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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 174
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Chapter 174 The Collusion

**Madalynn’s POV

“I have news for you,” wiggling within Behar’s lap, I feel his erection harden before he spins me around

and has me straddling him

“Good or bad?”

I moaned out in pleasure as he created more friction. His fingers caressing my hardened nipples.

“Guess?” I licked my lips and caressed his hardened desire.

“Seems like you need some punishment.” He grinned as he leaned my back and took my hardened

nipple into his mouth His thick erection was clothed but pressing against my soaking wet core.

“Oh god-” | moaned once more. “Take me. I can’t take it any longer.”

“I thought you wanted to tell me something?” he teased, causing a whimper to escape my lips. His

fingers slipped between my legs and began to rub against my sensitive nub.

“You’re so not fair-“I cried out, feeling my pleasure rise. “I want you.”

Gripping his neck, I pulled my lips to his, and the frenzied kissing between us brought more heated

tension until his eyes swirled black with excitement.

No doubt that his wolf was on edge.

“F*ck it,” he grumbled. “First, I am going to f*ck you till you can’t stand, woman! Then we can talk!”

“God yes-” | moaned with excitement as his member entered me without a second of delay.

Behar’s large and powerful hand smacked across my face. “You dare mentioning another man’s name

on my bed, b*tch!” It stung, but, oh it felt great.

I moaned as he thrust harder.

“Scream louder!” Another slap on my face, and I could taste blood in my mouth. I pushed myself up and

bit into his shoulder, which made him grunt in pain and pleasure.

“How about-oh–how about that, you f*cking b*stard?” I licked his blood off my lips.

My provocation made him narrow his eyes and look even more dangerous, and that was exactly what I


He jerked my naked body around, grabbed both of my wrists, and entered me again from behind this

time, as he thrust faster and faster into me.

My fingers spread against the wall as I braced myself. His rhythm was frantic, and he was entering me

so deeply, I thought I might

split in two.

The mixture of pleasure and pain overtook me as I struggled for air. My entier body went into spasm, and

I couldn’t help but yell, “F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!” as he kept me at the brink of ecstasy for several minutes,

When he finally filled me with his warm, sticky seed, I felt myself come tumbling back to reality. My mind

was dizzy, and I realized I d hit my head on the wall a few times.

That was the craziest, most erotic, animalistic, fabulous f*ck I’d ever experienced.

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“What a naughty f*cking b*tch!” Behar grabbed my head back by my hair, and his fiery member was still

in me. He was still panting, and so was l.

But as soon as I caught up with my breathing, I burst out laughing.”Tell me you don’t love it!”

My voice was still filled with the left over lust from the sex, and I drawled over to lay on his bare chest. I

could sense his wolf was pleased by me

* You

much a bad girt, Madalynn.” He grabbed my chin and made me look at him, “What did you want to tell


“What I wanted to tell you earlier, was that I heard”

“Your Highness, Miss Madalynn, King Kal wants to see you. Right away,” a voice from outside the tent


“Father arrived?” Behar pushed me up and replied to the person outside, “Yes, we’ll be there soon.”

I got up from his lap, quite annoyed by others interrupting us. “Do we have to go?” I whined.

He smacked me on my bare *ss and smirked, “Be good.”

Then he got up and clapped to have the maids come in. “Let’s go see Father. You will be made queen of

an empire, and I will give you the life you deserve. Don’t disappoint me.”

His words gave me goosebumps.

Power, money, and passion. He held all three of those traits, and the sex… was just as amazing as him. I

couldn’t wait to come back later tonight for more…

“You don’t need to tell me what to do. I’ve got it,” I assured him.

I giggled as the maids brought in a new set of silky clothes for me to change into. I was pleased with the

lavish design. Only, clothes like this could match my beauty.

We were brought to a large tent with at least twenty guards arounds. King Kal was quite concerned

about his own security, I


“Father! I heard James agreed to let us keep about half of the territories in the south? Congratulations,”

Behar said as he walked into King Kal’s large tent.

King Kal corrected him, “Behar, they didn’t let us. We made them!”

The man in front of me resembled Behar a bit in the face, though he was much smaller, not as muscular,

as my mate. He had an evil: scowl on his wrinkled face, and his eyes shifted around the room like he

was constantly looking for threats. It was clear that he didn’t trust anyone.

One arm was missing from the elbow down. I tried not to stare, but he seemed unapologetic about it, not

trying to hide the mangled remains at all. If anything, it just made him look more… dangerous,

Comparing this smaller, older man to my mate almost made me giggle with glee again. My mate was

obviously the superior specimen, and one day soon, Behar would be the king.

And that meant that I would be queen!

I could hardly wait to claim my new title. I had always thought I deserved to be a queen.

At the moment, though, I needed to play the part of the duuful daughter-in-law and keep the king happy.

It was important for him to not only like me but to trust me.

Behar smiled proudly in response to his father’s statement “So true. We did make them give us their

territory. Now that they lost Ethan, that stupid James just kept losing. He’s just a piece of f*cking crap

compared to you, father!”

King Kal was smiling at his own son’s compliment at first, but as soon Behar mentioned the name

“Ethan,” his smile faded away

Behar noticed his father’s emotions shift, so he changed the topic and looked at me, “Father, this is

Madalynn, my mate.”

