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Reincarnated With A Summoning System-Novel

Chapter 425 425
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For the first two full days that they were at their new residence, Cain did nothing but study Spell Crafting. Though he had managed to learn a few spells in advance, he was really only a sixth of the way through the book. Unless he could master the principles to the very end, he didn't think that he could manage to fix or destroy the Vortexes.

So, he set his mind to study as he had never in two lifetimes done before. The first section of essential skills that he had made it through so far was more like a tutorial, an introduction to Spell Crafting where the student was walked through step by step. Even the bit where he had to fill in missing sections of spells was still very clearly laid out for him. Cain had hoped that the entire book would be that way, step-by-step learning that he could follow with relative ease. Unfortunately, there was a very large step in the middle, and he wasn't quite sure how to overcome it.

[Using the principles of life force manipulation, the following spells can be modified to alter physical attributes at the Mythic Level] the page in front of him says. But he doesn't know the principles of life force manipulation, and they aren't in this book anywhere.

Cain had considered skipping it and moving forward, but they are mentioned multiple times in the following sections, as well as other theories he has never heard of before. It might have been common sense to the author, or part of a standard syllabus, but things like Nyarla's Theorem of Light Decay are no longer taught in this world. In fact, he didn't know that light did decay. Doesn't it just kind of travel until it hits something?

Perhaps a serious change of the vortexes might be overly optimistic for his abilities. But for now, Cain is comparing what he knows of curses and the [Life Leech] ability to try to work out the intricacies of Mythic level physical enhancement.

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Even if it doesn't help with the Vortex, that's a class of spells that he can't afford to overlook. Going by the expected outcomes, he should be able to temporarily enhance even a common barn owl to Mythic Quality equivalent. The book predates the System, so he doesn't know if it will actually categorize them as Mythic, but even if it doesn't that level of buff on Vala would absolutely destroy anything he has fought so far.

"Maybe if we gain a few more mythic healing skills it might help us understand?" Victor, the victorious echo suggests.

Cain forbid him from calling the one that was called back "Loser" so instead he renamed himself to bask in the glory of having won the ultimate challenge against his clone. Cain was going to point out that they are identical, so neither is actually better, but the motivation of a challenge seems to be the best way to get them to do things in the most efficient manner without micromanaging them.

That seems like a good idea, so Cain merges with a Legendary Forest Dragon, and his skills upgrade it to Mythic. Both its aura and one of the healing spells it can use qualify as mythic rank spells, so Cain has a variety of methods to test their theories on life force. The Dragon unfortunately had no idea what they were talking about, so either dragon doing things instinctively is the issue, or they simply have a different name for it that the Dragon didn't understand.

The two echoes exchange Mythic Fireballs, then heal each other as Cain watches. There is certainly something there, but he just can't quite grasp what it is. They seem to be enjoying themselves though, so Cain lets them repeat the process over and over until he understands.

The first day isn't quite enough, but he did manage to get a bit of insight after dinner. When the healing spell restores the body, it doesn't bring the essential "Life Force" with it. The newly grown flesh and tissue are in a type of stasis until the body's energy flows into them. This is the reason that healing spells don't work on the dead. Without the life force to bond to, the spell can't finalize.

Keeping that in mind, and after looking over the Spell Crafting book for most of the night, Cain tries to actually create one of the enchantments the next morning. He understands the basics of enhancing stats, that part was easy, and with this bit of new knowledge, Cain hopes that he can make them attach to the target body and take effect.

In case targeting the echoes is interfering with the process, Cain borrows a wild rabbit for today's experiment. Much like its humanoid equivalent, rubbing its head calms it right down, and Cain sets it in a stall in the barn while he writes out the ability.

The completed work looks like it should function, so Cain crosses his fingers and rubs the bunny for luck, then casts it.

[Skill Learned: Mythic Fortification]

"Yes, it worked!" The echoes cheer in unison, looking down at the rabbit happily nibbling on leaves in front of them.

"Did you manage it? Nemu asks, rushing into the barn, stopping when she sees the rabbit.

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[Species] Rabbit

[Level] 90

[Quality] Ordinary


[Mythic Durability] Reduce damage taken by nonawakened abilities and attacks by 99 percent.

"So it wasn't enough to make it Mythic" The beastkin sighs, looking over the bunny, then getting a suspicious glint in her eyes.

Laura flies in while she is admiring the rabbit and whispers in her ear. "If you set it loose in town, imagine all the fun you could have watching the townsfolk try to kill it for dinner."

That has to fall under cruel and unusual punishment. Even if they trapped it, they would be unlikely to manage to kill it until the buff wore off. The two of them are clearly planning to try it out until Cain gives them a look that has them both reconsidering putting the rabbit in danger.

"Why not keep using this one? With a Mythic Rank damage increase buff maybe it would upgrade?" Nemu suggests, amused at the thought of a super bunny, until it occurs to her that it would actually become more powerful than she currently is. Without anyone farming beastkin dungeons or traveling, the number of new forms has come to a near stop. Unless they find a beastkin Village, she might be stuck at Ancient for even longer.