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Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 495 – Sky BloodlineYou’re Mine
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Chapter 495 – Sky BloodlineYou’re Mine

Black Demon Sect.

Tie Qianqiu was flushed red, a rare look of excitement on his face. This was because the hidden dangers in his body that had confounded him for years were finally being dispelled.

Although this was only the beginning, he was well aware of his own condition. It was often said that the beginning was the most difficult step, and this was particularly true for his hidden dangers.

Without accident, he would be able to fully recover in half a year. Once he cast off these shackles he would regain his chance to attack the Calamity Immortal realm.

Thinking of this, Tie Qianqiu’s smile brightened. “For my hidden dangers to be resolved, fellow daoist has earned great merit in helping. If you have need of anything in the future, the Black Demon Sect will do our best to help!”

There was a faint undertone of offering to recruit him.

The more that Tie Qianqiu came into contact with this mysterious character from the Sealed Pagoda, the more he discovered how formidable his skills were. Although his aura wasn’t strong, this person actually caused Tie Qianqiu to feel greatly threatened at times.

Though he knew the chances weren’t high, if there was even the smallest opportunity, Tie Qianqiu wouldn’t miss out on making this person one of his subordinates.

The Spirit of Poison had a faint expression. “Sect Master’s healing is finished for today, so I will bid my farewells until next time.”

Recruit me…? You might dare to have such thoughts, but I wouldn’t dare to agree.

The Spirit of Poison rose up. Just as he was about to leave, his complexion changed and his footsteps quickened.

“Sect Master, there is an important matter for which I need to go into seclusion momentarily. Please don’t allow anyone to disturb me.”

Before his voice fell, his figure flashed around a corner and he disappeared from sight.

Soon, the Spirit of Poison returned to his dwelling and sat down.

Sealed Pagoda.

Deep within the Sea of Poison, the slowly growing continent suddenly quaked. A volcano erupted and billowing plumes of toxic smoke shot up into the skies.

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The spirit of the Sealed Pagoda lifted a finger and pointed down. Space fluctuated and a tunnel in space appeared. The toxic smoke passed through and vanished from sight.

Above the low hill, both sides were sufficiently fast. So in several breaths of time, Qin Yu could already see the fierce fangs of the demon wolf guards and the rank white breath coming from between their jaws.

Rah –

Rah –

With cruel howls, the first dozen some demon wolf guards had already leapt upwards.

In the back, the white demon wolf king stood atop a great stone, doubt and confusion flashing in its eyes even as it kept an indignant expression on its face. After a bit of hesitation, it jumped down from the stone. Surrounded by its remaining demon wolf guards, it began to withdraw.

At the same time, from within the woods, loud rumblings and explosions rang out all over. The demon wolf pack scattered all over had already received the summons of the demon wolf king and were beginning to gather here.

If there were no accidents, then unless a Calamity Immortal realm master personally took action, there was almost no chance that the safety of the demon wolf king could be affected.

Qin Yu was not a Calamity Immortal but he had many cards in his hands.

For instance, the tyrannical poison immunity that the little blue lamp had granted him.

For instance, the Sealed Pagoda.

For instance, the Spirit of Poison he had subdued and was waiting at the Black Demon Sect.

Facing the leaping demon wolf guards, Qin Yu punched out. Space collapsed, forming a giant hole.

In the next moment, billowing toxic smoke burst out like raging tides, violently erupting.

The first one to rush into the toxic smoke was a black-furred demon wolf guard with a scar across its left eye. For it to be ahead of the rest of the pack proved just how strong it was.

But the moment it came into contact with the toxic smoke, the demon wolf guard’s fierce and cruel expression became one of fear and fright. Its glossy black fur seemed to be roasted atop a fire, instantly turning yellow and curling up. Its icy green eyes filled with killing intent were like jelly beneath the scorching sun, quickly melting and flowing down at a visible speed.

Awoo –

It only managed to open its mouth and emit a painful howl once. When the surface of its tongue was exposed, putrid yellow spots appeared one after another and then the tongue itself started to rot away.

Its four strong and sturdy limbs seemed to be deboned. The demon wolf guard crashed to the ground, twitching several times before no longer moving.

Several breaths of time later, all that was left on the ground was a pile of bones. All of the flesh and blood had become thick gooey liquid that seeped into the earth.

Following that was a second and third demon wolf. They were like thick dumplings that burst apart, the scent of blood filling the air. The demon wolf guards chasing from behind came to a violent stop, their claws digging into the ground and causing plumes of dirt to rise up. When the dirt landed on their bodies, they seemed much more distressed.

