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Rise of The Undead Legion

Chapter 559: Happy Endings
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Final Chapter

Six months later.

In Don Tivo's villa, there was a great crowd of people gathered up. It was far more than when Caitlin's birthday happened here. Simply because today was a bit more special.

"How do I look?" Spoke Caitlin.

Zoe was wearing a pink dress with a decorated flower on the head, "You look amazing," Zoe replied as she admired the pretty expensive and amazing-looking wedding dress that Caitlin was wearing. Yes, today was Caitlin Giovannie's wedding day. And she was going to marry Dave's best friend, Ralph.

The two were in Caitlin's dressing room along with a load of her female friends. One of them shouted, "Get out! It's a jinx to see the bride before the bride's walk."

Ralph's voice came from the other side, "Just chill I just wanna see how my babe is looking."

Dave's voice came in afterward. "Ralph, you really don't wanna anger a bunch of women on this day, let's go, the rest of the gang is here already."

"Cheeze, anyway, let's go," Ralph replied and walked side to side with Dave to the main hall of the villa.

"I don't know why they didn't want to do the wedding in a church," Ralph spoke.

"They're Italians, most of what they do is weird, still you think a church will be bigger than the don's house? Or at least as well-decorated?" Dave replied.

"Touché, oh here's Perfect," Ralph said as he saw Perfect wearing a twin-tailed tux.

"Dude, you really had to go with the sparrow tux?" Dave asked.

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"Bro, Alfred is dead, no need to have any nightmares about it, you killed him yourself." Perfect replied.

"Yeah, but I still have a nagging feeling that he could probably come back one day, you know," Dave said.

"Not with your current power, Mr demi-god. So, Dad's been asking did you already make your legacy or no?"

"Hey! No talking about the game today!" Vanessa's voice came from behind perfect.

She then proceeded to grab him by the arm. Both Dave and ralph were taken aback for a little then they both said, "Are you two an item now?"

"Well, it's been like this for a couple of months now," Perfect said in a wide grin.

"I'm happy for you Vanessa," Dave said sincerely.

"So am I, I realized that it was useless to keep chasing after a crush, and honestly Perfect is just perfect." She said with a grin.

"Ho the whole gang is here! Ah, where is Fortress! He said he'll bring his date here. Gotta admit this is the first time any of us will see him," Flanker's voice came in. yet right next to him was a woman, that once Dave saw her, a huge deal of trauma came to him.

"Holy crap! What is she doing here!" Dave said while pointing at the blond, overly sized, and extremely tall woman."

"Oh, she's my date," Flanker said.

"You know her?" Ralph asked.

"Yes… Olga. How are you doing?" Dave gulped.

"I haven't seen you in our spa ever since," Olga said.

"Yeah, and for a good god damnned reason. You're a torture master," Dave said bickeringly.

Just as the group was talking, a red flamboyant-haired woman, wearing a red dress, and crimson lipstick. The whole hall turned when she entered.

"Oh my god! That's Rissa Bloom!" Vanessa said.

"Who that?" Dave asked.

"She is the top of the top of our business! As a super-super model! What is she doing here?" Vanessa said. After all she was an aspirant model and her career was on the right track, she had to know of the competition, but Rissa Bloom was the cream of the crop. The best in the Biz and if any magazine or a clothing company wanted her, they would have to pay exorbitant prices just to get her to wear some of their items. Small companies would have no hope in having her model for them.

Once she had her eyes resting on the group, she walked up to them and smiled, "How are you guys doing. It's been a while."

The whole group looked awkwardly at each other, none of them knew her personally.

"Hey, Hunny bunny, I've been looking for you for a while." A slightly chubby man came after the woman and kissed her lightly on the lips.

Flanker's eyes widened, "No way! Who's this? How did you land this new girlfriend?"

"New?" Both Ralph and Rissa said at the same time.

"This is Tess, I told you about her, we even partied together many times, you having memory loss or something?" Fortress said.

"No! no! no! Tess in-game is a fat old guy named stan and he lives with his mom in a basement!" Flanker said.

"Poor Flanker, well, I hope your life gets better, and you shouldn't underestimate people a lot," Tess spoke in a wide grin.

Soon after that, the wedding ceremony started. Dave as Ralph's best man stood right next to him when a beautiful Caitlin wearing white came in, she was escorted by her father, a proud smile on his face as they walked the aisle.

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"She looks beautiful doesn't she," Ralph said.

"Yeah man, I'm happy for you bro," Dave replied.

The ceremony started and the priest began speaking the vows. And once Ralph kissed his bride, it was official. Ralph is now a married man, still, Tivo never missed the opportunity to call him and say the following words, "Make her cry, and ill make you sleep with the fish."

A loud gulp came down Ralph's man, even with all of his muscles you never go against the mob unless your name is David Ruster.

While Dave and Ralph were joking around in wait for the night ceremony, the girls gathered up together, Caitlin was about to throw the flower bouquet.

Vanessa and Tess were both pretty tall girls, and next to them was Olga, she was a threatening existence.

Just as the bouquet flew from Caitlin's hands, Zoe, unceremoniously pulled out a gun and took a shot in the air, the sudden gunshot made everyone scream and run away as the bouquet fell easily in Zoe's hands.

"Crazy woman," Ralph said.

"Yeah, But I love her still," Dave smiled as he saw Zoe holding the bouquet proudly.


The End.


Author's Note.

Hey, biako here, well who else. Anyway, it has been a good journey, hell man, it has been an amazing one. I never ever thought I'll get this far with this book, but thanks to you, every single one of you that I could be proud and glad to have finished this book.

I know I could have added more, but to be honest, like you all know me, anything I add above this would be just fillers. And I'd like to leave on a good note. So far I have learned a lot, basically from you guys, you have taught me how to be a better writer and how to achieve what I have achieved so far. And to be honest, I feel extremely sad to have to part with many of you. Because I know that a lot of readers will probably stop right here, but for the loyal few, from my real Undead Legion, for those who never hungered for crappy filler and only wanted pure content, Never tired of waiting for a new chapter even if I took a long time to post one, and finally Never Feared that I will leave them with a boring story, for you guys, I made this, and for you guys, and I shall make better.

Thank you all for everything, thank you for being you, and thank you for being a part of this glorious journey For now, I'll leave the platform for a month, I'll need to rest and prepare for my new undertaking, The Poison God's Heritage. If you haven't added it to your library, please do right now. Because once I start, It'll be a glorious ride that I wish that my legionnaires would take with me. My only wish is that once I start tackling this new Monster of a Book, I want to look around me and see my Knights, my loyal legion, with their swords drawn and ready to back me in my new raid. I wish to see you on my next battle my dear legion. Please be there, for it shall be glorious, for it shall be FOR THE LEGION!

Biako out!