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Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 533 This Is All Made By Something
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"It spans… It spans over tens of kilometres!"

"And it's moving quite fast considering its grand surface area!!"

Everyone started to chat and express their doubts and surprise about this storm. None ever imagined seeing such a thing, except for one; William.

"Where is that bear head thing then? Trouble lord, did you mistake it with something else or what?" Ibra turned to Thomas and said, attracting everyone's attention towards the latter.

"Ahem… I didn't see it in such way before," even Thomas got taken aback by this weird storm appearance, "but the thing I drew was the thing I saw using my power."

"Are you telling me this mountain sized black drop is actually a bear head? No way!" Lang retorted back. And before Thomas would say anything to defend himself, William suddenly said:

"He isn't lying, there is indeed such a thing in that storm."

"How so?" everyone turned to him, and William pointed towards that storm before adding:

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"This isn't a natural phenomenon, but the making of something."

"Something made this?!!!" Sara blurted out what everyone was thinking, "who is it? A god?!!!"

"No, it's a monster," William seriously said, while his eyes were fixed over this grand black ball heading towards them, "the entire place is designed by that monster. Be it the hexagonal zone, the insane number of monsters here, and this black thing… All are made from a single monster to achieve one result…"

"Which is?"

"Let's talk while moving," William didn't hurry to answer. He turned around, gave that black ball a long glance, before starting to run at the totally opposite direction.

"Are we leaving now?!" the entire team was taken aback by William's weird and contradictory actions. But the old members in the team felt how familiar this was.

This was how William used to behave every single time he was about to do something crazy. And that made them feel lots of anticipation in their hearts.

Unlike what they all guessed, William didn't do anything and kept running away from here.

"This place is designed to absorb the spirit power of those getting in here. Once inside, it was either getting killed by the swarms of monsters or dying out of spirit power depletion."

"That means we are in danger!" Lina turned back again to look at the black ball which was now looking much smaller from far distance, "then why are you happy about this?"

"That place is desinged by such crazy monster, and that means it's close from getting to shatter this world's shackles," William didn't hurry to answer her and everyone's doubts per habit and started to speak about something else.

"Do you know that to break from the world's shackles, getting into the legendary rank isn't sufficient?"

"Not again!" Lang couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard William's words. And Berry from the side laughed on his expression.

The two knew how familiar this was. It was just the same when William acted to save their clan way back in the past.

"I heard rumours about the legendary rank, but never heard about something like this," Murphy said, and William expected such answer.

"The legendary rank is one of the conditions to get out from this world. But the biggest obstacle lies in something else… A gate!"

"A gate?!"

"A gate linking this world to outside," William paused, turned towards the direction of that storm before adding, "and our little friend here is a bit greedy, wanting to do both steps at the same time using such a grand formation."

"That means…"

"That storm is working to suck dry anyone's spirit power to complete the two conditions at the same time… That monster is trying to reach the legendary rank, and also open a portal out of here using such immense spirit power this grand formation here absorbed for years."

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"..." the team kept their silence for few minutes while William led them away from that storm. "But… Why are you happy about that?" Berry couldn't help but ask the question that others had in mind as well.

"Because this is a great chance for us, hahahaha!" William laughed, "let's talk about it later. For now, we need to get away and go on our way."


William didn't explain things over as they wouldn't get it. This monster seemed to stumble upon some ancient site or a relic that came from the outer world.

This method was known in the outer world, as many monsters already came from tiny worlds to there using it. It was called the Heaven Cheater by spirit masters, as whoever using this method would bypass many obstacles in a single move.

Using this formation and grand array, the monster would stay put and do nothing, waiting for others to be lured inside. The monster wouldn't show mercy to any and would let tons of monsters surround this place and fill it as form of protection and also a grand source for spirit power.

However, this formation loved to suck spirit power from masters more than monsters. So, a single spirit master was much worth than tens of thousands of monsters inside that array. And like this, it was also seen as one of the deadliest weapons the monsters got against spirit masters.

Not to mention using such method would cut short lots of time, save tons of trouble for any monster.

Despite all this, William wasn't even worried or startled by any of this. In fact, he saw this storm and the scary monster lying inside as a fortunate encounter.

That monster might be just half a step away from the legendary rank, but he wasn't that awake to begin with. For the formation to work, the monster had to sit inside, go into deep slumber, act like a sitting duck.

The shape that Thomas saw was the spirit of this monster drifting inside that storm where its body lied. So it wasn't that hard to kill this monster, but William had to put such plans on pause for now.

To make the best use of this formation and the spirit power stored inside, one had to be at least at gold grade, better to be at dark gold grade.