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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 100 Shadows And Screams (R-18)
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"shit, I forgot to use her handles, damn it! Oh well, I'll just have to remember to grip them next time like a pro." Erwin strutted back to his place, shining like a disco ball with all that oil on him.

"Man, anal with her was a blast, but now I gotta play it safe with Adelaide, or else she'll turn me into her personal pegging toy. And on top of that, I need to find a way to ditch this pesky slave mark. Life's tough when you're a sex slave, huh?" Erwin chuckled to himself, feeling like he was in some kinky sitcom.

Erwin tiptoed into his quarters, but something was off. There wasn't a sound to be heard, no clattering dishes, no snoring from the other servants. "Wow, it's like a ghost town in here. Did I miss a memo?" he mused to himself.

As he neared his door, he realized it was already open. "Did I forget to close it? Nope, I always remember to do that. So who left it like this?" he wondered, feeling a bit uneasy. He slowly pushed the door open, expecting to see his cozy bed and a lamp on the bedside table.

But instead, he was greeted by pitch-black darkness. "Great, now I'm going to break my neck trying to navigate through here," Erwin grumbled as he stumbled around, bumping into furniture.

After rummaging around in the dark, Erwin's hand finally landed on a small object. "Ah, jackpot!" he exclaimed quietly, relieved that he found something to light up the room. He struck a match, but it flickered out before he could get it to the candle. He tried again and managed to light the wick, and the flickering flame cast eerie shadows across the room. "Well, this is cozy," Erwin muttered to himself with a hint of sarcasm as he surveyed his dimly lit quarters.

As the candle's warm light illuminated the room, Erwin felt a wave of relief wash over him. The eerie darkness was replaced by a soft glow, casting comforting shadows across the room. He looked around and noticed his own shadow dancing on the wall, mimicking his movements as he moved the candle around. For a moment, he felt like he was in his own private dance performance, with the flickering flame and his shadow as his only audience. It was a strange but oddly comforting feeling, and Erwin couldn't help but smile to himself as he watched his shadow's movements.

The flickering candlelight cast a warm glow on the walls, but it also created an eerie shadow of himself on the opposite wall. And next to it, a second shadow appeared, as if sitting behind him.

He heard a soft voice from behind his back saying, "Hello there."

Erwin almost replied with a casual, "What's up?" But as he turned around to face the source of the voice, he saw a twisted, grotesque face staring back at him. His eyes widened with fear and he stumbled backward, screaming like a banshee on a rollercoaster.

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His scream was so high-pitched, it could've shattered glass. It was the kind of scream that made nearby cats run for cover and birds fall out of trees. Erwin's scream was so loud, it could've woken up the dead. It was the scream of a guy while getting penetrated into the ass for the first time.

In fact, the only thing louder than Erwin's scream was the sound of his ego crashing to the ground. Poor Erwin, he went from staring in his own private dance performance to becoming the star of his own horror show.

[After 10 minutes]

Erwin sat on the bed, his face flushed from the previous girl-like screaming. Across from him, another person with pointed ears sat on the second bed in the room.

Erwin raised his flushed face to look at the person across from him, whose pointed ears were now visible from his perspective. "So, you're Erwin, my new roommate?" the pointed-eared person said. Erwin nodded in response.

Erwin sat there, taking in the sight of his new roommate. The pointed ears were a clear indication that the person was an elf, but unlike most elves who were known for their beauty, this person's face was disfigured with dirty black marks and deep cuts that had further marred their appearance.

Erwin couldn't help but stare, even though he knew it was impolite. He wondered what had happened to this elf to leave such terrible scars on their face. He could see that the elf was aware of his scrutiny, but they didn't seem to mind. Instead, they spoke again, breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry about the noise earlier," Erwin said, trying to make conversation.

The elf shrugged. "It's fine. I've heard worse. My name is Kael," the elf introduced himself.

Kael noticed the circle on Erwin's finger and exclaimed, "You're a first-circled mage!"

