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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 115 The Enchantia Fest
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Erwin revealed, "I managed to slow it down by 2 seconds," as a ball of light emerged from a magical circle. This was already the third day since Kael had taught Erwin and bestowed upon him the Luminous spell.

After successfully executing the spell the previous evening, Erwin was now striving to cast it as quickly as possible. Kael had advised him to complete the entire spell in 1 or 2 seconds. Initially, Erwin thought this was impossible, as it had taken him a full 40 seconds to cast the spell the first time around. However, Kael informed him that it usually takes around 50 to 55 seconds for a beginner to master the spell, making Erwin's initial completion time of 40 seconds a noteworthy achievement in itself. Presently, Erwin has managed to increase his speed even further by about 24 seconds.

Currently, he found himself deep in the forest, collecting herbs. By afternoon, he had gathered enough and decided to spend the rest of his time practicing the spell he had been working on for the past two days. This had become his daily routine - in the morning, he would venture into the forest to gather herbs and return by the afternoon. Upon his return, he would stop by Seraphina's house to see if he could catch her, but unfortunately, she had not been home during those times. As a result, he would then attempt to seek guidance from the professor's assistants, who were less than thrilled with his attempts and treated him with coldness. Consequently, the only place he could find solace now was at the alchemy association. The current destination of where he was going.

Everly informed him, "These herbs will fetch you 15 silver and 67 bronze coins." However, he had no luck finding a solution at his last destination and was met with Everly's cold shoulder.

Without any luck in finding a romantic partner, he returned to the clothing store where he usually spent his evenings gazing outside the dull display window, only to find it closed. He tried to locate the owner, but the person was nowhere to be found. The owner was known to be a lethargic individual who would simply greet Erwin before leaving the store to go to sleep.

Erwin was disappointed, as he had been looking forward to spending his evening at the clothing shop. He had always found it peaceful to sit there and watch the world go by. He wondered where he could go now to pass his time.

Erwin wandered aimlessly around the city, his mind devoid of any particular destination. He noticed that the city was abuzz with activity as it was gearing up for the upcoming Enchantia Fest. Erwin had heard about this festival before; it was a grand event that celebrated the magical renaissance of the city. In just 17 days, it would coincide with the day when the prestigious Vasmorth Academy would welcome new students.

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Erwin had heard about the festival from Kael, who had explained it to him with unbridled excitement. As Erwin walked, he could see that the city was indeed preparing for the festival. There were banners and decorations hanging from every street corner, and the shops had started to display their best merchandise in anticipation of the influx of visitors.

The origin of Enchantia Fest was ancient, predating even the 2500-year-old Vasmorth Academy.

In the ancient era, the use of magic in the enchanted city was thriving more than ever before. Wizards and witches had advanced the use of magic beyond what anyone could have ever imagined. The city had become a hub of magical activity, with enchanted objects, spells, and creatures all around.

In honor of this magical renaissance, the Enchantia Fest was created. It was a time for the city to come together and celebrate their love of magic, and to showcase the many new and exciting uses of magic that had been discovered in recent years.

The festival was a grand spectacle, with vendors selling enchanted objects and rare magical ingredients, performers using magic to create dazzling displays, and visitors marveling at the incredible power of the wizards and witches who called the city home.

As the years passed, the Enchantia Fest only grew in popularity. People from all over the world traveled to the enchanted city to see the latest magical innovations, and to experience the wonder and excitement of the festival.

Today, the Enchantia Fest remains a beloved tradition in the magical city, with new and exciting uses of magic being showcased every year. It is a time for the city to come together in celebration of their shared love of magic and to honor the many powerful wizards and witches who have contributed to the magical renaissance of the city.

After concluding his tour of the city, Erwin headed to the academy. It was still early in the evening, so he decided to search through some books in the library.

He entered the academy library and started browsing through the shelves, trying to find some interesting books on magic.

"Let's see, 'Advanced Potion-Making,' 'The Dark Arts: A Guide to Defense,' 'Magical Creatures and Where to Find Them.' Boring, boring, boring," he muttered to himself.

As he continued his search, his mind wandered to his struggles with mastering the Luminous spell.

"I swear, if Kael told me to complete the spell in negative seconds, I'd probably try it. At least then I'd have a good excuse for failing," he thought, chuckling to himself.

As he searched through the books, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever master the Luminous spell in 1 or 2 seconds.

Erwin was well aware that mastering the Luminous spell was a daunting task, but he was determined to become a skilled wizard. It wasn't just about proving his worth to himself, but also to the society that had always considered him a bottom-feeder. He knew he had to take this step towards wizardry if he wanted to stand out and prove them all wrong. After all, if he could light up a room with a flick of his wand, he could definitely light up his social status too.

'but is this world even use wands?'  Erwin thought as he continued to search through the books, hoping to find something that would help him improve his spell-casting skills. He came across a book titled "Mastering Luminous: A Guide for Beginners." Excitedly, he picked up the book and began to read.

The book was filled with tips and tricks for casting the Luminous spell quickly and efficiently. It explained the importance of focusing one's energy and concentration and suggested various exercises to improve one's spell-casting ability. Erwin was fascinated by the book and immediately began to practice the exercises it recommended.

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He spent the rest of the evening in the library, practicing the exercises and techniques outlined in the book. As the hours passed, he noticed that he was becoming more and more proficient at casting the Luminous spell. He could feel the energy flowing through him more easily and his focus becoming sharper.

Late at evening, Erwin was deeply engrossed in his book when he suddenly heard hurried footsteps coming from behind one of the bookshelves. The sound disrupted his concentration, and he remembered what had happened the last time he was in the library. Intrigued, he followed the footsteps with curiosity in his eyes.

Erwin recognized the faces of the people he was following and thought to himself. 'These are the same girls.'

As Erwin trailed the girl, they arrived at a familiar corner where he recognized the faces of the girls. He observed them utter something in front of a bookshelf adorned with a carving. Abruptly, they both walked towards the bookshelf and disappeared into it.

Erwin exclaimed in shock, "What in the world is happening?" and dashed towards the bookshelf, attempting to follow the girls into it. However, as he tried to enter the bookshelf, he found himself stuck and stumbled back, causing a few books to fall on him. He let out a grunt of pain as he struggled to push the books off him, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Some blood come out his head when he stuck the shelf and fell on some books and the shelf

Erwin lay on the floor, stunned, trying to make sense of what had just happened. He looked around, but the two girls had disappeared without a trace. He was now alone in the library, surrounded by books and silence.

Suddenly, something strange happened to the bookshelf into which the two girls had disappeared. A bright light began to emanate from the carving on the shelf, gradually increasing in intensity. Erwin, who had been knocked back and was lying on the ground, saw the light and quickly got up. He hastily retreated and hid behind another bookshelf, curious and apprehensive about what might happen next.

Erwin cautiously peered out from behind the bookshelf, his heart beating a little faster than usual. He couldn't believe what he was seeing: the illuminated shelf was glowing brighter by the second, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

As the humming sound grew louder, Erwin's nerves began to fray. What kind of sorcery was this? He had read enough fantasy s to know that things like this never ended well. Nevertheless, his curiosity got the best of him, and he inched closer to the shelf.

Just as he thought he had gotten a grip on things, the light blazed even brighter, and Erwin had to shield his eyes. He felt an energy so strong it was almost palpable pulling him towards the shelf, and he tried to resist. It was like trying to swim upstream in a river, only much, much harder.

Despite his efforts, Erwin was no match for the force pulling him towards the shelf, and before he knew it, he was swept up in the light and disappeared.