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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 120 The Breaking Point
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Erwin felt a twinge of nervousness as he looked at the spells in his hand. "I hope I don't burn down the whole forest by mistake," he thought to himself, letting out a nervous chuckle. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and focusing his mana, feeling it flow through his body. "Alright, let's start with Wind Blade."

Erwin had already memorized the structure of the spell and all he needed to do now was to visualize it in his mind and create it using his mana.

Erwin extended his hand and let the mana flow through his veins to his palm. A green magical circle started to form in front of his hand, filled with intricate runes and shapes. It was far more complicated than the illumination spell, and Erwin felt his nerves begin to fray. He took a deep breath and focused his mind, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach.

"Well, here goes nothing," Erwin muttered to himself as he continued to concentrate. After what felt like an eternity, the spell was finally complete. The circle buzzed with energy, and a green slash shot out from it, striking a random tree in the forest. Erwin smiled as he heard the sound of wood splintering, but when he looked up, he saw that the tree was still standing. There was a deep cut, about three inches deep, in the trunk where the spell had hit.

Erwin grinned as he successfully cast the Wind Blade spell. He was pleased to see the magical circle still active, so he tried to maintain it by pouring more mana into it. With good control, he could sustain the circle and use it to unleash rapid attacks.

"This is awesome!" Erwin thought to himself, feeling a rush of excitement. "I can't wait to try it out on some monsters in the forest."

He continued to pour mana into the circle, watching as it grew stronger and more vibrant. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his abilities as a spell caster.

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Erwin stopped and checked his remaining MP, only to be surprised by the result.

[517MP → 457 MP]

"What?" Erwin exclaimed in surprise, staring at his remaining MP. He realized that Wind Blade had cost him 60 MP, which was twice the cost of Illumination spell. But then he remembered that he had kept the spell active for some time, so that must have been the reason for the higher cost. Nonetheless, it had still taken him about a minute to complete the spell structure.

"Hmm, I need to work on my spell efficiency," Erwin thought to himself. "I can't afford to waste that much mana on a single spell. I need to find a way to reduce the cost without compromising the power." He then shrugged and grinned, feeling excited about the challenge. "Well, practice makes perfect," he said as he continued his training.

Erwin eagerly extended his hand, ready to try out the next spell. He focused his mana and soon an orange-colored magic circle began to form in front of his hand. The structure was hotter to the touch than the previous wind blade spell. Erwin couldn't help but feel a little nervous, but he quickly regained his confidence.

After a few seconds, the spell structure was complete, and Erwin smiled in satisfaction. "Let's see what you've got, Fireball!" he said with excitement as he shot the spell in a random direction in the forest. The spell traveled through the air with incredible speed, leaving behind a trail of flames in its wake. Erwin couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he watched the spell's fiery trail disappear into the distance.

As he lowered his hand, Erwin felt a sense of satisfaction. "That was amazing!" he exclaimed, feeling his confidence in his spell casting abilities grow. "I can't wait to see what other spells I can learn."

The cost of Fireball was only 40 MP, as Erwin had only activated the spell once. 

"Well, they cost too much. Let's start with something simple. Illumination spell it is," Erwin said, preparing to cast the spell. Surprisingly, he found it much easier to cast than the previous spells. It only took him a few seconds to complete the spell structure, and a bright light emanated from his hand, illuminating the surrounding area.

Erwin continued to practice his spells, he found that it was becoming easier for him to create simple spells like the illumination spell. Previously, the spell had cost him around 26 MP, but now, with his increased proficiency, it only cost him 20 MP. He was also able to complete the spell much faster than before. "Practice really does make perfect," he thought to himself with a grin.

After practicing for some more time, Erwin noticed that his mana was gradually getting lower and lower. When it reached below 80, he decided to stop and began to collect herbs in the forest.

Erwin had arrived in the morning and now, with an hour to go until noon, he had plenty of time to collect herbs. However, little did he know that this simple task would soon become difficult as he noticed a wounded animal peering at him from the bushes.

