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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 105 Rosewood Elegance
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As He got closer, Erwin could see the details of the city's architecture. The walls of the city were adorned with intricate carvings of mythical creatures, symbols of the city's magical heritage. The city itself was a bustling hub of activity, with merchants peddling their wares, street performers entertaining passersby with their magic tricks.

As he entered the city gates, Erwin was struck by the sights, sounds, and smells that greeted him. The streets were narrow and winding, lined with buildings made of stone and wood, adorned with colorful banners and signs advertising various services and goods. The air was filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread, exotic spices, and the occasional whiff of something more pungent.

As Erwin strolled through the city, he couldn't help but notice a group of beggars scouring the streets, looking for their next mark. Their eyes were scanning the crowds, searching for someone rich and gullible to prey upon. But Erwin, with his tattered clothes that blended in with the beggars, was completely overlooked. Erwin glanced down at his torn clothes and chuckled to himself, remembering who had given them to him.

"Well, I miss her mouth. Her throat was quite deep." Erwin's face broke into a grin as the image of Rovena, the first woman who had ever made him orgasm, popped into his mind.

Erwin's mind wandered. He found himself reminiscing about the first handjob he had received from his beloved grandma.

He was so absorbed in his own musings that he didn't notice the growing discomfort in his pants until he felt a strange sensation. Glancing down, he realized to his dismay that his pants had started to make a tent-like shape.

Snapping out of his reverie, Erwin realized he had lost track of his surroundings. he quickly adjusted his pants, trying to discreetly flatten the bulge. He glanced around, trying to get his bearings and find the location he was supposed to be heading to - the alchemical association. The bustling streets of the city were a maze of winding alleys and bustling marketplaces, and he was determined to find his way.

Erwin walked through the bustling streets, his eyes were drawn to a clothing shop with a faded signboard that read "Rosewood Elegance." The once intricate wooden panels were now cracked and showing signs of wear, their rose and gold hues faded with time. The display windows, once showcasing a stunning array of dresses, now seemed to hold ordinary garments that failed to capture Erwin's attention.

The shopfront appeared deserted, with no customers in sight. Only an old man was sitting behind the counter, seemingly asleep, with his head down. Erwin approached the window and browsed through the dresses with curiosity. But left the shop after spending some time browsing through the lackluster collection.

Erwin looked left and right, asking passersby for directions, but the responses were varied and sometimes contradictory. He scratched his head in confusion, trying to make sense of the directions he received. "Hmm, turn left at the clock tower, then right at the fountain, and... wait, was it through the archway or over the bridge?" he muttered to himself, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

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As he continued to navigate the bustling streets, he couldn't help but chuckle at his own predicament. "Finding the alchemical association is proving to be quite the alchemical task itself!" he quipped.

Finally, after wandering through the city for about 15 more minutes, Erwin's keen eyes spotted the grand building of the Alchemical Association. The building stood tall and majestic, adorned with intricate carvings and glowing with a faint aura of mystique. "finally I am here."

Erwin stood in awe before the grand entrance of the Alchemical Association, his eyes fixated on the intricate carvings that adorned the polished marble walls. The sunlight danced upon the surface, casting a mesmerizing glow.

"Wow," he exclaimed

The cool, solid wood felt reassuring beneath his fingertips, and he felt a surge of determination as he prepared to enter the building that held the potential for profit.

Before he could push open the doors, a stern-looking guard approached him, interrupting his reverie. "Hey, you there! What's your business at the Alchemical Association?"

"I'm here to sell some herbs that I've gathered," he replied, trying to sound confident despite the guard's imposing presence.

The guard gestured towards a counter at the far end of the hall, where Erwin could see a line of people waiting with their wares.

"Head over to the herb trading counter. Follow the signs," the guard instructed gruffly, before returning to his post.

Erwin nodded his thanks and made his way towards the herb trading counter, his eyes scanning the surroundings. The interior of the Alchemical Association was as awe-inspiring as the exterior, with shelves lined with vials of colorful liquids, intricate alchemical apparatus, and stacks of dusty tomes.

Erwin approached the counter, his heart pounding with anticipation. The middle-aged woman behind the counter greeted him with a stern expression, her piercing brown eyes peering at him over her spectacles.

