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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 1010
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Chapter 61 : It Will Never Happen


I woke up in a little hut. Gasping, I sat bolt upright and looked around. I barely registered that my body wasn’t in

immense pain anymore.

“Sasha, shh. It’s okay.”

Lucas’s strong, firm voice grounded me. His arms were around me in a second and he held me against his chest.

“Where are we?”

“A local village in Lycenna. Apparently, there are still some residents living here, despite us thinking it was


“Oh… that’s–What happened?”

Lucas reminded me of my fall from the mountain and how I’d miraculously survived. Perhaps not so miraculous, if it

was the dark power inside of me that saved me.

“They gave you a strong healing draught when we got here. All your cuts and bruises are gone. How are you


I sighed and pulled away from him, hating the need to leave his embrace. I flexed my arms and rolled my shoulders


“I’m still a little sore, but this is nothing like it was when I first woke up.”

Lucas smiled and nodded. “I’m glad to hear it. The warriors are already packing up. We need to get moving soon.”

“How long was I out?”

I glanced around the little hut. It was round and primitive. The bed I was on was covered in animal skins. The hut

was just one room. Across from the bed, there was a firepit smoldering with bright red coals. Pots, pans, and other

tools hung in the open windows.

No wonder these people had remained hidden. They lived very simple lives with hardly any technology, as far as I

could tell.

“A day and a night. I promised we’d be gone by morning but you were still asleep. I think we’ve overstayed our

welcome. Everything’s packed. We’re just waiting on you.”

I nodded and pushed the animal skins back. My joints were still a little stiff but most of the pain was gone. I could

stand without my legs trembling and even walk on my own.

Ideally, I could take another day to rest and fully regain my strength, but from what Lucas said, the locals wanted

us gone.

Unfortunately, that meant our travels would be a lot slower because I wasn’t up to my full strength.

“Get dressed and meet us all outside. We’ll set off immediately.”

Lucas kissed my forehead and left me alone in the hut.

I found the clothes he laid out for me and put them on–a snug pair of hiking leggings and an under-armor shirt that

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clung to my body. They were warm but still flexible.

I met Lucas and the warriors outside.

There was a young woman, my age, with dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. She was wearing very tight-fitting

clothes and standing a little, too close to Lucas, smiling at him and giggling.

“Who’s your friend?” I asked, stepping up beside Lucas, and crossing my arms.

Lucas casually draped his arm around my shoulders.

“This is Cara. She’s the one who offered us aid.”

“Thank you, Cara. Your help is greatly appreciated.”

“You’re welcome. I was just telling Lucas that I got my pack elders to agree to a feast before you leave. A kind of

send off with all the food and drink you could want. It will help fortify you for the long journey ahead.”

She winked at Lucas.

I didn’t like this woman. She was obviously trying to appeal to Lucas with the way she tossed her hair and puffed out

her breasts at him.

He didn’t seem to notice, or care, but it still bothered me.

Still, the thought of sitting at a table and eating to help regain the last of my strength was a lot more appealing than

setting off into the rough mountains immediately.

“I’m sorry, Cara, but we need to get going.”

“Actually, Lucas, I could use a big meal,” I said.

He glanced sideways at me and arched an eyebrow. I just looked back until he nodded.

“Alright. If you think it will help.”

I nodded.

“Great! All of you can head to the feast area at the center of the village. I just need to give Sasha the last dose of

her healing draught. We’ll catch right up.”

Lucas and the warriors headed off toward the feast.

Alone with Cara, I figured I could put her into her place a little.


“Hang on. You need to drink this. It’ll help with the remaining pain.” Cara handed me a small wooden cup with a

grayish liquid in it. “Just close your eyes and swallow it quickly.”

I nodded. Squinting my eyes closed, I tossed the cup back like a shot and drank down the bitter, slippery draught.

“Oh… that was rough.” I handed Cara the cup back and tried to stand up straight.

My legs trembled suddenly and my vision blurred a little.


I looked at Cara, and she had a vicious smile on her lips.

“I knew that the fastest way into Lucas’s good graces would be to help you. Now, I need to get rid of you. In his

grief, he will turn to me. But first….”


I tried to step away from her, but my body felt heavy and sluggish. The b***h must have drugged me….

