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Rise of The Anti God (Web Novel)

Chapter 243: Roy's Finishing Move
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Damien had already activated the first phase of his Undying Wrath, and he didn't experience much burden as before and instead felt the burden was lighter this time on his body.

Instead of waiting for Roy to get up to him, Damien decided to reach him first. Lightning streaks covered his eyes and danced across his whole body as his feet pushed against the ground.

Mirage of Myriad Phantasms!

He pushed his body to the maximum as he utilized his best speed. Like a lightning streak, he flashed forward and swung his sword heavily to meet Roy's dual sabers.

His Sword Will began to exude from his sword and seemed to engulf himself, which made him seem like he was the sword itself.

Roy felt as if a huge and sharp sword was storming towards him, and barely could he even discern Damien's movements.

"How foolish!" Roy let out a cold scoff seeing that Damien didn't use his speed to evade him but dared to clash with him head-on. In his eyes, it was nothing more than Damien actively trying to seek death.


Shockwaves spread in the air, and surprisingly they were in a stalemate! Roy didn't get pushed back, but neither could he pushback Damien!

He clenched his teeth in frustration and raised his sabers again to strike at him, "Die for me!"


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Damien remained unfazed as he calmly countered Roy's attacks, and torrents of ethereal energy exploded as the sounds of metal clashing with each other resounded three times continuously.

Roy's ethereal energy covering his sword seemed to be scattering away like a punctured balloon each time he clashed against Damien's sword.

But Damien's counters remained as strong as ever, nor did his legs falter. He was still standing tall with his sword pointed towards Roy.

Roy couldn't believe what was happening even though he didn't use his full strength. He didn't think he would have to exert more of his energy to defeat someone whose cultivation was weaker than his.

Even if he assumed that Damien's combat prowess would allow him to cross one whole realm, what just happened should be impossible, he thought. After all, Roy's cultivation was at the sixth level of the Earth Ethereal Realm, and this was unacceptable for him.

At this moment, the entire crowd was silent as they were completely dumbfounded by what they saw. No one expected such a result from seeing Damien and Roy clash head-on.

In a clash with such great disparity in their cultivations, they initially thought Damien would terribly lose out in that clash and even suffer severe injuries.

But it seemed as if they were evenly matched! How was this possible?

Even in Valentina's match, they found it shocking that she beat Dennisa as if she was nothing, but still, Valentina's cultivation was three levels weaker than Dennisa's while Damien's cultivation was weaker than a whole realm!

In the uppermost area of the audience, Reva's lip slowly drew into a soft smile while also feeling a bit surprised that Damien was able to hold his own against Roy.

Leon Xeton nodded as he said with raised brows, "How astonishing. Even his sword mastery seems very profound to the level that I have never seen, even among the sword experts from the Lancaster Empire. Who is the master of this boy? Whoever his master is, I am sure they are an existence we probably cannot comprehend. Even his alchemy skills seem more promising than mine, and I never thought I would lose out to a junior, hoho."

Hearing his light-hearted chuckle, Reva knew that Leon was not the kind of man who would feel bad just because a junior surpassed him in a certain area but instead would feel glad that someone would achieve new heights he never could.

He encouraged talents to surpass him and reach new heights instead of limiting their vision.

After all, he was the kind of person who cared about how much far someone can pursue the Ethereal Way, and he wanted to see the maximum one could reach even if the path was virtually endless.

"This can't be for real, right? I mean, with such a difference in cultivation, if I were in Damien's shoes, even if I had ten times the strength, I would get crushed like a bug."

"Hmph, I am sure senior brother Roy is only trying to gauge Damien's strength. He must have not even used a tenth of his true strength."

"Yeah, senior brother Roy must be trying to inflate Damien's confidence and then crush him in a single blow. Let's all cheer for senior brother Roy. Hey, you! Why are you not cheering for Roy?"

"O-okay, senior brother. A-All hail the power of senior brother Roy…"

Damien asked with a sarcastic smile as he looked at Roy's expression twisted in aggravation, "Why are you not smiling anymore?"

Roy straightened out his arms and forced a peal of laughter with a sullen face, "Just because you were able to hold against some of my attacks, did you consider yourself stronger than me? Ha, what a joke! I barely even used 50% of my total strength before. In my eyes, you are already a dead rat. Now die!!"

Roy was completely in a frenzied state, realizing that he had lost face by not being able to take down Damien easily unless he used his full strength. However, he inwardly felt a bad premonition seeing the confident smile on Damien's face despite him saying that he did not even use his full strength before.

With the clashes he exchanged before with Damien, he noticed that Damien was completely in a relaxed state without even a hint of pressure on his face.

He could also see the stupefied faces of the audience, seeing that despite the difference of eleven levels in total, he couldn't even suppress Damien even after using half of his strength.

He circulated all his ethereal energy towards his sabers as flames intensely blazed on them. His muscles completely flexed, and veins could be seen popping up on his arms.

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He wildly swung at the air while pouring out every last fraction of his ethereal energy towards his sabers. He finally decided to use his full strength and end this match before Damien could come up with any tricks.

"Die! Fire Serpent Burns The Seas!" Roy's face revealed pure savageness, and his explosive roar reverberated through the audience.

"Oh my! This is Roy's most powerful finishing move! I heard he made his way into the Eternal Hall of Fame list by using this move. Damien is now toast."

Leon Xeton furrowed his brows as he said in a concerned tone, "This is bad. Roy Clive's finishing move carries his complete strength. I don't think Damien, with his current prowess, would be able to handle it. I already sensed that Damien used almost 100% of his ethereal strength to block Roy Clive's attacks before."

Reva frowned as she gripped her armrest firmly. She almost stood up to stop the fight before it was too late.

Even though she was not supposed to interfere in a fight, it didn't matter at all to her if she could make sure nothing happened to Damien.

However, Leon Xeton stopped her, "Don't worry. I am here. I can save Damien before anything can happen to him. Why don't you take a look at his face? Even though he knows Roy is about to execute his most powerful move, he doesn't seem to be perturbed for some reason. Let's see what's going to happen."

Reva relaxed her body slightly as she rested her body back against the seat. She also wondered why Damien was so calm after observing him. She then decided to wait and see, just as Leon said.

The air rippled as a huge blazing snake manifested from Roy's sabers that seemed to even scorch the earth without even touching the ground.

Damien could feel the intense heat emanating from it and was sure that he would get burned to cinders if that five-meter tall fiery snake attacked him.

He couldn't even use his speed to get out as the ring of fire surrounded him and even seemed to merge with the huge snake as its tail became even longer and larger.

The flaring snake seemed to be alive as it seemed to hiss at Damien with flames spurting out of its mouth.

"Burn to death!" Roy wildly roared as he sent the blazing snake towards Damien.

Damien's brows furrowed, feeling the air around him getting hotter and hotter as the fiery snake was storming towards him.

Everyone's mouth slacked, seeing that Damien was going to be swallowed by the huge blazing snake.

However, the corner of Damien's lips drew into a composed smile as the fiery snake got closer.