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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 158
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Chapter 158: A Deal Was Struck

**Ethan’s POV

After another operation, I tred to get back to work but it was difficult The situation with the new joiners

kept weighing on my mind Seeing thern in battle just standing there, or fighting with little skill, made me

so angry I’d wanted to stop fighting the enemy and attack them myself

It made me furious to hear Talon and the others so appalled at my decision to make those pay for their


What’s wrong with them? This was a rogue war, what’s wrong with me killing rogues? Weak as they were

if they were not killed by me, they would die on the battlefield anyway

So why did everyone look at me like I was some sort of a monster lot even thinking that way?

I pushed the thoughts aside and went back to my work Georgia kopt saying that the camp wasn’t the

safest place for Rosabe and our son Deep down, I supposed I knew she was right, but I wasn’t ready to

take Rosalie back to her people

If I did, she wouldn’t need me anymore if she didn’t need me. she’d have no reason to even be in my


A reality where I didn’t get to see Rosalie and the baby was not one I was willing to accept

Allowing Vicky to go speak to Rosahe was a bit of a compromise for me Maybe if she saw one of her

friends for a bit, she would come around and stop wanting to get away

There was a sound at the term flap and I looked up to see a soldier standing there, peering in at me I

hated not having a door that could handle a knock “What?” I called

*Pardon me Alpha” he said, his voice ataclang a bit his eyes wide with tear ‘Miss Rosalie is asking to

speak to you”

I few out of my chair and covered the distance between myself and the gangly young man in a few

seconds. grabbing him by the collat “What are you talking about?” I asked her “Rosalie is asking to

speak to me about what?”

He began to shake as he looked up at me, his mouth open but no words forming I gave him a hard

shake and he said. “That’s all I know $-$-sur

Ireleased him and turned around taking a few deep breaths Perhaps I had overreacted

*Get out of here. I told him “You can go’

“Yes, sir He was gone in a flash but I just stood there for a moment wondering what Rosalie wanted to

take to me about Likely she wanted to demand to be released again

She could forget about that

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I decided I’d better be prepared before I went into speak to her Using the mind-link, I summoned Vicky to

my ten! and went back to my desk, trying to calm myself Getting angry wasn’t going to help anyone

Vicky walked in a few moments later and i could tell that she was nervous around me She kept her

distance her face a pale shade of white “You wanted to see me su

“Come in Vicky | said letting out a sigh i gestured at a chan across from my desk She had to know I

wasn’t going to hurt her. “Did you visit Rosalie

It took her a moment to walk over and sit down. She sat ngidly on the edge of the chan her hands folded

in her lap Yes. Alpha I did speak to her.”

* About what i demanded

Vicky’s eyes widened further. “Uhm, just about how things were going We talked about our trips here.

She shrugged “Not much else. The baby

I assumed there had to be more. ‘What else? | barked.

She shook her head, “Nothing that I can remember.”

Vicky was lying to me. But I didn’t want to push her. That last thing I needed was to make her cry again.

Why did women always have to cry over everything?

*Fine, I told her “If you don’t want to tell me, then you can get out.”

“Alpha we also talked about Paul and she told me about becoming queen.”

I stared at her for a long moment. If they talked about Paul, they had to have spoken about me as well.

Vicky probably told Rosalie about how loving and doting Paul was, how he would always be concerned

with how she was doing and if she needed anything

Rosalie probably told Vicky I was an uncaring asshole who only thought about himself.

“Leave,” I told her

Vicky got up out of the chair and moved swiftly to the exit, but by the time she got to the door, I stopped


“Did you…” | cleared my throat, “did you guys talk about me?”

Vicky paused for a moment, and she nodded. She wanted to say something, but she bit her lips waiting

for my reaction

I stared at her for a moment, and I couldn’t describe how I felt. I guess no matter if her answer was yes

or no, it wouldn’t matter. Either way, I wouldn’t be happy about it.

I didn’t say anything else and only waved my hands to dismiss her.

I decided I needed to go talk to Rosalie. Abandoning my unfinished work, I headed out the door and

across the camp to the tent where Rosalie was being kept.

I walked right past the guards and threw the tent flap open, seeing her sitting on the cot, staring at

nothing again.

Had she really summoned me for more of this?

Irritated, I bit out, “You’re not leaving, so don’t even bother to ask.”

She turned her head to look in my direction but didn’t look me in the face. “I didn’t ask,” she said, that

assertive tone I wasn’t used to from her taking me by surprise.

