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Reincarnated Princess Wishes To Avoid Death

Chapter 509
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Extra Chapter: The Seed That Did Not Sprout

Sion Sol Sunkland ascended to the throne shortly after graduating from Saint-Noel Academy. Interestingly, his coronation coincided almost perfectly with Mia Luna Tearmoon assuming the role of empress. The dual successions, coupled with the expansion of the transnational organization Mianet and the dissemination of a new strain of wheat, appeared to signify the dawn of a new era to the public.

Amidst a mix of emotions—excitement, apprehension, ambition, and hope—a significant piece of news shook the Kingdom of Sunkland. The young king, Sion Sol Sunkland, revealed his engagement.

On the day of the announcement, discussions flooded the taverns in the royal capital. Unsurprisingly, the sole topic of conversation was the upcoming marriage.

“But, uh, what about the bride’s family? I’ve never heard of a Marcount Rudolvon before. I mean, a marcount? Who would have expected to hear that term again? Is he from some traditional country?” inquired a patron.

“No, I’m pretty sure the girl is a Tearmoon noble,” responded another man, lowering his voice. “Keep this between us, but I heard he’s a marcount in name only, and it’s essentially an empty title.”


“Yeah. I mean, it has to be, right? After all, marcounts don’t exist in Tearmoon. They only have outcounts, and supposedly, that’s a term they use to mock nobles in the countryside.”

As the men exchanged thoughts, they felt increasingly offended, viewing the arrangement as a slight to their king. However, just as their collective anger reached its peak, a new voice entered the conversation.

“Gotta say, though, I don’t know about marcounts, but the name Rudolvon sounds familiar…”

A contemplative remark from one of the gossipers brought the discussion to a halt.

“You know, now that you mention it…”

At that moment, a newcomer, a traveling merchant, joined the group.

“Oh, come on. You’ve got to be kidding me,” scoffed the merchant, rolling his eyes at the others. “Have you folks been living under a rock? Does Cyril Rudolvon ring a bell? You know, the one who discovered the new strain of wheat?”

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Immediate realization struck. The mass production of cold-resistant wheat was a pivotal event in the continent’s history. Nowadays, even the most ordinary individuals recognized the names Cyril Rudolvon and Arshia Tafrif Perujin as heroes.

“I see. So, thanks to Cyril’s groundbreaking achievement with wheat, his father got a complimentary promotion to marcount,” deduced one of the men.

The merchant, however, shook his head. “No, not necessarily. According to what I’ve heard, Marcount Rudolvon is one of the earliest members of the empress faction, and he worked diligently to establish and unite people around the faction.”

The empress faction, initially formed by Empress Mia to counterbalance the factions of the Four Dukes, started as a coalition of political newcomers rallying under Mia’s banner when she was still a princess. Over time, it grew in strength, now rivaling the established factions and introducing a fifth player to Tearmoon’s traditionally Four-Dukes-dominated political scene.

While merchants, dependent on information, were well aware of these developments in Tearmoon, the ordinary Sunkland populace remained uninformed. Consequently, the merchant’s revelations were met with awe and approval, encouraging him to share more.

“On that note, have you folks heard of Count Berman? His domain borders the marcount’s, and it’s where the empress’s private borough, Princess Town, resides. And that’s where it gets interesting…” “Hm? Doesn’t that mean Saint Mia Academy, the place where they developed the new wheat, is also…” “Exactly. It’s also in Count Berman’s domain,” said the merchant in a conspiratorial tone.

Marcount Rudolvon and Count Berman, both early members of the empress faction, added an element of intrigue to the merchant’s narrative. The gossipers in Sunkland, accustomed to considering marcounts as esteemed figures, now viewed Rudolvon in a different light. The idea of such an esteemed title being bestowed upon a country noble seemed preposterous.

“So Rudolvon is clearly a distinguished noble who had the honor of becoming the empire’s very first marcount, meaning he’s now part of the empress’s inner circle… and his daughter is the one who’s…” Additionally, her younger brother, Cyril Rudolvon, was the hero who discovered the new strain of wheat. The engagement began to seem less objectionable.

“But what about the girl herself? How is she as a person?” “About that… Just between us, I’m a gardener for a noble family, and the husband told me something a while back…” said a nearby man who joined the conversation. “Marcount Rudolvon’s daughter… She apparently saved the former king, His Majesty Abram’s life.”

“What? I’ve never heard of that.” “Of course you haven’t. It concerns the royal family. They’re not gonna just come out and tell commoners like us,” the gardener said with a smug shrug.