As Erwin continued to collect herbs, he suddenly heard rustling in the bushes nearby. He turned around and saw a large, ferocious-looking creature staring back at him. The creature had clearly been injured, with a burned wound on his back looked like it had been caused by Erwin's fireball spell.

The creature was about the size of a large dog, with dark green scaly skin and razor-sharp claws. Its eyes glowed a menacing red, and it bared its sharp teeth as it growled at Erwin. His two horn pointing toward Erwin while he charged at him.

Erwin froze, unsure of what to do. The creature began to snarl and growl, clearly angry and in pain. As Erwin backed away slowly, the creature suddenly lunged at him, teeth bared.

In a panic, Erwin tried to reason with the creature. "Hey buddy, let's talk this out. Maybe we can come to a peaceful resolution?" he said, trying to keep his voice steady.

Erwin's heart was racing as the creature charged towards him. He knew he had to act fast. With his mana running low, he quickly raced towards the nearest tree and stood with his back against it, facing the creature.

As the creature charged at him, Erwin began to cast a spell. It wasn't a powerful spell, but it was the only one he could complete in a short amount of time. He closed his eyes and concentrated, reciting the incantation under his breath.

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Erwin extended his hand just as the creature was a few meters away from him. The spell was completed, and a ball of illuminating light shot towards the creature's face, temporarily blinding it. Taking advantage of the situation, Erwin dove to the side and out of the creature's line of sight.

As the temporarily blinded creature dove towards him, it crashed headfirst into a nearby tree trunk. Its long horn pierced through the trunk with ease, leaving it stuck and disoriented. Seeing an opportunity, Erwin quickly got up and searched for something to defend himself with.

He noticed a large rock nearby, bigger than his head, and grabbed it with both hands. As the creature tried to free itself from the tree, Erwin rushed towards it with the rock held high. With all his might, he swung the rock towards the creature's head.

"DIE BITCH." Erwin let out a triumphant roar as the rock connected with the creature's skull. The creature attempted to shriek, but the sound was abruptly silenced as the rock crushed its mouth, breaking its sharp teeth. Erwin's eyes turned red with rage as he realized the creature wasn't going down with just one blow. He swung the rock again and again, each strike accompanied by a sickening crack. Erwin continued to strike the creature with the rock until it stopped moving, his eyes filled with a wild and fierce expression. Erwin's hand, still holding the rock, didn't stop until he had completely shattered the creature's skull from its body. 

After accomplishing the gruesome task, Erwin couldn't help but let out another loud roar, "YArghhhhhhhh!".

Erwin, unable to hold any longer, collapse to the ground. Slumped to the ground, gasping for breath. He could barely muster the strength to move a finger.

He lay there for a few minutes, trying to catch his breath and recover from the intense battle. As he lay there, he couldn't help but think about the absurdity of the situation. Here he was, a novice mage, battling a monster in the middle of nowhere. He chuckled to himself, realizing how ridiculous it all sounded. But at the same time, he felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had defeated a powerful creature, even if it was just in his imagination.

Slowly, Erwin regained his strength and stood up, looking at his clothes stained with monster blood and brains."ughh". He looked at the mangled bloody head of the creature and sighed. "Well, there goes my saved up money." 

Erwin brushed off the dirt from his clothes, but the blood on his hands made the dirt stick to them. He then walked over to the dead creature and wiped his hands on its soft fur. "Wow, this fur is so soft. It must be worth a pretty penny," Erwin remarked. He looked around for something sharp and rummaged through his herb pouch, which he had forgotten he had. If he had remembered it earlier, the poor creature's head would still be recognizable. Eventually, he found a small knife in the pouch and used it to skin the creature, carefully preserving its fur.

As Erwin skinned the creature for its fur, his mind began to wander, reflecting on the events that had transpired during his time in this world. And it slowly started to break....