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Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System-Novel

Chapter 166 Eliminating Loose Ends (Part 4)
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When Ernest felt the indifferent gaze of the masked youth on him, for the first time since the war against the undead, he felt fear for his life.

Demons and undead are allies but they also only worry about their own kin, Falco worked for the best alchemist among the undead race, the so called "mad alchemist", a well known but at the same time mysterious powerhouse.

The mad alchemist earned its tittle because its research is centered in using live subjects to create potions, poisons, pills and even consumables.

For example, the poison which Ernest wanted to buy "gray death" required gray matter of the brain from an Arch ranked human and an Arch ranked demon.

Which means he offends both enemies and allies by equal, that's why its identity is a secret, that being said the products created by him are of a high quality, and since the specific ingredients are a secret, then his buyers turn a blind eye at his actions.

In other words, as long as they aren't affected then the demon lords won't act against him, or that should have been the case, but right now Ernest witnessed a demon killing Falco even after he stated his background.

Ernest wanted to cry but he didn't have the time to.

"That psycho alchemist must have messed with the wrong person and since he is untraceable, then his subordinates are being hunted, fucking Falco brought death at my door", he thought.

Daimon saw Ernest was about to piss his pants and he decided to keep on with the act.

He took the seat Falco was using before, he relaxed on the chair as if he just didn't kill an Archmage a second ago, core synchrony was activated so for the eyes of others he was young mage lord.

"That ghoul was my target, so I wonder what should I do with you?", he said as if he was thinking out loud.

Ernest heard Daimon's words and he immediately replied.

"Your excellency, pardon my rudeness but aren't the demons enemies of the Jolbaris family?".

Daimon limited to nod interested in what Ernest was about to say.

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Ernest's eyes glowed with hope as he continued.

"I can arrange a meeting with one of their half emperors, then your excellency can command an ambush against it, the merit of killing a half emperor should guarantee wealth and fame for your excellency".


"Interesting, but I don't believe you are willing to do it for free, speak what do you want in exchange for delivering a half emperor in a silver plate for me?".

Ernest nearly shouted due to the extreme happiness he was feeling.

"You see Erin, the heavens also want your demise", he thought before answering in a flattering voice.

"I would like to request your excellency to grant the well being of me and my companions, as well as stablishing as requesting some help to deal with another half emperor, in exchange both corpses will be handed to your excellency".

At this point Ernest was willing to get the short stick as long as he was able to live and getting back at Erin, a proof of it was that he gave up on the possibility of obtaining a share of the blood, flesh and magic core of a half emperor.

To Ernest's surprise he saw the "demon prince" considering his offer for a moment before nodding.


Ernest didn't relax, he saw how Falco was killed after thinking he was safe, so instead of that he spoke in a low voice.

"Then, please undo this paralyzing spell, we both need to sign a soul contract to formalize the deal… right?

Daimon snapped his fingers and Ernest noticed he was finally able to move again but before he could celebrate, Daimon's next words put him in a predicament.

"The less people know about this the better, I only want one signature besides mine in the contract, you take care of the rest".

Ernest's face darkened, once again he was being toyed with, but he didn't dare to get angry and instead tried a different approach as he pointed at the relative which he crippled with his own hands.

"Esteemed prince, can you spare her, she had to suffer due to that disgusting ghoul, you can take her as your concubine, women from the main branches of the Revy family aren't available in the black market after all, take it as a sign of goodwill".

Daimon smirked, knowing what Ernest was trying to do, a political marriage is one of the best ways to stablish a good relationship between people who used to be enemies.

Daimon looked at the woman who was laying on the table, because Ernest was when he was about to deliver her to Falco.

The woman noticed Daimon looking at her and unlike when she was looked by Falco, she put on an innocent pitiful expression before saying.

"If lord prince accepts me, I will do my best to repay the favor".

While on the exterior the woman acted as docile as possible on the inside, she stole a couple of gazes at Ernest.

"I was blind to believe in you pieces of trash, just you wait I will seduce this prince and with his help I will have my revenge!".

The wrath of a woman is no joke, and that is something Ernest will learn soon, but not by the hands of the woman that was now seductively glaring at Daimon, but by one that has been watching the show since the very beginning.

A small smile formed at the corners of Daimon's mouth.

"A woman from one of the main branches of the Revy family, is not a bad acquisition but I heard you saying she was the woman of another man".

Both Ernest and the woman replied at the same time.

"No, she isn't".

"It's a misunderstanding lord prince".

Daimon pointed at the woman and she immediately explained in a soft feminine voice.

"Ernest wanted me to marry that loser, but he was jailed even before we started dating, I haven't been touched by a man before".

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Ernest paled a bit noticing the woman wasn't calling him "uncle" anymore, she also referred as Edgar as "loser", so he had a bad premonition, unfortunately since he wasn't allowed to speak, he could only swallow his complains.

After a moment of hesitation which made the heart of the woman nearly stop, Daimon nodded.

"I will see for myself whether you are lying or not".

The woman understood the message, her face slightly blushed but she didn't say anything else.

Finally relaxed each one with their respective plans, Ernest then redacted the soul contract, he signed it and then handed it to Daimon which gave it a quick read, just as he expected Ernest basically only asked for his life to be spared, the drop of "gray death" which ended in Daimon's hands and help to take down Erin.

So of course, he signed it and returned it to Ernest which kept it in his storage ring, he then stood up from his chair and took out a sword before walking towards his supporters which were still paralyzed.

"I'm sorry you all, this is all for the sake of the family", he said in a self-justifying tone, before the other elders could reproach him for being a hypocrite, with a swing his sword Ernest beheaded them all.

Among the elders he was the only middle stage Archmage and the others couldn't move so it didn't take even a couple of minutes for Ernest to kill them all, as stated on the contract he kept the corpses to give them a proper burial later.

"Your excellency I have fulfilled my part of the deal, now I will take my leave…".

When Ernest turned to see the demon prince, he was talking with a moment ago, he was instead welcomed with the scene of a black-haired youth looking at him as if he was looking at an idiot.

Daimon laughed before imitating the slightly hoarse voice that is produced when he speaks while using the mask of the hollow suit.

"Thanks for your cooperation elder Ernest, with the whole previous scene properly filmed and the "evidences" planted in your house, as well as that secret room, then you will all be erased from the records of the Revy family, including that Edgar bastard".

​ Ernest felt as if his heart was freezing, his face paled and his body trembled, he then realized all this time he was played like a fool which made him spit out blood due to the excess of anger.

"You... how is it possible I clearly felt the mana of a mage lord", he mumbled before shouting.

"You vile creature, are you going to raise your hand against a man who doesn't have any strength anymore!!!".

Unfortunately, just as he was about to jump and bite Daimon to death if needed, his body froze again, and then he listened a cold snort before a voice he knew spoke.

"My mother couldn't move and you still sent assassins against her, just to pressure me, I bet you didn't even imagine one day you'll be getting a taste of your own medicine".

Ernest's face lost all the color it still had as he saw Erin literally appearing out of nowhere with a murderous expression.