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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 218
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Chapter 218 Bonus Story Ethan & Rosalle-Wedding Gifte

**Rosalie’s POV

Thuty gifte I had thirty gifts for thirty years for my wonderful soon to be husband, I couldn’t wait for Ethan

to see each of them, and i hoped he would enjoy each present as much as I had enjoyed preparing


When I than walked into our room to see the thirty packagem aitting on the coffee table, his eyes

widened “Wow, quess some of our wedding packages got here early,” he sald,

1 giggled, “No, these aren’t from wedding gueote. These are for you,” I told him

“What?” Ethan’s eyes bulged. “For me? Why?”

“Because.. I wanted you to see that I appreciate who you are now, and that I appreciate all of the years

that have gone into making you who you are right now.”

“Gosh, Rosalie,” he said. “I don’t know what to say, I wasn’t expecting this,”

“Well, open them!” I urged him, so he did.

Ethan sat on the couch, and I handed him the present for his first year, which was a small blanket i had

crocheted for him. “A blanket was one of the first things I’d ever made for Rowan, From a mother to her

precious child, I wasn’t sure whether you ever got something like this, but I want you to know how

precious you were to me..”.

The present for his second year was one of the books he loved to read to Rowan He told me that it was

the oame book his father read to him from as far back as his first memories

“This is to let you know what a wonderful father you are. Rowan adores you, just like how you odored

your father when you were little,” I explained,

His third gift was a carved wolf…

He kept opening all of the gifts as I explained their special meanings, his eyes wide with surprise and

wonder at each one until he got to the final gift,

When he unwrapped it, he pulled out the elegant gold photo frame i’d picked out for him. Inside, was a

photo of our little family-Ethan, Rowan, and me.

“I love all of the gifts,” he murmured, and I thought I saw his eyes glistening with unshed tears,

“Do you have a favorite?” | asked with a smile. “Just curious,”

“Yes, I do.” He pulled me onto his lap and held me close,” The best present i could ever hope for-is you.”

The next day, I found myself standing in an elaborate gown, waiting for the music to change so that I

knew it was my cue to walk down the aisle. I knew that Ethan was up there waiting with me, standing

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next to the high priest, and Talon and Paul were standing with him as his best men.

Georgia and Vicky had already made their way down the aisle, along with the flower girl and ringbearer.

I wished I had a man with me to walk me to him, someone who loved me like a father, but I had no one

like that. If Soren was there, I would’ve asked him to do it, but since he was gone, I had asked


“Are you ready, dear?” she asked me, patting my arm.

“I’m ready,” I told her. Taking a deep breath, we stepped off just as the music changed to the traditional

wedding song.

From the moment my eyes met Ethan’s, I was no longer aware of anything else going on around me.

The formal ceremony went on with me in a daze, staring at his handsome face. I said the things I was

supposed to say, slid his ring on his finger, all of that, but when it was over, I was shocked it had all gone

by so fast because I was concentrating on Ethan.

After the wedding, we had a grand formal reception where Alphas from many parts of our lands came to

congratulate us and present us with gifts Many of the presents were expensive pieces of art or antiques

that represented the different lands in our kingdom. It was lovely to see all of them and hear the

representatives explain their significance But it was also exhausting! By the time the formal reception

was over, I was so tired, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to make it to our other reception. A small, intimate one.

“Come on, baby,” Ethan said. “You know you will be reenergized as soon as you see all of our friends.”

He was right, I knew I would, too, and since Rowan was already there with his Aunt Georgia and Uncle

Talon, I decided to drag myself over to the ballroom in the castle. As soon as I walked in the door, my son

was reaching for me, toddling over on unsteady legs. I scooped him up just as the MC announced our

arrival, and Ethan and I danced in together, with Rowan in my arms, Our friends rushed over to

congratulate and hug us, and Ethan was right. I felt reenergized, and before too long, I was out on the

dance floor spinning around in my elegant gown, twirling and dancing with Georgia and Vicky. We were

all having such a great time, I never wanted it to end. The cake was delicious, as was the meal that the

chefs prepared for the occasion. Later, after all of the formal events were over, Ethan took my hand and

led me out to the dance floor. In his arms, I swayed back and forth to a love song the band was playing.

It made me feel like we were the only two people in the world, and I loved having his strong arms around

me. glanced over his shoulder to see Vicky in Paul’s arms and Georgia in Talon’s. They looked every bit

as much in love as I felt with Ethan, and I imagined we’d be celebrating more weddings soon. Across the

ballroom, Seraphine was holding Rowan. I was so happy that her daughter, the one that she’d left behind

in the islands, had finally been able to join her. Gemma was just as lovely and kind hearted as her

mother. I was glad that Rowan would have a friend to grow up with. She was twirling around in front of

her mother. I still remembered that day I’d met her on the island when she’d been crying for her mother.

