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Reborn of Kate by Isla Rainfield

Chapter 251
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Chapter 251 It Wasn'tEric's countenance fell visibly upon hearing the voice from the other end persist, "Morcover... due to Madam's words yesterday, the crematorium has already dispersed his remains, and not a shard of bone remains. We've scoured the place, only managing to salvage sblood and hair samples." Eric's voice turned glacial. “He brought it upon himself. Send those samples for examination." Kate overheard and couldn't resist tilting her head in disbelief. "So, you're saying Simon truly was reduced to ashes?" Eric let out a soft chuckle, "Most likely." Pondering the test results, Kate inquired, "When will we receive the findings?" "Expeditiously, within two hours." Sure enough, Eric received a report from his subordinate within the allotted time. It was an identification report.

The DNA findings confirmed: the blood and hair samples indeed matched Simon.

Kate sighed with relief and clenched her fist determinedly. "Truly gratifying! That wretch has met his end and reduced to ashes, hahaha!" Suddenly, her thoughts turned to the hospitalised Ruth, prompting a cold laugh.

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How she wished the next one to depart would be Ruth, preferably in a more miserable fashion! Noticing the chill in Kate's manner, Eric softly patted her head and chuckled. "No need to dwell on sorrow Before he could finish, a thunderous explosion shattered the serenity! Boom! Kate and Eric both looked up in shock, exchanging a glance that conveyed their shared concern. Why, within the heart of Capital City... another explosion? The previous incident stemmed from aged infrastructure within Davison Group, a transformer short circuiting and causing the explosion. But what was the cause this time? An inexplicable unease gripped Kate. She squeezed Eric's hand tightly. Though she said nothing, Eric sensed her fear and reassured her gently, "Fear not, Kate. I'll escort you back to Summer Estate.” Kate shook her head resolutely. "To HN Studio. They must be terrified too." In the end, Eric couldn't sway Kate's decision. He dropped her off at HN Studio's entrance, leaving over twenty guards discreetly ensuring her safety.

Meanwhile. Eric swiftly dispatched his men to determine the location and cause of the explosion.

1/2 Chapter 251 It Wasn't+5 Pearls Two consecutive days of explosions... mere coincidence? Eric massaged his temples, feeling a headache coming on. Swiftly, he devised a strategy, dispersing his personnel to monitor all activities within Capital City Within Davison Group Miles and Kyle stood together, nervously observing Eric. Kyle furrowed his brow in contemplation, while Miles appeared visibly agitated.

"Eric, have the authorities noticed Kyle's presence in Capital City?" Miles finally broke the silence, his voice tense.

After a prolonged silence among the trio, Miles spoke up first.

Eric's gaze settled on Kyle, and he confirmed, "They've noticed, and they suspect Kyle's involvement in these explosions."

Miles clenched his teeth and abruptly punched Kyle's shoulder in frustration. "I warned you, your status is precarious. You shouldn't have cto Haldoria so recklessly. You didn't listen, and now see what has happened!"

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Miles's eyes reddened as he continued, "If you're banished from Haldoria, you'll never return in your lifetime. What shall fate dictate for me, then?" Kyle looked at Miles helplessly, spreading his hands. "But I didn't do those things." Just as he spoke, Eric's phone rang once more.

This time, it was an encrypted call.

Seeing the number, Eric's expression darkened. He gestured for Kyle and Miles to leave without explanation.

Without questioning, the two departed despondently.

Once Eric confirmed the office was empty, he pressed the answer button.