His increasingly intoxicated audience could only nod in agreement, their mental faculties no longer capable of skepticism.

“Which means… His Majesty Sion’s bride is…”

Under the haze of intoxication, the audience compelled themselves to rationalize the situation. The potential queen consort, Tiona Rudolvon, had directly saved the life of their former king, Abram. She was the sister of Cyril Rudolvon, the continent’s savior, and her father held a prominent position in the empress faction, earning him a unique rank as Tearmoon’s first and only marcount, bestowed upon him by Empress Mia’s trust.

The more they pondered, the more they realized that this was, in fact, a favorable turn of events. Later, a personal blessing from the Holy Lady for the impending union further solidified their admiration for Tiona.

“Who would have thought that young woman would be an old friend of Lady Rafina’s…?” Each additional piece of information added another layer to Tiona’s evolving image in Sunkland. As she entered Sunkland, preceded by her reputation, the people greeted her with a blend of excitement and apprehension, uncertain of the accuracy of what they knew about her.

However, the speculation was short-lived. Quickly, the Sunkland populace found themselves enchanted by Tiona’s down-to-earth personality, a quality often absent in prominent nobles. She embodied a fairy tale unfolding in reality, where the daughter of a commoner-turned-poverty-noble crossed the class barrier to marry the prince of a grand kingdom—a dreamlike narrative forever popular yet seemingly unattainable. Yet, she had achieved it, and her romantic tale became a vicarious vessel for the people to invest their hopes and wishes.

Despite some initial resistance, Tiona found herself welcomed by her new home, and Sunkland wasn’t the only kingdom affected. Within Tearmoon, the dynamics of the noble class shifted. Those who had considered Marcount Rudolvon’s new title as empty were taken aback. The marcount’s family, to their surprise, now included the King of Sunkland.

Initially skeptical nobles couldn’t believe the news; while they acknowledged the school connection, the idea of the daughter of an outcount marrying the young Sunkland king seemed far-fetched. However, the wedding proceeded, and Tiona Rudolvon was warmly embraced by the people of Sunkland.

Now, it was the Tearmoon nobles’ turn to feel a sense of urgency. The supposedly empty marcount title had gained substantial influence through a matrimonial alliance with Sunkland’s royal family. The panic among the nobles wasn’t just panic; it was a feeling akin to “massive FOMO.” The news of a Tearmoon noble marrying into Sunkland royalty prompted the central nobility factions, previously at odds, to set aside their grievances and unite. Their common goal: to marry one of their own into Sunkland’s royal family, regardless of the candidate, as long as they represented the distinguished lineage of the central nobility. The looming question, however, was who the Sunkland candidate would be.

That’s when the nobles recalled a crucial detail—during Abram’s reign, Sunkland boasted not one but two princes. Rumors surrounded the other one, but those details weren’t pertinent at the moment. All they required was Sunkland royalty, and the second prince was an ideal fit. Additionally, the boy had already been placed under the care of the Greenmoons as a future fiancé for the Duke’s daughter.

The prospect was too tempting to ignore, and the Greenmoons suddenly found themselves in the spotlight. Influential nobles discreetly—and sometimes not so discreetly—visited them, inquiring about the arrangement with the Sunkland prince. If the Greenmoons intended to call off the engagement, these nobles were eager to propose their own daughters as potential replacements

Before long, Esmeralda was summoned by her father to discuss her promised marriage. Annoyed, she arrived with a scowl, exclaiming, “Ugh, again? Father, how many times must we go through this?”

Five years had elapsed since she brought Prince Echard home. Now twenty-three, she was well within the marrying age, if not slightly overdue. Numerous marriage proposals had been declined; her reason was straightforward—she had Echard. Since the day she brought him home, she had made a silent pledge. His past mistakes didn’t matter; he was the one for her, and she had decided so.

Echard, steadily growing into a promising young man, seemed to strive to live up to her silent pledge. Studying under Headmaster Galv at Saint Mia Academy, his academic performance was exceptional. Esmeralda believed in him, convinced he would achieve greatness, and betraying his trust was the last thing she wanted to do.

With determination, she prepared to decline the new proposal vehemently. “Actually… I’ve had a lot of talks with people lately, and they’re really starting to clamor for you to hurry up and finalize your marriage to Prince Echard…”

“I’m— Wait… Huh?” Esmeralda stared in disbelief, trying to process the unexpected revelation.