"oh this.... " Erwin said and showed him his intricate circle on his pinky finger. As he looked at Kael, he noticed that he had two fingers with intricate circles on them as well. ,"Wait a minute, you're a mage too!"

Kael chuckled and replied, "Yes, I am."

As they chatted, Kael got curious and asked Erwin why he was shacked up in the servant quarters. Erwin spilled the beans about his life story, but he conveniently left out the juicy bits, like his steamy encounters and his brief stint as a prince, for two weeks.

Kael listened attentively as Erwin narrated his life story, leaving out the more scandalous parts. "Wow, that's quite a journey," Kael said when Erwin finished. "But why are you stuck here in the servant quarters?"

Erwin hesitated for a moment before replying, "I was sold as a slave, and then this professor from the academy bought me. What about you?"

"Same here, man. I was also sold as a slave, and some professor from our school bought me, too." Kael said as his voice got down.

Erwin looked over at Kael and decided to trying to light the mood with a joke. "Hey Kael, do you know why elves are such great dancers?"

Kael looked at him, intrigued. "No, why?"

"Because they have a natural talent for elfin' around!" Erwin exclaimed, unable to contain his laughter.

Kael let out a groan, but there was a small grin on his face. "Erwin, that was a terrible joke. I can't believe I have to share a room with someone who tells such bad jokes." He paused for a moment before continuing with a smirk, "But, on the bright side, you don't want to miss dinner, do you?"

"Dinner? Where is it?" Erwin asked eagerly.

Kael let out a chuckle. "The feast is in the cafeteria. They usually start serving at 8:30, and it's already 8:02. We better hurry before we're late or we're stuck with the leftovers."

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They left the room and made their way down to the cafeteria. Erwin couldn't help but feel grateful that he had met Kael. He had a feeling that they were going to be great friends. The main reason he felt that way was that Kael's disfigured face reminded him of his own original body.


In a lavish chamber, a lady with ebony horns reclined on the bed. The moonlight streaming through the window cast a shimmering glow on her oiled, brown skin, making her entire body glisten. Her hips were slightly raised from the bed, and at times, they trembled while her eyes remained closed and drool escaped from her open mouth.

Her hands on her fat ass cheeks and slightly parting them, and the cool air in the room brushed against her skin, sending shivers down her spine.

As warm liquid continued to spill from her anus, it closed and opened intermittently, eventually making its way towards her vagina and getting tangled in her auburn hair before finally touching her soft flesh.

An annoyed but sweet voice could be heard in the room, "How much did he come? It's not stopping coming out." Seraphina continued to push out Erwin's jizz from her anus.

Seraphina couldn't help but feel guilty as she thought to herself, "where did he go? I thought he would never stop. It must have been his first time orgasming........he must be feeling weird.......I shouldn't have done this to him....But....it was amazing." The memory of taking advantage of Erwin lingered in her mind, causing her guilt to grow stronger.

"Argh, this is taking too much time," Seraphina said, inserting one finger into her anus and scraping Erwin's cum from within. As she continued doing so for some time, her nipples started to get hard again.

"Why am I getting so turned on by fingering my anus? It's a dirty place, and I shouldn't have been feeling good about being violated by a man," she wondered aloud. "But it's so ahhh pleasuring," she moaned as her second finger made its way into her slippery asshole.

Her other hand kept her pussy spread apart, stretching it and showing the view of her vagina's inner walls.

"It's not enough. I can't reach much deeper with my fingers," Seraphina said as she continued to reach deeper into her back cave, but was unsuccessful. "Only his dick can reach that deep... where is he? I need him... ahhh."

Her finger continued to go in and out of her soft asshole, stretching it more to make it easier for Erwin to penetrate in the future.


Attention, dear readers! I am excited to announce that I will be introducing new male and female characters into the . If you have any suggestions about what kind of characters, you would like to see in the story, please feel free to comment and let me know. I am eagerly looking forward to your input.