She didn't possess striking beauty, but rather had a gentle, matronly face that one could easily find in any ordinary household. She wore a crisp white and black long skirt, exuding a professional air as she went about her business. Her demeanor was calm and composed, as if she had seen it all before and knew how to navigate the complexities of life with ease.

"What do you have there?" she asked in a no-nonsense tone.

"Huh where?" Erwin said as he looked away from her hanging breasts without the sport of her bra.

Her eyes pointed at the bag in his hand. "Oh, these?"

He opened it slightly, revealing a handful of herbs he had gathered earlier.

The woman's gaze remained stern as she inspected the herbs, her expression unreadable. Erwin couldn't help but feel a bit nervous under her scrutiny. He wondered if he had done something wrong or if the herbs were not up to her standards.

The woman behind the counter, after inspecting the herbs, nodded curtly. "Decent quality," she commented, her tone still brusque. "I'll give you four silver coins for these herbs." She pointed at the pile of seven or eight herbs to her left, then shifted her gaze to another pile." These ones are low quality. So, 1 silver and 30 bronze coins for these." She pointed at the second pile, her expression unyielding.

Erwin listened attentively, noting the discrepancy in the quality of the herbs and the difference in the offered price. He couldn't help but cursed at the shit head boys who ruined his herbs.

"thanks." Erwin said as he pickup the silver coin from the table.

"Miss, before I go, may I ask if you're experiencing any pain in your shoulder?" he inquired with gentle concern.

The woman looked slightly confused and replied, "Yes."

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"Well then, come to Rosewood Elegance. They have just launched a new product designed to alleviate pain in women, especially those like you," Erwin said, casting a discreet glance at her big bosom.

Saying this, he left the building, leaving the women in confusion.

"Somebody once said, 'If you want to make money, look around you. You will find many things that can help you make money.' And as I looked around, I saw that every woman in this world seemed to carry something heavy that could potentially make me money," he mused, pondering the possibilities.

He strolled towards the old clothing store, his eyes scanning the surroundings with keen curiosity, while occasionally stare at large breasted women. 'My business is sure to boom with all the customers around! In just a short ten-minute stroll, I saw at least 30 potential customers.'

Meanwhile, a flat-chested girl who was with the woman noticed Erwin's creepy stares and whispered to her well-endowed friend, "Hey, look at how that guy is staring at your bosom."

Both women gave Erwin a disgusted look and quickly walked away from him, clearly uncomfortable with his behavior. Erwin couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration as he watched them leave. 'That's why men don't pick flat-chested women, because they'll turn their backs on you twice.' he thought to himself, feeling resentful. He then shifted his gaze to the backside of the flat-chested girl, admiring her curvy hips. "But I don't mind a flat chest," he mused, lost in his inappropriate thoughts.

After indulging in some inappropriate behavior by staring at women, Erwin finally arrived at the old clothing shop. As he entered, the bell above the door rang, announcing his arrival.

The old man behind the counter, who had been dozing off with his eyes closed, stirred as he heard the bell ring. He let out a yawn and then greeted Erwin. "Welcome to..." But upon seeing Erwin enter his shop, the old man interrupted himself and asked with a gruff tone, "What are you doing here, kid?"

Erwin smiled and replied, "Hi, uncle. Do you need any help with the store?"

The old man frowned and retorted, "Why do you think I need help running my store?" He gestured towards the empty shelves and lack of customers, making it evident that business was slow.

Erwin nodded empathetically. "No worries, Uncle. I'm not looking for pay. I just want to help out because I have some free time and I like your store."

The old man was taken aback by Erwin's genuine willingness to help without expecting anything in return. It had been a while since he had seen such selflessness in someone, especially a young kid. He finally smiled and said, "Alright, kid. I could use an extra pair of hands. But don't expect much in return."

Erwin grinned. "Thank you, Uncle. I promise I'll do my best."

"Alright then, get to work, and let me know if anyone comes by. The neighboring house is mine, you can find me there," the man said with a grin as he left the shop. "Ah, free labor," he chuckled to himself as he stepped out onto the street.

Erwin nodded eagerly, seems ready to take on the tasks assigned to him. He watched the man leave, and a mischievous grin appeared on his face. "Let's sell some bras and panties, shall we? And touch some big boo... I mean make some big sales."