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Reincarnated With A Summoning System-Novel

Chapter 249
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After a subdued night at anchor, the Navy ship gives them instructions to head for the Port and tie up at a designated spot along the pier. The Landis Capital Port is much more magnificent than the piers in any city they've even been to before, holding over a hundred merchant ships at its peak, though not even a third are filled right now. 

"Buying or selling?" The dockmaster asks when he makes it to where they were instructed to tie up, near the end of the southernmost pier, far from shore and the warehouses. Not exactly a prime location, though that's expected for a non human crew. 

"Mostly buying. We have very little left to sell, just some silk." Silk they've got in abundance. The Spider Queen is a workaholic and insists her Minions are, too, so they've amassed a wealth of regular and low-grade magical silk in the Guild Bank. Far more than their Tailors can use. 

"Alright then. Do you have anyone in the city who can vouch for your integrity? With a guarantor, the entry fee is lower." Cain thinks a while then decides saving a few coins isn't worth the hassle. 

"Not today, but perhaps next time I visit."

The dockmaster nods, assuming Cain means he's intending to form a business relationship with whoever he's dealing with in the Capital. He pulls out the official fees chart so everyone knows he's not scamming them and has Nila sign the register as ship's Captain before Cain leads the Companions, plus Misha and Mythryll ashore.

They can see some sort of carnival in the distance, so that's the direction they head, ignoring the strange looks they're getting from the almost exclusively human locals. It's not like Cain can make everyone look human anyhow. Vala has changed to her more nondescript form, though, and a crisp black pinstripe suit with a peach blouse.

He could have them all disguise in Neko form, wear hats, and hide their tails, but given Odin's reaction to the sight of identical twin Nemu, that might be even worse if someone notices. 

It doesn't take long before Cain realizes that it's Evangeline and Vala walking side by side that's confusing everyone and drawing attention. Demons and Seraphim rarely get along. Once they reach the fairgrounds, it doesn't matter anymore anyhow. Everyone is so busy checking out the activities that they don't care who is around them. 

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Cain recognizes approximately zero of these games but sees that they're all variations of carnival games he is familiar with. They've been modified, so they're all games of chance. Since thanks to the system, games of skill, even rigged ones, are not in the house favor. 

"Should we split into groups, meet up at the Ferris wheel in two hours, and then go for lunch?" Vala suggests. 

"Sounds good. I'll go with Vala." Evangeline agrees. 

"And I'll go with Nemu, who will turn me into a Beastkin so I can play the games, right?" Laura says hopefully. 

"That means it's me and Mythryll and Cain with Misha," Nila says, smiling at the other Elf.

One copy of the Wave Rider is still on the ship with the summons and the puppets, making sure they're on top of the ever-present cleaning and maintenance duties that come up every time they reach Port. 

"Don't go overboard with the gambling. No matter how attractive the prize is, and I'll see you all for lunch."

Before they separate, Nemu turns Laura into an adult catgirl that closely resembles her own current fur reduced form with cream colored for and hair, with black tips to her ears and tail. They're close enough in appearance that Laura could be her little sister. Those two only make it a few stalls away from the group before they discover a cotton candy vendor and have to wait in line to get some. 

Vala and Evangeline have a hard time just making it through the crowd, the soft wings of the Seraphim brushing against people and drawing attention. Everyone wants to talk to her, learn what it is like to be an angel, ask her questions. In the end, it's only the presence of Vala that keeps her from being overwhelmed.

Evangeline has her Aura set to its lowest possible setting since it can't be turned off entirely, but she is still treated like an A-list celebrity in the crowd. They even go to the stalls and try to win prizes for her whenever they think one has caught her eye. 

"The lowest setting seems to be the winner. They're not giving you lewd looks, but everyone loves you. Now you know for the next time we're out with humans." Vala teases as a young woman comes and offers Evangeline a giant stuffed angel that she just won. The Seraphim looks panicked, not wanting to be rude but not needing another huge stuffed animal. 