She grabbed my wrist and pulled me. I tripped over my own feet, stumbling forward. Quickly, she tied my hands


“Don’t fight it. The harder you fight, the faster that drug will work. Soon, you’ll be completely unconscious and I can

leave you in the mountains to get devoured by wild animals. By the time they find you, there’ll be nothing to save.”

“Why… why are you….”

I groaned again, my head felt like it was filled with rocks and my vision was starting to blur. I lost my footing

completely and fell to the ground. My shoulder slammed against a rock.

Sounds came through my ears like I was under water. Everything was muffled and foggy.

I was only partially aware of Cara moving around me, talking. She rolled me onto something soft and cool. The next

thing I knew, I was floating through the forest.

No, not floating–I was being dragged. She had made some kind of sling or sled and I was on it.

I thought back to what she said. If I fought the drug, it would affect me faster. If I lay still and didn’t try to move or

cling to consciousness, maybe it wouldn’t impact me as strongly. There was a chance I’d be able to get free.

I closed my eyes and focused on taking deep, calming breaths. My mind immediately started to clear and I felt a

tickle of my dream dancer abilities. It didn’t feel like I was accessing it the same way as I did when I used the orb.

The power flooded into my mind, and I felt the drug receding quickly. My arms and legs no longer felt like lead and I

could feel the rope tied around my wrists.

Gritting my teeth, I strained against the rope, snapping it to pieces.

Before Cara could react, I jumped up.

“Hey! What are you doing? How are you awake!?”

“It looks like you underestimated me. Now, you’ll never have Lucas.” I sneered and ran back through the woods.

It was easy to follow the trail made by the sled, and I got back to the village before Cara could catch up to me.

Lucas and the others were standing outside the hut, looking around.

“Sasha? Where were you?” Lucas ran over to me.

I panted, clutching my side from the pang of a cramp.

“Get back here!”

Cara came rushing out of the bushes after me. As soon as she saw Lucas and the others, she stopped short.

“Um… what’s going on?” Lucas asked.

He looked between me and Cara.

“She tried to kidnap me and leave me for dead.” I pointed at Cara.

“Yeah… but that was before I knew who you were.”

I stopped painting and arched an eyebrow at her.

“What do you mean?”

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Cara kicked at rocks on the ground. She looked down, her cheeks crimson with embarrassment.

“I’m sorry. If I’d known the kind of power you had… but it’s the only way you could overcome that drug.”

“Drug!?” Lucas snarled. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Cara. “Are you alright? What did she do to


“I’m okay. It was nothing that I couldn’t handle.”

He calmed down immediately. Lucas touched my face for a moment like he needed to know that I was fine.

“I’m very sorry, Sasha,” Cara continued. She threw herself down on the ground, bowing at my feet with her

forehead on the ground.


“Please forgive me. Your power is special, unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I was a fool to try to come between you

and your mate.”

I glanced sideways at Lucas. What the hell was going on? This whole thing was getting weirder.

He shrugged and shook his head, clearly as confused as I was.

“You can get up,” I told Cara.

She sighed and lifted her head but she remained on her knees in front of me. “I know you have no reason to trust

me, but I want to help you. Your power is… a gift beyond words, beyond anything you can conceive of. Let me help

you to make up for my ignorance and my slight against you.”

“Help us with what?” I asked.

Cara sniffled, and I noticed for the first time that she had tears streaking her cheeks.

“Lucas said you were on a mission to recover missing artifacts. That means you’re headed to the Old Temple,


“Old Temple?” Lucas creased his brow. He pulled the compass from his pocket. “I suppose so.”

“It is a very dangerous journey if you don’t know the way. I won’t risk someone as special as Sasha getting injured


Lucas sighed. “We’ve made it this far. We’ve tested our ropes and gear and shouldn’t run into any more problems.”

“If you don’t know the way, it’ll be more than your gear that you have to worry about.”

“Lucas, if she wants to help, we shouldn’t turn it down. We know nothing about this terrain, and I don’t want to

wander through the mountains for weeks just to starve to death when our food runs out.”

Lucas gave me a look, but he nodded toward Cara.

“What did you have in mind for assistance?”

“There are many guides here in the village. They know the terrain. They can guide you on the safest passages to

the Old Temple. They’ll protect you from any… trouble.”

I narrowed my eyes. “What kind of trouble?”

Cara gave a weak smile. “Storms, rock slides, predators… things that outsiders might not be used to handling.”

“We will accept your help, but if you ever try anything against my mate again….”

Cara nodded. “Never. It will never happen again!”