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Second World

Chapter 1212: Hydrurond Second Army’s Defeat
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After successfully fleeing, Jack and Arthur went an extra distance before finding another resting place. They didn't rest at the same time but took turns instead. When it was Jack's turn to rest, he lent his God-eye monocle to Arthur. He taught Arthur about the radar and what the dots represent. Arthur kept watch by looking at the radar while Jack slept.

The enemies didn't attack again that night.

The next morning, the two returned to their activities of hunting down stray enemies and helping allies who fought outside the main battlefield. Yet, there was almost no target for them. They noticed then that most of the enemies were focusing on the main battlefield.

Jack and Arthur watched the battle from afar.

The fighting was extremely fierce. Both Liguritudum and Aurebor were giving their all with seemingly no reservation about casualties. They sandwiched Hydrurond's force from two opposite sides.

Aurebor still had many soldiers because before the Liguritudum force arrived, they only played defense and had small skirmishes. Only after Liguritudum ambushed the Hydrurond second army from the rear six days ago that they went into an offensive maneuver.

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The guild armies from Liguritudum and Aurebor's sides joined the battle today. The most impressive was of course the guild armies from World Maker and World Ruler. Their armies gave even the native soldiers a difficult time.

As for Hydrurond's side, the loss they suffered from the first encounter with Liguritudum's force was too severe. They hadn't recovered enough, so Hydrurond's side didn't have any guild army reinforcement.

Several native soldiers were battling in the sky. The most prominent were the army leaders equivalent to Themisphere's Lord Marshall. Both the armies of Liguritudum and Aurebor only had one such leader. The two countries had three such leaders originally, but two left after Master and Mistress took over the countries.

On the Liguritudum's side, the native army leader was a high marshall named Oberon, who was a level 85 mythical ethereal. On the Aurebor's side, the leader was a lord protector named Ashira Sharpsight, a level 82 mythical elf.

Hydruron's army leaders were the Lord Dominators. Hydrurond had three of them. Unfortunately, due to Hydrurond dividing their military into three armies, the lord dominators were also separated. Each followed one army.

The first one was with the first army which clashed with Liguritudum. The first army lost and retreated to a nearby fort. The Lord Dominator stayed with this army. When the Liguritudum army headed north to aid Aurebor, this defeated army also followed. However, Liguritudum used a method to increase their marching speed. Furthermore, Linda left some traps that slowed this first army's march. Hence, they were unable to catch up.

The second one was with the second army which fought against Aurebor. The last one was with the third army which guarded the border against a possible Themisphere incursion.

Because of this setting, currently, Hydrurond's second lord dominator was alone facing Liguritudum's high marshall and Aurebor's lord protector.

This lord dominator was a level 85 mythical-grade draconian named Kimat. He was a formidable spellcaster who had no problem getting into a melee fight.

If he fought one on one with either the high marshall or the lord protector, he should be able to win. Unfortunately, fighting two of them at the same time proved too much of a challenge. He had also been wounded in the past few days of fighting.

Any other person would have retreated under such a situation, but the draconian was a prideful bunch. They still stubbornly fight on despite the inevitable defeat.

Today, another factor tipped the scale even further. Master flew up and joined the battle, making it a three-against-one battle.

If it was any other combatant, adding another person into this battle between high-level mythical won't make a difference, but Master was not any other combatant.

Master's current capability was already able to single-handedly fight a mythical grade of the same level. Kimat was many levels above Master. Even though Master's spells couldn't threaten the draconian, they were still disturbing. This caused Kimat to unable to focus on his two mythical-grade opponents.

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Master's library of spells was inexhaustible. His intelligence stat was also so high that even when he was much lower level than Kimat, the damage from his spells still mattered. Not to mention he had several divine skills that were very troublesome. He also had many expendable summons that he sent to further disrupt Kimat.

After half a day of struggle, Kimat was unable to endure the assaults from multiple fronts. He finally fell.

His demise was the straw that broke the camel's back. As Kimat's body fell to the ground, all the draconian soldiers lost their fighting spirit. Linda made use of this perfect moment to push and cause the draconian army to collapse.

Casualties fell in droves. The surviving soldiers ran in all directions. The pride that was the main characteristic of a native draconian was nowhere to be seen. The one large army split into multiple groups and fled on their own. There was no longer any sense of order.

Both Hydrurond and Aurebor didn't seem to be content just winning the battle, they wanted to weaken the fleeing army as much as possible, which meant slaying as many soldiers as possible. Their army broke into several groups and started hunting the fleeing enemies.

Jack and Arthur didn't just watch the battle. They went and tried guerilla warfare on the Liguritudum army's rear, but their interference did not affect the main battle. When the Hydrurond army collapsed and split, they tried their best to cover these soldiers' retreats.

Jeanny and the members from Everlasting Heavenly Legends did the same. They attacked the enemy army who pursued Hydrurond soldiers, trying to buy as much time for them as possible.

From the Hydrurond players' side, only Evil Breakers led by Megan and a few other guilds acted the same and aided these fleeing soldiers. The others left once defeat was certain. Among which were the big-name guilds such as the Inquisition and the Sand Family. They considered the battle here was over and there were no worthy things to do to gain war contribution points.

And so, Hydrurond's second army suffered an even worse defeat than the first army.