I harbour suspicions that she is implicated in the defacement of my establishment. How else would she be privy to its vandalisation and the absence of surveillance? And now she stirs up a fracas here?" The constables nodded, eyeing the woman with suspicion. "Madam, kindly accompany us for questioning.

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Upon hearing this, the middle-aged woman narrowed her eyes sharply. "Why must I accompany you? I've committed no offence! Look at my arms, afflicted with rashes from their garments. Their attire is defective! It's not only me, but them too!" "You don't believe me? You distrust all these folk?" The middle-aged woman gestured aggressively towards the group.

"Very well, if you insist it's our garments at fault, we have retrieved all the apparel. Let us submit them. for examination at an accredited agency, Kate remarked with a hint of levity.

She regarded the middle-aged woman with a half-smile, continuing in measured tones. "Yet each garment of ours bears a certificate of inspection, the fabrics are standard, and the craftsmanship meticulous. I wonder if the garments you have brought are indeed ours." Those on the verge of protest fell silent, exchanging glances before returning their focus to the middle-aged woman.

Clearly, she was their ringleader.

The middle-aged woman's visage darkened. Before she could retort, Kate calmly retrieved her mobile phone, swiftly accessing the store's CCTV footage and passing it to the investigating officers.

The surveillance recording vividly captured the carlier disturbance caused by this group, particularly highlighting the middle-aged woman's unprovoked assault on the assistant.

The evidence was unequivocal-a verbal altercation culminating in physical aggression.

The middle-aged woman watched the CCTV footage, her complexion paling. "How is this possible? Your establishment couldn't possibly possess CCTV!" Kate's expression turned even colder. "Are you absolutely certain there's no CCTV in my store? Was it you who tampered with my equipment before? Do you comprehend the cost of such devices? Damaging my property entails financial liability." The middle-aged woman glared. Do not falsely accuse me! I did not cause any damage. Why should I bear responsibility?" Chapter 240 Visit To The Testing Agency Finished further investigation. We suspect your involvement in the burglary at HN Studio." Graham, commanded the young constable with prompt authority, “accompany Ms. Lowe and her associates to the testing establishment. Await the findings." "Understood," Graham replied crisply.

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Amidst the middle-aged woman's vociferous protests she was swiftly ushered into a waiting police vehicle and taken into custody.

With the instigator of the disturbance removed, the remaining individuals exchanged nervous glances. Their eyes flitted between Kate's resolute ve countenance, the assembled staff of HN, and the vigilant security detail. Subconsciously swallowing their objections, they refrained from further provocations. and proceeded solemnly towards the testing premises

Outside the laboratory, Kate stood composed amidst the tension. The troublemakers huddled in the m shadows of a nearby copse, stealing furtive glances at her. When Kate turned her gaze towards them, they hastily averted their eyes in apprehension. Indeed, Kate's decisive recourse to physical intervention had left them astonished.

The testing process was expedited, and within two hours, the results were delivered into Kate's custody:

The technicians, their demeanour serious, regarded Kate with solemnity. "The batch of garments submitted foNexamination-none meet the required standards of quality. The materials, dyes, and other chemical constituents all exceed the permissible limits."