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Savage Hunt by Jane knight

Chapter 21
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Chapter Twenty-One: In bed thinking about you

“You asked for a hint of where I am.” Tillie said, her voice was flat and I couldn’t help but

smile at her sass.

“Sweets, that wasn’t what I meant.”

“I know it wasn’t. But if I give you a hint, I’m pretty sure that Ryan will spank me.” Tillie said

and I laughed.

“Punishments can be fun.” i bite my lower lip. “You can do better than that, can’t you


“I mean they can be… fun,” Tillie said after a long pause and I could tell that she was

thinking about what had happened last night. “I liked it when you were being punished.”

Well fuck, if I thought I was hard before, it was nothing compared to now. I was so hard it

was painful and all I could think about was being punished for Tillie’s pleasure. “You did?

Mmm, sweet girl, tell me what you liked about it.”

“1, um. It was really hot when Jason handcuffed you to the bed and um, daddy… Ryan

fucked your mouth.”

“Did it make you wet, watching daddy thrust his cock into my mouth?” I asked, moving my

hand down my body until I reached the waistband of my shorts.

“Yes.” She said, her voice breathy.

“Are you wet right now, Tillie?” I asked, undoing the tied drawstring of my shorts. “I’m hard

just thinking about your juicy pussy, sweets.”

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“Touch yourself for me.” I growled, tucking the phone between my ear and shoulder as I

lifted my hips up. Pulling my basketball shorts down over my hips so that my clothing

wasn’t in my way.

“Travis, i-* Tillie started to say but I let out a low growl.

“Touch my pussy for me, sweets,” I ordered, the words trailing off in a moan as I was hit

with a wave of arousal. It wasn’t dimmed by the distance between us. “Oh goddess, I love

this feeling with you, sweetheart. Tell me how wet my pussy is.”

“Oh, I’m soaked.” She whispered and I could hear the rustling of fabric as she touched

herself for me.

Relaxing my ass against the bed, I lowered my hand to my hard dick. Circling my fingers

around my cock and working my fist up and down with rough strokes that made my balls


“I bet you feel so good right now, sweets.” I closed my eyes, biting my lower lip.”close your

eyes for me.”

“Okay.” She whispered.

“I want you to picture that I’m in bed with you, sweets. That you can feel my body pressed

against yours.”

As I spoke the words started to create a picture in my mind. My mate’s sexy body beside

mine, her luscious curves pressed against me as the heat of her skin made me feel like I

was on fire as I turned on to my side.

“I’m moving my fingers up your thigh. Can you feel the rough scratch of my nails?” I asked,

thinking about how those smooth, creamy thighs felt beneath my palms. How her body

would shake for me, her legs spreading wider as I moved my hand closer to her sex.

“Travis, I love it when you touch me. It feels so good.” She said with a moan.

“That’s right sweets, my hand is moving closer to your pussy and fuck, you’re so wet that

you are shaking for me.” I growled, “Can you feel my fingers, sweets? How they’re moving

through your folds, teasing out more of your honey for me. How tempted I am to slip my

fingers inside of you to fill your cunt and get you ready for me.”

“God, Travis. Don’t stop.”

I smirked, my hips rocking forward as I worked my fist faster. “I move my fingers against

your entrance, watching the way you buck up into my touch. Trying to get me to speed up

because you want me inside of you. Because you are my greedy, dirty girl. My pussy is so

wet for me, fuck. I want you so much, Tillie. I want to be buried inside of you.”


Chapter Twenty-One: In bed thinking about you

“Travis.” She whimpers my name and it’s almost my undoing. I won’t come before she does,

not again.

“That’s right, sweets, I’ll circle that wetness up to your clit. Doesn’t it feel so good?”

“Yes, you’re not even inside of me and I’m so ready to come. Each time you touch my clit

with those demanding circles that, oh fuck. Travis, oh god.” Tillie’s breath hitches and I feel

pleasure move over my skin. So fucking good, so fucking addictive. It would be better if she

were here so I could touch her.

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Or watch her get herself off for me. I wanted to see how she liked to be touched so that I

could give her what she needed.

*That’s right, sweets, come for me. That’s my good girl.” I growled, listening to her moan on

the other end of the line. “I’m going to come with you just thinking about you touching my

pussy for me.”

I worked my hand faster, bracing my feet onto the bed to fuck myself up into my hand,

imagining that it was her touching me. Watching me. It didn’t matter as long as it was her. I

missed her smell, the way she tasted when she was coming. How her body felt beneath


“Tillie, fuck, I want to be inside of you. Want to fill you up so that my cum drips from your

pussy so that I can clean it up and make you dirty again and again.”

“Then do it, Travis. Cum inside me.” She said, giving me a growl of her own.

My orgasm ripped through me and I growled out her name, feeling the hot splash of cum

spurted from the reddened tip of my dick splashing onto my stomach and chest. My heart

hammered in my chest and I felt boneless as I collapsed onto Ryan’s bed. I brought my

hand up, touching some of my semen while trying to suck in a lungful of air. “Fuck me, Tillie.

That was fan-fucking-tastic.” My fingers smeared through the pearly liquid and I rubbed it

onto my skin. Wishing that she was here so I could coat her in my semen until she smelled

like our coupling and there was no denying that she was mine.

A howl sounded. It was low so I doubted that Tillie could hear it. But it made me tense up,

the sound was too close to my mate. “Matilda, where are you?”

“Travis, we should go to bed. I need to call Jason, too. I’ll call you in the morning.”

– “Matilda, wai-” I said, trying to stop her but the line went dead as she ended the call.