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Savage Hunt by Jane knight

Chapter 20
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Chapter Twenty. Just a hint


“What about what happened after?” Tillie paused for a long moment before she took a deep

breath. “Would you change that?”

My shoulders tensed as I thought about her questions. My pacing had gotten to both Ryan

and Jason and I couldn’t seem to relax, so they had sent me away. I had never felt so

anxious in my life and I knew that, in part, it was my wolf wanting to go to his mate, to ease

her mind.

The other part was all me. I wanted to make everything better. I wanted to take Tillie into

my arms and tell her everything that I was feeling. Tell her what my hopes were for our

future and everything that I wanted to experience with her. I knew that I couldn’t do that

and if I tried, Jason had told me he would handcuff me again.

“Travis, are you there?

“Yeah, I’m here still.” I said, thinking about the best way to answer my mate. What did she

mean? Was she talking about after I had claimed her in my office or was she talking about

what happened between Ryan and I? Was that the after that she was meaning? “No. I

wouldn’t change it.”

“So you and Ryan… You wouldn’t-” Tillie started to ask, but then stopped herself.

“I wouldn’t change his claiming me if that’s what you’re asking, sweetheart. The only thing I

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would change was having you with us.” I said, feeling the tension in my shoulders unwind

some. “That would have made it perfect, smelling you while he claimed me. Knowing how

much it would turn you on to watch him fuck me until I begged.”

“Travis.” The way Tillie said my name, goddess. Fuck, it had my body stirring to life.

“That’s right, sweets. I want you with us.” I said, moving over to Ryan’s bed and flopping

onto the soft surface. “I wish you were here right now, sweet girl so I could show you how


“So, you guys claiming each other wasn’t because I wasn’t enough?” Tillie asked. Her voice

was small, like she was afraid of what I was about to say despite me trying to reassure her.

“Matilda, sweets, you are more than enough. You are more than I could have ever asked for

in a mate. More than I have ever dreamed, I would be lucky enough to have someone like

you.” I said, dragging my fingers through my hair and tugging at the straight strands.


“Mate, I swear it to you.” The words slipped from my lips, but they were rough with the

growling rasp of my wolf. My eyes widened at the words. This wasn’t something that

normally happened to me.

My wolf and I were normally so in agreement that the beast rarely took over. It seemed he

wanted Tillie to know that it wasn’t just me who felt that way. That he was willing to swear

himself to her was enough to make me want to jump with joy. I had known that he wanted

her just as much as I did, but hearing it come from him meant so much to me.

“Travis, what’s wrong with your voice?” She asked.

**It was… Tillie, that was my beast.” I said, bouncing my feet against the hardwood floor

beneath my feet. My mate probably thought I was crazy, but I didn’t have the words to tell

her how good it felt to know that he cared about her just as much as I did. That he wanted

her around all of us. “He, um, he wanted you to know that he wasn’t playing about how we

feel about you.”

**So, like your wolf likes me?”

“You could say that, sweets, he’s been waiting for you for a very long time. We both have.” i

said. Fuck, it felt so good to talk to Tillie. Just hearing her voice put me at ease. “So, want to

tell me where you are?”

“I don’t know if I’m supposed to.” She said and I could hear the rustling of sheets as she

moved around. “Ryan told me not to tell him when I talked to him earlier.”

“You could give me a hint. I won’t tell on you, sweets.” I said, biting my lower lip as I

smirked. “It can be our little secret.”


20:29 –

Chapter Twenty: Just a hint


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I wanted Tillie to tell me but at the same time I didn’t. I wanted to cut loose and let the

bond that I shared with her guide me in my hunt.

“Travis, I think you’re trying to get me into trouble.” She said and I could hear the smile in

her voice. “It’s almost like you want me to get punished.”

“Sweetheart, you know how good punishments can be.” 1 teased, listening to the way her

breathing changed as she thought about what I was saying. Did it make her think about our

time in my office where Ryan and I had shared her when she showed us that fiery side of


“So, are you saying that you’ll punish me?”


“Sweets, you tempt me so. You know that?” I said, thinking about how my mate looked. Her

hands braced against the bar in my office as she looked out at Ryan on the stage. Her back

arched as I swatted her bottom before feasting on her sweet pussy.

“How do I tempt you?”

“Why don’t you tell me what you are wearing? You know, since you won’t tell me where you

are.” I asked, caressing my hand over my abdomen, imagining that it was her hand

touching me. That it was her touch making those sparks dance over my skin, filling me with

need and desire for her.

“Travis, I’m in bed.”

“Even better, so am I.” I chuckled, moving my hand lower down my body.

Chapter Twenty-One: In bed thinking about you