What is it, then?” i folded my arms, returning her annoyance with more of my own.

Rosalie sighed and shifted her position slightly on the bed. “These rogues that you’re holding, intending

to execute, I don’t think that’s a good idea

‘F*cking Vicky.” I muttered, pissed that she’d told Rosalie my business.

“It wasn’t Vicky,” she said. “I overheard. This is a tent, not a castle with stone walls.”

Somehow, I doubted that was true, though I had noticed her sticking her head out earlier when I was

talking to Talon and Vicky about the situation

“I don’t really care what you think,” I told her. ‘They’ve failed me in battle, and they deserve to die.”

*They joined you, and just because they’re not skilled, that doesn’t make them worthless, criminals, or

otherwise worthy of death!’ she spat, still not looking into my face, but obviously pointing her statement in

my direction.

I tried my best to give her my perspective. “Rosalie, those are rogues. The roques your people had been

fighting and killing. I don’t see any differences between what you were doing and what I’m doing now.”

“Ethan, first, unlike you, my people do not initiate attacks unless we know for sure those groups were

ruthless and

aggressive. Second, you and I both know that most of the rogues in the northern borders are displaced

civilians to begin with. They joined the rogue groups because that’s the only way for them to survive.

Third, even if they are criminals, you can’t just kill them without justification.”

It was almost amusing to see her act this way, so confident and strong. “Why do you even care?” I asked

her. “It’s not like you even know any of them.”

“I don’t need to know them to understand that what you’re planning is wrong, Ethan,” she told me. “Now,

I respectfully ask you, from one leader to another, not to do that.”

I moved toward her and hovered over her, willing her to look up into my eyes. She didn’t. Once again,

her vacant eyes were locked on a spot across the room.

Tired of all of this, I considered what she was asking. Rosalie had changed, but her heart was still the

same. She would still do anything to help others.

“You and I would have to agree to disagree,” I finally said, and I could tell from her expression that she

was disappointed. Even disappointment was better than her plain indifference.

Therefore, I continued with my offer, “However, I’ll make a deal with you.” Her head jerked in my direction

for a moment, but she quickly looked away and didn’t speak. “If you will snap the f*ck out of this funk and

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

start acting like a woman who gives a damn about her existence, then I’ll concede.”

“What are you talking about?” she asked me, but her tone conveyed that she knew exactly what I was

getting at.

“I will grant your request if you agree to start eating properly and taking better care of yourself,” I

explained. “I’m sick and tired of having to worry about your condition. So if you’ll start acting like you

don’t think you’d be better off dead, then I’ll let them live.”

For the first time since we’d been reunited, Rosalie lifted her gaze, and her eyes locked on mine. Her

head rocked back once and then moved forward-a sharp nod.

“Is that a yes?” I asked, looking for confirmation.

“Yes,” she told me, still looking into my eyes. “If you allow them to live, I promise to start taking better

care of myself.”

A smile formed on my face, and at that moment, all I wanted to do was lunge at her. I wanted to tangle

my hands in her hair and swallow her whole, to kiss her like I had earlier when we were making love.

I wanted to sink my teeth into the warm flesh of her neck and taste her, to leave the imprint of my teeth

on her skin for all to see. Marked forever as mine, no one would ever try to take her from me again.

Before I could move, I heard Talon’s voice behind me and wondered when the h*ll he’d even come into

the tent.

“I’m so sorry to interrupt, Alpha, but we have another problem.”

I cursed beneath my breath and managed to pull my eyes away from Rosalie. “What is it now?” I asked


He gestured for me to leave with him, and I sighed. Returning my gaze to Rosalie, I was happy to see

she hadn’t slipped back into her trance. “Don’t forget our deal,” I told her.

“You neither,” she replied with one arched eyebrow.

Goddess, was she sexy.

I followed Talon out, stepping away from the tent so that Rosalie was no longer able to overhear my

business. “What’s going on?” I asked him.

“Some of the guards on patrol just came back to say they’ve seen some rogues on the border of our

territory again. We’re not sure if it’s the same group that attacked before, trying again, or if this is another

force, but we should prepare for another attack.”

Would it never end?

“All right,” I told him. “Inform Richard and Paul. Let’s get everyone ready, just in case.”

He nodded at me and headed off to do what I’d asked, and I went to do my own preparation.

Eventually, word would get out that the Rogue King was not one to be trifled with and people would leave

us the h*|| alone.

But this was not that day.