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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 66 Something Is Happening
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"I don't know, prince, but we can find that out after leaving the event." Agda said hurriedly.

Erwin asked in surprise. "why so hurry? it's the last lavish party that I am attending as prince. Let me enjoy it."

Agda explained with urgency in her voice, "No, prince, we can't. it's dangerous here. I just saw a crazy woman when I was searching for you. I think she was also looking for you while singing a creepy song." Agda shuddered, remembering her creepy song.

Erwin's expression turned serious as he processed Agda's words. "What kind of song? Who was this woman?" he asked.

"I don't know, prince, but we can't take any chances. We need to leave now," Agda replied firmly.

Erwin nodded, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Alright, let's go." he said as he followed Agda towards the exit.

"But I didn't do what I had come to do here." He recalled that he had traveled a great distance from his home with a specific purpose in mind, which he had yet to fulfill.

"You're not a prince anymore." Agda reminded him.

"Are they made the announcement about my title yesterday?" Erwin asked, which Agda confirmed with a nod.

"Why the hell did the duke let me attend the event today, when the announcement about my title was already made yesterday?" Erwin asked, feeling perplexed.

"Agda, let's get out of here. I am getting Bad felling." Erwin looked worried.

Agda nodded in agreement and they both hurried towards the exit, trying to avoid any unwanted attention. As they made their way through the crowded hallways, Erwin couldn't help but wonder about the woman that he had fucked tonight. 'Why did she run away? I was going to make her squirt.'


Some onlookers murmured , their gazes fixated on an unsteady walking woman.

"Hey look… at her."

"What happened to her?"

"Did she quarrel with someone?"

"Why is her face so messed up?"

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The woman whom Erwin had been thinking about was attracting stares due to her disheveled appearance and unsteady gait.

'Why did I run away from him? This is all because of that little bastard,' she thinks to herself, her face still bearing the marks of their fight.

'That fucker cummed too much, it's leaking outside.' Erwin's cum was streaming out of her vagina, slowly spreading to her thighs.

As she stumbled through the hallway, she caught sight of her husband talking with some women with lusty eyes. "That son of a bitch." She muttered under her breath before calling out to him in a strained voice. "Dear."

"Emmaline, where have you been? What happened to you? Why are you covered in sweat?" Zalton asked with surprise, as he noticed her disheveled state.

"Nothing, I just tripped," Emma replied, trying to brush off her appearance.

"Dear, I don't feel good. Can we just leave now?" Emma said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Despite Zalton's concern for Emma's well-being, his attention was drawn to the women he had been conversing with earlier, who gave him a subtle glance that made him reconsider leaving so soon. "I understand you're not feeling well, my dear, but there are some important people here that I need to speak with. You can ‌leave without me," he responded to Emma's plea to leave.

'This fucker, I am going to fuck another man in front of him one day.' Emma smiled and said, "don't worry dear, take your time. I am gonna go home by myself. Bye."

Regret gnawed at her as she left the event. "I shouldn't have run away from him. At least he was able to make me orgasm," she thought, trying to find an outlet for her pent-up anger.

As Emma stormed out of the event, consumed by anger and frustration, she failed to notice the group of black-cloaked figures making their way into the castle. Unbeknownst to her, the guards patrolling the castle surroundings were lying on the ground with small wounds on their necks, their blood seeping into the earth.


"What happened to her?" Rita asked, seeing Emma leaving.

Zalton sighed heavily, his eyes flickering towards Emma's retreating form. "She wasn't feeling well, so she left," he replied nonchalantly, trying to look disappointment'd at her departure.

Rita frowned, sensing that something was off. "Is everything okay? You seem distracted," she observed, placing a comforting hand on his arm.

Felling her hand on his arm, he shook his head. "I'm just worried about security. I have a bad feeling about tonight."

"My husband had taken care of everything. You didn't need to worry too much," Rita reassured him with a smile.

"Yeah, but he forgot to take care of you." Zalton's eyes stared at her with lust, making her blush.

Rita couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement at Zalton's intense gaze. "Well, I guess you'll have to take care of me then," she said, trying to sound flirty.

Zalton's lips curled up into a grin. "I'd love to,".

As they made their way through the crowd, Rita couldn't help but feel a sense of thrill. After sometime they slowly slid away from the crowd.


"Duke, when you're delivering him to us?" Aheena asked, appearing somewhat restless.

"Lady Aheena, he is already here at the event. You may take him at any time you want." replied Duke.

Aheena's face lit up with a mix of relief and excitement upon hearing that the person they were waiting for was already at the party. "really? Where?" she exclaimed, eager to get her hands on the person they had come here for.