“Greetings, Your Majesty!” I bowed down, just like a graceful lady.

King Kal’s gaze inspected me from head to toe as he rubbed his fingers against his chin. Finally, he

nodded and commented, “Very well. Madalynn, is it? I have heard of you. It seemed that you were

rejected by that f*cking Ethan at your wedding?”

| almost let out a growl. Why the f*ck did he mention that?! Especially in front of my mate! Not that Behar

wouldn’t have known it already, I just really didn’t need anyone to remind me of it ever again.

Then I heard King Kal chuckle. “Sounds like you and I are natural allies then!” Then I heard him grit his

teeth. “I want Ethan’s bioodi”

My worry turned to relief, and I lifted my chin. “Your Majesty! Given the chance, i’d drain him to the last of

his blood, crush him bone tay bone, and hear him scream in pain! The suffering he caused me, I’d make

him go through it one hundred times, one thousand times more!” I could hear exortement in my tone as I

said it.


allout a laugh as if he got the natisfaction of revenge just by hearing my words,



swemed to be pleased with my first meeting with his father. “Now the question is, how do we take him


pulled up a smile across my face. “Ethan is strong, but he also has a weakness.”

Behar thought for a moment and asked, “You meant the woman he locked up? Her name is… Rosalie?”

Hearing my mate mention that bitch’s name caused a growl of disapproval to leave my lips,

“The f*cking b*tch?” I snapped, rolling my eyes, the utter sound of disgust mixed with her name. “She is

a pain in my *ss, and I would love to see her dead. However, taking her life would be too easy for her.

Plus, James wants her. She needs to be alive, for


Confusion laced King Kal’s eyes. “Why would James want her? Doesn’t he have a mate?”

“Yeah, but the stupid queen can’t bear kids. They thought with Rosalie’s blood, they fixed the queen, but

something went wrong. So now they want her alive so they can drain her dry. James made an offer with

me. He’d provide me military support as long as I hand over Rosalie once I get her.”

“Wait-” King Kal was confused, “why the f*ck does her blood fix things? I don’t understand.”

“Supposedly, she can heal those that are on the brink of death with just a drop of her blood.” I watched

as intrigue swirled through King Kal’s eyes as a sadistic grin crossed his face.

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King Kal pondered, “We are working with James to take down Ethan…”

“Of course we will still work with James to fight Ethan.” I kept my smile. “However, why would we give

James Rosalie then? When we can capture her and use her ourselves. Who knows when magical blood

will come in handy?

King Kal didn’t expect that. “You’re breaking your alliance with James?”

“So what?” I asked. “Once we take down Ethan, James will be useless. I had to work with him earlier

because I couldn’t break through Ethan’s defense. However,” I smiled flatteringly at King Kal, “now that I

have Your Majesty’s most powerful force supporting me, capturing her will be a piece of cake.”

King Kal nodded, grinning at my compliment of his army.

In my mind, keeping Rosalie barely alive, just enough to keep taking her blood for our own personal use,

would be a great help for Behar when he became the king.

I turned around to glance at Behar, who reached out and wrapped his arm around my waist. I looked at

him, and I was still in awe. How was it that this delicious man was my mate? He asked, “What would you

do to her?”

I’d make Rosalie pay for everything she had done. Ideas of torturing my biggest enemy flashed before

my eyes Just thinking about them made me shake in excitement. I replied, “The torture I could create by

having her beneath my grasp-she would beg for death. To make it more fun, I’ll make Ethan watch his

b*tch suffer in front of him!”

Behar laughed and commented, “You’re such a bad girl, Madalynn- but I love it!”

I leaned my body against his and made myself comfortable in his arms. He didn’t seem to mind at all.

I pulled up an even bigger smile, “However, all of that is not important right now.”

Both men looked at me curiously,

It felt good to get such attention from my king and my mate. “What’s important is that we’ve got a

wonderful opportunity right now.”

King Kal was impatient. “Just say it. Don’t keep us waiting.”

Iglanced over Behar, he didn’t know it either. I was about to tell him when we were summoned to see

King Kal.

“I got the report that Ethan left the camp with a small group a few hours ago, going north. My guys have

tracked down their direction. It seems like they were going to a village where there’s an ancient temple.”

“Is the intel reliable?” King Kal asked.

I looked him in the eye confidently, “Your Majesty, we are all dealing with rogues. Filthy, greedy rogues.

When they realize that prung Ethan means they can’t loot or kill as they want, of course they’ll beg to join

me instead. And is there any better time to do so

bian when the Rogue King is not around?”

Wungkimpped a few times and looked at me with praise in his eyes. “Great news indeed! Well done.” He

laughed loudly, and he

turned to say to Behar, “You’ve gotten quite a competent mate here!”

“Thank you, Your Majesty!” | glanced over to Bahar, who seemed to be very proud of my performance.

He stepped closer to me and wrapped his arm around my waist, “So you mean, we should attack his

base now and capture Rosalie?”

I shook my head firmly, “No. Knowing Ethan, he won’t go anyway without his b*tch. We’ll go after them!”