"Sign it and give it back. Trust me." Vala whispers. The girl is so pleased she swoons and almost faints when the stuffed toy with an elegantly written "Evangeline" enters her hands. 

"I don't recall it being this bad before." She hisses at Vala, who gives her a genuine smile. 

"That's because I turned my Aura off. The Wrath Aura doesn't just demoralize enemies, it also makes bystanders uncomfortable." That does it, Evangeline decides. Demons are evil through and through. How long has Vala been waiting to set her up like this? 

On the other side of the carnival, where the food and games stand to give way to more exotic-type activities, two Elves are walking hand in hand. One fair in both skin and hair, though she's been trying to tan, the other ashen gray with shocking white hair. Both are wearing matching brown leather pants and boots with a green tunic and black sash, though the fair one's tunic is more of a dress than a shirt. 

"Now that's an event. Do you think we could win?" Nila laughs, pointing at a spot where human children attempt to ride Big Horned Sheep. 

"We might be the same size, but you're level 180. I'd say that's a pretty unfair advantage." Mythryll teases back, watching the kids get thrown off by the cute, wooly creatures. 

The carnival worker thinks the pair are hilarious and would let them have a go if they didn't have a system. They don't get too many nonhuman visitors, but the Mutton Busting event seems to attract the small ones who love excitement. 

"Just down the way is a version you could try, ladies." He calls out to them, pointing towards the water. They skip off with a laugh, instead of asking what he means, finding that this arena holds a level 120 Mole Dog instead of a sheep. They're almost bear-sized, though narrower in the body like a giant dog, much smaller than the two-ton Great Horned Wildebeest that the humans use for a Rodeo challenge in this world. 

"Care to try, ladies? Any woman who can manage wins double the prize." He's taunting their capability, and Nila gets a fantastic idea.

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"Not only could I, but I'll also bet my Summoned Goblin could ride that half-tame puppy." Her Bonded Forces summons are Dark Fae, of which the Red Goblin species are a member. The two of them have faced enough Mole Dog Riders to know that this one would be no challenge for one of Nila's Summoned Goblins

"If your Summon can do it, I'll pay you to double from my pocket. If it can't, how about you give it a try. Topless. Call it a penalty game?" He seems extra eager to see them fail now, but Nila has no doubt she will win. 

"You're on. You heard the wager, everyone. Double from his pocket if the Summon can ride the Mole Dog for 15 seconds." She calls out, and the crowd begins to gather. 

Looking through her Goblin Bonded Forces options, she sees Lieutenants, Captains, Knights, Elite Guard, and finally Rimbey, Knight Commander of the Goblin Royal Guard, and an Arch Paladin.

She calls one pair, merged for the challenge. "Rimbey, darling. This human says you can't ride that Mole Dog for 15 seconds. Be a dear and prove him wrong, will you?"

The Goblin in shiny silver armor under a red tunic grins at the Mole Dog, her Mohawk bouncing free as she nods her agreement and removes her helmet to strap it to her side.

"Got it, boss. Are you sure you don't just want me to pet it instead? I thought you only broke wild mounts?"

The Mole Dog is furious now, snapping and snarling. They're brighter than most animals, able to understand thousands of commands and simple phrases, and this one certainly knows they're insulting him. 

Rimby kicks the gate to the Beasts stall open, letting it free to run around the arena before jumping over the fence and into the dirt circle. The Mole Dog immediately charges, but the Goblin Paladin side steps and grabs its saddle, pulling herself onto the enraged animal. 

It begins to lunge and kick, twisting and Snapping at the Goblin, trying to get her off its back to no avail. Finally, it even tries rolling over to find that her Armor is pointy and the Goblin is still attached. Howling in fury, the Mole Dog continues to go berserk well beyond the fifteen seconds, and Nila shoots a happy smirk at the worker. 

"See, not a problem. Now, if you'll kindly pay up."

The animal soon exhausts itself, and Rimbey climbs off, patting its head in affection.. "I was wrong; that was a pretty good ride."