Her father grimaced. “I don’t blame them, considering the recent developments. But I can’t exactly tell them the truth about Prince Echard’s situation…” Regretfully, he realized he should have sent Echard back to Sunkland earlier. Esmeralda, however, did not share his remorse. Puzzled, she slowly processed the words.

“Finalize… my marriage… to Prince Echard?”

Thus, the pair’s wedding proceeded at breakneck speed, and before long, Esmeralda, at the age of twenty-three, and Echard, at fifteen, were married.

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More time elapsed—two decades, to be exact. Then came the day when Sunkland joyously welcomed the return of Echard and his family. After a flurry of greetings and official functions, he retired to a room in the royal castle with Sion. It had been a considerable time since the brothers had met in person. They clinked their wine glasses together, celebrating their reunion.

“When was the last time we shared a drink like this? About a year ago?” “Yes, during Mother’s birthday last year. It’s great to see you again, Sion.” Echard’s smile was genuine, lacking the stiffness and reservation that had characterized his demeanor around Sion until just a few years ago. Finally, they could converse in a state of mutual comfort.

“I have to say, the Mianet really is something,” Sion remarked after a sip of wine. “I heard it’s expanding beyond the continent and collaborating with kingdoms overseas now?”

The topic was familiar, given Echard’s involvement in the Mianet’s operations. “Yes. Greenmoon’s connections paved the way for us. The more kingdoms we can persuade to join the network, the more people we can help. By sharing food and fostering communication between nations, it also enhances diplomatic relations. The work this organization does is immensely valuable.” Despite his modesty, Sion detected the pride in Echard’s voice—a good, mature pride emanating from someone who found profound meaning in their work. There was a radiant maturity to his younger brother’s expression that Sion found heartening and even a bit dazzling. He nodded.

“That’s very reassuring. Especially coming from you…” said Sion. “I’m pleased to know that you’re fulfilling your duties as a member of Sunkland’s royal family and doing it exceptionally well.”

In his role as the Mianet’s negotiation officer, Echard managed contractual obligations with numerous kingdoms, showcasing diplomatic prowess second to none. Sion had long heard unanimous agreement from experienced merchants who worked with the Mianet, praising Echard’s superiority in closing deals.

Sion’s praise brought a calm smile to Echard’s face. “Thank you for your kind words, Sion. Knowing that you recognize the value of my work… It means a lot. More than anything else.”

“On a different note, Echard, sorry to shift the topic, but I recently heard an intriguing rumor…” “A rumor? What kind?” Echard raised an eyebrow. “I heard from Miss Chloe that she discussed stepping down and having you succeed her as the Mianet’s president, but you firmly refused,” Sion revealed.

Seeing Echard in good spirits was reassuring, but there was one thing that still troubled Sion. For some reason, Echard consistently declined every job offer that came his way, often for high-ranking or executive positions, showing no interest in them.

Echard’s time at Saint Mia Academy had proven highly successful. Even by Sion’s standards, the talent and competence displayed by his younger brother were impressive. Most jobs should be manageable, if not trivial, for someone of Echard’s ability. However, he adamantly declined prestigious or significant positions, making Sion suspect that lingering guilt from a past incident still haunted him.

“I think it’s a great job for a Sunkland royal, and Miss Chloe clearly offered you the position with confidence in your abilities. So why? Why did you say no?” “Uh… Well, that’s…” Echard shifted uncomfortably in his seat, mumbled something under his breath, scratched his cheek, and offered a hushed confession. “It’s because… If I’m too busy, Esmeralda gets lonely…” What a revelation! For a brief moment, Sion stared in silence at his brother’s reddening face, then burst into laughter. “Bah hah hah hah! Does she, now? Well, that’s certainly a very valid reason to turn down a job. I’m not sure I can even think of a more valid one. Ha ha ha.”

At that moment, Sion finally dispelled his worry. He could now confidently say that the seed Echard had sown so long ago had withered for good, never to sprout again.

There was something else he could assert with absolute certainty—as a married couple, Echard and Esmeralda were doing well.

Thus, the subtle rift between Sunkland’s royal brothers was finally repaired, concluding a potentially tragic chapter with laughter. And it was all thanks to…

Mmm hm hm. Outcount and marcount… All I changed were the first three letters, and on the surface, they both mean the same thing. I bet those silly nobles won’t realize what I actually did. Serves them right for pestering me when I was trying to enjoy my cake!

The initial sentiment behind the long chain of cause and effect leading to this conclusion would forever be lost to history…