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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 117 Walking Into The Abyss
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Erwin opened yet another ancient, fragile-looking door, hoping to find an open space outside, and exclaimed, "For God's sake, let this be the last door." However, he was disappointed to discover the same dimly lit room with another door leading to what was likely another identical space.

Erwin had been wandering through the dimly lit corridors of this dark labyrinths for what felt like hours. He had hoped to find a way out, or at least a clue as to where he was and how he could get back to civilization, but every door he had opened had only led to another identical room or hallway.

With a heavy sigh, Erwin approached yet another frail-looking door. He was too tired to bother with the key, so he simply pushed it open with a tired step. To his surprise, he found himself in a completely different room. He couldn't even tell if it was identical to the others he had seen, as it was too dark to see anything but a small red glow emanating from a tiny hole in the far corner.

Erwin hesitated, unsure of what to do next. He had come this far, but he was starting to question whether his quest for escape was even worth it. Maybe he was better off just accepting his fate and staying in the castle forever.

But something about that small red glow drew him in. He took a step forward, then another, until he was standing right in front of the hole. He peered inside, but all he could see was darkness. Still, he felt compelled to reach in and touch whatever was emitting that eerie red light.

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As soon as his hand touched the source of the glow, a strange sensation washed over him. He felt as though he was being pulled, but not physically. It was more like his mind was being transported somewhere else. He tried to resist, but it was too late. Before he knew it, he was no longer in the dark space.

Erwin's anger boiled inside him as he looked around, trying to make sense of where he was. "What the hell? This is the second time!" he exclaimed. He kicked at a loose stone in frustration. "Who the hell is playing with me? I'm gonna find you and make you regret it, you son of a bitch!"

But as he looked around, he realized that there was no one there. No one to curse at, no one to blame. He was alone in this strange place.

Erwin took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He needed to figure out where he was and how he could get back home. As he looked around, he saw that he was standing on a long stone path that seemed to stretch on into the darkness. The only source of light was on the path itself, casting an eerie glow on everything around it.

As Erwin walked along the path, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The darkness around him seemed to be alive, pulsing and shifting like a living thing. The edges of the stone path were lined with a sea of darkness, broken only by the tall black trees that grew on either side. Their branches interlaced overhead, forming a thick canopy that blocked out any light from above.

Erwin couldn't shake the feeling that he was walking deeper and deeper into the unknown, with no idea what lay ahead. He couldn't see where the path led, but he knew he had no choice but to keep moving forward.

Erwin's luck, or perhaps his misfortune, seemed to have finally changed. At the end of the long stone path, he spotted a large red circle, similar to the one he had seen at the last door, but much larger. It appeared to be a moon, but it was hard to tell in this dark and eerie place. Despite the strangeness and creepiness of it all, Erwin felt drawn towards the glowing object, as if it held some kind of answer to his questions.

Without hesitation, Erwin began to walk towards the red circle. As he drew closer, he noticed that the darkness around him was getting even darker, if that was possible. The trees that lined the path grew taller and closer together, making it difficult to see anything beyond them. The only light came from the red moon, casting an eerie glow on everything around it.

Erwin's mind raced with thoughts as he walked towards the red moon, trying to distract himself from the eerie surroundings. His mind wandered to his maid, Agda. He couldn't help but wonder what she was doing at that moment, and the idea of her thinking about him while pleasuring herself brought a small smile to his face.

"I really miss her," he muttered to himself, wishing he could be back in her arms instead of wandering through this creepy place. "Once I get out of here, I should start to search for some information about the kingdom Achlys."

"My red-haired sweetheart is also present there. I really miss her throat."He reminisced about how she introduced him to pleasures he had never experienced before. "I really wanted to have a threesome with Jiona and Rovena. It's like super taboo and exciting, threesome with mother and daughter." Erwin said and looked back at his destination.

Erwin felt a sense of unease as he gazed at the red moon, which seemed to have grown in size and creepiness since he first spotted it. Its fiery glow cast a sinister light on everything around it, making it appear as if some kind of creature was staring at him with contempt, ready to pounce and devour him at any moment.

Despite the fear that pulsed through his bones, Erwin found himself unable to resist the urge to march towards the ominous object. His mind seemed to be telling him that he had to go there if he wanted to escape from this strange and terrifying place. The trees that lined the path grew thicker and taller, making it difficult to see beyond them. The darkness was almost suffocating, but Erwin trudged forward, his heart pounding in his chest.

Every step he took felt heavy and labored, as if he was wading through water. His mind was filled with thoughts of Agda and Rovena, but they were fleeting and disjointed, as if his brain couldn't quite focus on anything beyond the task at hand. His eyes remained fixed on the red moon, which seemed to grow larger and more menacing with every passing moment.

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Erwin felt like his mind was no longer his own, as if something else was controlling his body. He tried to resist, but his legs kept moving forward towards the red moon, almost as if he was under a spell. The closer he got, the stronger the feeling of being watched became. He felt like eyes were following his every move, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. 

Erwin approached, a larger form began to emerge behind the red moon. Erwin's heart raced as he approached the mysterious shape looming behind the red moon. With each step he took, the form grew larger and more imposing, until it was almost too much for him to comprehend. At first, he could only make out a shadowy dome with a pointed top, but as he drew closer, the structure became clearer and more detailed.

As if emerging from the darkness, the shape began to take on a new form. It appeared to be the head of some enormous creature, with deep crevices and sharp ridges etched into its surface. Erwin felt his breath catch in his throat as he gazed upon this surreal vision. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of beast could possess such a massive and intimidating head.

As he continued to approach, Erwin's eyes gradually adjusted to the dim light. He began to make out new details on the creature's head, like the glint of light reflecting off its round head and the eerie red glow emanating from its mouth, which Erwin though was a moon. The sight was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, and Erwin's mind struggled to make sense of what he was seeing.

Erwin's heart raced as he drew closer to the red moon, his mind filled with a mix of fear and excitement. "What the hell is this thing?" he muttered to himself, trying to make sense of what he was seeing.

As he finally reached the base of the near enough to see what that thing was, Erwin noticed that the ground beneath his feet was beginning to shift and contort. He stumbled and fell to his knees as the ground gave way, revealing a gaping hole in the earth.

Erwin scrambled to get back to his feet, but it was too late. He felt himself being pulled into the hole, and he tumbled headfirst into the darkness. 

"Erwin....Erwin....."Erwin felt a distant voice calling out his name as he fell deeper into the abyss. Surprisingly, he didn't feel any fear even though he was plummeting towards an unknown destination. His mind seemed to be in a state of tranquil numbness, except for the voice that echoed through the abyss. The voice was a source of comfort for Erwin, a beacon of hope that he could cling onto in this dark and endless void.

"Erwin...wake.....wake..up...Erwin." Gradually, the voice started to grow louder, as if it was approaching him. Erwin's mind snapped back into focus as the voice became clearer, and he could make out the words being spoken. It was calling out to him, telling him to wake up. The sound of the voice was soothing and reassuring, and Erwin felt a glimmer of hope ignite within him. He knew that he had to keep fighting, keep pushing through the darkness, and find a way back to the light.

And suddenly in the dark abyss a light shined and....