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Reincarnated as Napoleon

Chapter 142 Going To Versailles
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In the Château de Chantilly, a week had passed since Napoleon successfully staged the coup, ousting the former government, the Directory, and establishing the Consulate. Now, in his bedroom, Napoleon prepared to don the First Consul uniform, meticulously putting on each piece.

Napoleon put on the First Consul uniform. It was a red coat with golden buttons and lining, and the white breeches fit him perfectly.

He looked at the mirror after donning each piece and struck a pose with his hands inside the waistcoat.

A knock on the door was heard and Napoleon straightened himself up.

"Come in," he said, and the sound of the door opening revealed his wife, Ciela, and their two children, Francis and Aveline. Ciela's eyes lit up with pride as she saw Napoleon in his official attire, and she couldn't help but smile.

"Looking sharp, my love," she complimented, walking over to him and adjusting his collar slightly.

Napoleon grinned, appreciating the support of his wife.

"Thank you, my love," he said warmly, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Francis and Aveline, their young children, were in awe of their father's appearance. Aveline spoke up with admiration.

"You look like a real leader, Papa!"

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"I am a real leader," Napoleon said with a playful twinkle in his eyes. He enjoyed the innocence of his children's admiration, and it brought a sense of warmth to his heart.

"So…papa is the leader of France now? Our country?" Aveline asked in curious innocence.

"That's right my dear," Napoleon confirmed. "So you are all ready to see the new residence?"

"Do we really have to move there…father?" Francis asked in a melancholic voice. "I kind of like staying here."

The residence that Napoleon was referring to was the Palace of Versailles, the former residence of the royal family of France who was in Austria, in exile.

"Me too, papa…can't we just stay here?" Aveline asked.

Napoleon crouched down to their level and gently placed a hand on each of their shoulders, comforting them.

"I understand that change can be unsettling, my little ones," he said in a reassuring tone. "But this is an important responsibility I've been given, and with it comes the need for a new residence. The Palace of Versailles will become our new home, and I promise you, it will be just as wonderful as Château de Chantilly. Besides, we are not moving today, we are only visiting it as it'll need to be renovated first."

"But can't you do your duties here, father?" Francis asked again.

"Well, I can, my dear but the reason why we are moving to Versaille is because it's near the capital and the people. The people would love it when their leader is living near them, and it will make it easier for me to govern and attend to the affairs of the nation."

"And you'll have us with you all the time, Papa?" Aveline inquired, her eyes seeking reassurance.

"Of course," Napoleon replied with a smile. "That's one of the great perks of being a leader, I can work without being far away from my beloved family."

"Really?! Yey!" Aveline jumped up in excitement, her eyes sparkling with joy.

Francis, still a little unsure, looked up at his father and asked. "Father, since you are the leader of this country, does that mean you don't have to go to war anymore?"

"I still have to go to the war," Napoleon answered. "I am still a general, Francis. But don't worry, it's not like I'm going to war soon. There is a lot to handle especially in state affairs." I think you should take a look at

"Well…if you say so, Father," Francis said.

Napoleon gently ruffled his son's hair before standing up. He looked at Ciela, who only observed how he interacted with the kids.

She flashed a smile, indicating that he had done a good job.


Outside the Chateau de Chantilly, a majestic carriage drawn by six horses was parked in front of the entrance. It would be escorted by his elite Consular Guard Cavalry commanded by Bessieres.

"Your excellency," Bessieres approached Napoleon. "Everything is ready for our trip to Versailles. May I have the honor of walking you to your carriage?"

Napoleon nodded with gratitude. "Thank you, Bessieres. Lead the way."

The sound of footsteps echoed through the marble corridors as the family and their entourage made their way outside. The sight of the imposing carriage and the loyal soldiers standing at attention filled Aveline with awe.

"Wow, Papa, look at all the soldiers!" Aveline exclaimed.

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The soldiers under the command of Bessieres were fighting the urge to return a smile and a wave of the hand to Aveline's charming demeanor. She was cute, and if not for their discipline, they would have adored playing along with her excitement. Instead, they stood tall and proud.

As they reached the carriage, Bessieres opened the door with a bow and Napoleon lifted Aveline gently, placing her inside the carriage first. Francis followed, and Ciela gracefully stepped in after them. Napoleon joined his family, settling into the comfortable carriage seat.

"We are all perfectly settled, Bessieres, you may now close the carriage door," Napoleon instructed with a nod.

Bessieres closed the carriage door, mounted his horse, and signaled to the rest of the Consular Guard Cavalry to take their positions around the carriage. With a swift command, the majestic carriage began its journey to the Palace of Versailles.

As the wheels rolled along the well-maintained roads, Aveline couldn't contain her excitement. She leaned against the window, her eyes wide with wonder at the sight of the escort of soldiers surrounding them.

Francis on the other hand was reading an intermediate mathematics textbook to pass the time.

Napoleon leaned in close to Ciela who was sitting next to her and whispered.

"I think we have given birth to prodigies."

"It's genetics, darling," Ciela replied with a whisper.

"Yeah, they took after your looks and took after my wits…Ouch…"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ciela pouted as she nudged Napoleon in the arm gently.

"I'm just teasing you, darling," Napoleon chuckled, winking at Ciela. "Still, you can't deny the fact that we have extraordinary children. Also, I have been noticing their appearance lately… as they look more like you."

Ciela's cheeks flushed slightly, and she playfully rolled her eyes at Napoleon's teasing remark.

"Well, they say children often take after their mothers. But you must admit, they have your intelligence…there, I admit it."

Napoleon chuckled. "Come on, without you the company that we have built won't be like how it is today," he paused as he sighed in contentation. "Once we arrive in Versailles, we will do a quick tour and I will meet Talleyrand, Fouche, Joseph, and Lucien. It's going to be my first official discussion as a consul of France."