"Tell prince that maid candidates are here, and if he tries to run away, don't let him." Duke's expression remained stoic as he replied, "I will get Prince to you and ensure he does not attempt to evade you. However, I must remind you to treat him with respect and refrain from using any unnecessary force during the transfer, even if he is a commoner now. The blood flowing through his veins is still of the Nightrage family's." Trying to act noble..

Aheena nodded, acknowledging Duke's words. "Of course, we will handle the situation with professionalism." she said. "Thank you for your assistance, Duke."

Duke bowed slightly in response. "It is my duty to assist in any way possible, Lady Aheena. I wish you a successful outcome." after pause he asked with confused face. "If I may inquire, Lady Aheena, why do you want him? He is but a child and not a very bright one, I heard."

Aheena smiled at him apologetically and said. "I also don't know that, Lord Richard. I am just following the orders from above."

Her tone was sincere, indicating that she had no intention of concealing anything from Duke. She appreciated Duke's willingness to help and wanted to be transparent with him about her limited knowledge of the situation.

Duke nodded understandingly. "I see. Well, I hope that everything goes smoothly for you and your superiors." He then looked down at the party and said with a smile, "There he is. If you'll excuse me, Lady Aheena, I will go and fetch him for you now. ."

With that, Duke made his way towards Erwin, who was waling with Agda fastly looking worried.

'Is he trying to run away? Did he know? His grandmother is sending him to the Ayroth kingdom.' Duke noticed that Prince was walking towards the exit at a quick pace, which made him wonder if he was trying to escape. He couldn't help but wonder if Prince was aware of his grandmother's plan to send him to the Ayroth Kingdom.

Duke quickened his pace and caught up to Erwin and Agda. "Excuse me, Prince Erwin," he said, addressing the young man. "Lady Aheena is here to speak with you regarding the maid candidates. They have been waiting for you."

'What the fuck he is he stopping us and who is this lady, Aheena?'

Erwin's expression shifted from worry to confusion as he processed Duke's words. "Maid candidates?" he repeated, looking at Duke with a furrowed brow. "I don't understand. What are you talking about?"

With a confused expression, Richard looked at Duke and asked, "So, Prince, were you here for the maid selection?"

"That's correct, Duke Richard. But I am no longer a prince," Erwin replied. After a brief pause, he continued, "Didn't you hear? My grandfather renounced my title, and I am now a commoner."

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Duke Richard shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, that. Don't worry about it. The maids are a gift from me," he said, trying to downplay the situation.

'I don't want them.'

"Apologies for my rudeness, but I must decline your gift, Duke Richard, but I must respectfully decline your gift. As a commoner, I must learn to live within my means. Even if I desire maids, I cannot afford to pay for their monthly salaries," Prince Erwin explained, a hint of reluctance in his voice.

Duke Richard smiled understandingly at Prince Erwin's response. "I completely understand, Prince. But if you wouldn't mind, I would like to have dinner with you. It's a small gesture to express my appreciation for your attendance at this event."

'What the heck he wants from me? For god's sake.'

"We can't, Duke Richard. We need to go somewhere, so please excuse us," Agda spoke, who had been silent the whole time. She held Erwin's hand and tried to walk away.

Duke Richard's smile faded slightly as he heard Agda's words. He didn't like being denied, especially after going to such lengths to bring Prince Erwin here. He reached out and grabbed Erwin's arm firmly.

"I'm sorry, Prince Erwin, but I insist that you join me for dinner. It's not every day that I have the pleasure of dining with a member of the Nightrage family," he said, his grip on Erwin's arm tightening.

"Let go of me!" he demanded, his voice rising in frustration. "I don't want to have dinner with you. Let us go!"

Duke Richard didn't budge, and Erwin struggled to break free from his grip.

"Guards, please escort lady Agda and prince Erwin to the dinner table." Richard ordered.

Agda tried to intervene, but Duke Richard's men quickly stepped forward, blocking her path. Erwin realized that he and Agda were outnumbered and outmatched.

Defeated, Erwin slumped his shoulders and allowed Duke Richard to lead him towards the dining area. He knew that he had no choice but to comply, at least for now.

"What's going on there?"

"Who is that child?"

"I heard duke said to him, prince Erwin."

"Prince Erwin! Isn't he the whose title was renounced yesterday?"

"Yeah, what's he doing here?"

"Why is duke forcibly making him have dinner with him?"

The commotion caused by Duke Richard's actions drew the attention of the other guests. They could hear whispers and murmurs throughout the room, and all eyes were on Erwin as he was led towards the dining area.