However, the toxic smoke didn’t stop here. Like fog sweeping across the open seas, it began to expand outwards at a shocking pace.

Roar –

The demon wolf king howled in anger. Within the eyes of the demon wolf guards that had come to a screeching stop, a light shined in the pupils, forcefully suppressing their fear.

Deep howls came from their throats. Then, like stones, they wildly threw themselves into the toxic smoke without any fear of death.

Unfortunately, even if these loyal and devoted demon wolf guards sacrificed their lives, they weren’t able to block Qin Yu’s steps.

Within the toxic smoke, Qin Yu’s right hand index finger shined with patterned lines, a faint halo of light illuminating it.

All of the toxic smoke that approached Qin Yu was transformed by him. It lost its toxicity against him, but to anyone else, it became far more terrifying.

The ground was already carpeted with the rotten corpses of dead demon wolf guards. As Qin Yu rushed forward, it was like he was racing through sticky mud. Putrefied flesh and blood splattered in all directions, the acrid stench so thick it made one want to puke.

But, there was no change to his complexion. He kept his eyes stubbornly locked onto the startled and angered demon wolf king in the distance.

The strength of the Spirit of Poison was only at 10% of its most flourishing state, and maintaining this connection caused considerable losses to the spirit of the Sealed Pagoda. So, this toxic smoke wouldn’t last much longer and he wouldn’t be able to summon it again for a long period of time.

It had to bring this battle to a quick conclusion!

Otherwise, once the demon wolf pack caught up, if their corpses piled up into mountains they would eventually be able to consume all the toxic smoke. At that time, facing the revenge of the demon wolf king, Qin Yu really would be at a loss for words.

A sharp light flashed in his eyes. The ground beneath his feet collapsed and more flesh and blood flew out in all directions as his speed rose yet again.

The demon wolf king revealed a frightened expression. It had watched as its most powerful guards rapidly died within the toxic smoke.

But, this human actually disregarded the toxic smoke as if it didn’t exist at all. It began to regret that it had provoked these two humans. However, the scent of their blood had been too enticing and it couldn’t suppress its desires.

In particular, this human in front of him. If the demon wolf king could eat this human, it had full confidence it could complete its bloodline advancement and break through the commander level, becoming the second true king of this small world.

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But now, this demon wolf king realized that it might not have the chance to obtain this human’s flesh and blood. It had to immediately escape, otherwise it feared it would suffer the same fate as its guards. action

It stared deeply at Qin Yu. Then, the demon wolf king howled and a pair of silver wings launched out on its back. They shined with a radiant light.

This terrifying toxic smoke must have some severe restrictions placed on it, otherwise this human wouldn’t be trying to chase it down so haphazardly.

If it escaped today, it would still be the king of its tribe. It could gather its subordinates and make a comeback.

Human…I will never give up on your flesh and blood!

Shua –

The demon wolf king’s wings flapped. Its body hurtled out like an arrow, shooting towards the horizon.

Flying was forbidden in this small world. But, as a native demon beast, it actually wasn’t placed under this limitation.

Human, we will meet again soon!

Within the toxic smoke, Qin Yu lifted his head. He stared at the silver bolt of light that was shooting into the skies.

Since he had decided to attack today, he wouldn’t give the demon wolf king a chance to escape.

Sky bloodline…today, you’re mine!

Within his soul space, the quiet Cosmic Seacross Bell began to shake.

Compared to before, this sound was much more sharp and tyrannical. At almost the same time, the flying demon wolf king felt as if it had been struck by an invisible arrow. It roared in pain and plummeted into the ground.

But soon, the overbearing power of a commander-level demon beast began to manifest. When it was a hundred meters from the ground, the demon wolf king regained control of its body. Its disappeared silver wings unfurled once more and slammed into the ground. Even so, when it landed it left a horrifying hole in the ground.

Toxic smoke surged forwards like a raging dragon. The demon wolf king knew that the horrifying human was within the smoke. It shook its dizzy head and howled loudly from the bottom of the pit, glaring at Qin Yu.

When it discovered that it couldn’t escape, the wolf demon king’s ferocious and bloodthirsty nature was thoroughly activated.

You want to kill me? Let’s see who dies first!

It opened its mouth and howled out loud. The sound spread to Qin Yu’s ears, instantly passing deep into the depths of his soul space.

A resonance seemed to occur. Like the terrifying throbbing of a volcano before it exploded, it erupted in his heart!