It had been a trick propagated by Soren, but I felt no ill-will toward the little girl over it. “What are you

thinking about?” Ethan whispered in my ear. “Our future,” I admitted. “Our lives together.” His smile faded

slightly as he said, “I’m so sorry we can’t go on a honeymoon right away.”

“No, it’s all right,” I assured him. “I know you are busy putting the kingdoms back in order.” Ethan was

now the king of Valoria, where Mirage and the Drogomor pack were located, as well as Winter Forest

pack and all of the lands of the Northern Tier, my home territories.

During the war, a lot had happened to destroy infrastructure and other necessities. Ethan needed to get

that fixed.

“Pardon the interruption, your Majesty, we have visitors!’ Cerina’s voice rang through the mindlink. I knew

it must be someone important, otherwise she wouldn’t reach out to me at this moment.

A few moments later, a man we didn’t know approached us.

“Pardon the interruption, Your Majesty,” he said.

I looked up into his eyes, which seemed to sparkle like gold. His skin was also a deep bronze color.

“Speak your name,” Ethan said, and I could hear the alarm in his voice.

“I am Burk,” the visitor said with a smile. “On behalf of my Alpha, I’m here to congratulate the union of the

Alpha King and the White Queen.”

Ethan and I exchanged a look. Both of us were confused on who this mysterious Alpha might be.

Burk raised his hand, and behind him several other men appeared. They looked like they were from the

same place.

Two of them stepped forward, and they handed me and Ethan each a small box.

We both opened them and found a ring in each of the boxes Mine had a clear gem, and Ethan’s had a

red one I oasped Those gems were not like anything I’d seen in person, but I remember in one of the

books they were mentioned. They were extremely rare, beautiful, and powerful gems that could only be

found beyond the southern pass. A single one was more valuable than a city, “White, like the

moonstone,” Burk told me, “It’s said to be lost somewhere in the southern passage. Though I’m sure this

is not it, the beauty is similar.” “Thank you,” I said, acknowledging the beautiful gift by slipping it onto my


“And red for the man who overcame being the Rogue King,” Burk said to Ethan. “You have shed your

blood for the love of your kingdom, and now, your kingdom worships you.”

*Thank you,” Ethan said, but he didn’t put the ring on his finger. Instead, he kept it in the box and put it in

the pocket of his jacket.

Burk and his group took a stepped back and bowed to us with one hand over their chests. They chanted,

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“May the Moon Goddess bless the king and the queen with a long and happy marriage. May your union

not only bring light to your lives, but bring a prosperous future for this kingdom and its people.

“Thank you!” I said again. “But who is the Alpha you referred to?”

Ethan stared at Burk for a moment, and slowly, he asked, “What all has Soren been doing?”

Soren?! They were Soren’s men!

Burk didn’t seem to be surprised at all by Ethan’s question, and he replied with a smile, “Mr. Soren has

been traveling with tribes of outcasts to discover new lands and find natural resources. Right now, he is

exploring down south, but someday, he may head across the ocean to the untamed forests.”

I couldn’t be happier to hear news about Soren! “Why didn’t he come back to visit?” I asked.

“Your Majesty.” Burk looked at me, “Mr. Soren has a personal message for you.”

I couldn’t wait to hear what he had to say. “Please, go ahead.”

Burk blinked at me twice and cleared his throat. Then he said in a tone that clearly belonged to Soren,

“My dear Rosalie, if you are ever tired of my boring brother, just tell me. I’ll come back to take you away

and show you around many fun places.”

I couldn’t help but let out a short chuckle while Ethan’s eyes narrowed.

However, I knew he wasn’t angry as there was a faint smile still on his face. He must be as happy to hear

from Soren as me.

Ethan claimed my waist and pulled me closer. With his chin lifted, he replied to Burk, “Tell him that I’ll be

happy to watch him try and fail.”

“Will do, Your Majesty!” Burk maintained his smile and responded politely. It didn’t seem that he was

offended at all by what Ethan said. “Now my task is completed, please excuse us as we have a long way

to catch up with Mr. Soren.“

i nodded understandably. “Burk, thank you for coming. Soren’s news is the best wedding gift to us!”

Burk pulled up a bright smile before he bowed to us and left with his group.

I stood there, watching Burk and his group disappear into the dark. Ethan was next to me, so I leaned my

head against his chest

He wrapped his arms around me and whispered, “What are you thinking about, my wife?”

My heart skipped a beat. This was the first time he called me “wife.” It took me just a moment to get used

to it, and then a surge of contentment filled my heart.

I never imagined that a single word could make me feel this happy.

“Ethan, have i told you how blessed I am? Everything is perfect. It feels like a dream.”

“You and me both.” He kissed my forehead and caressed my hair. “But guess what?”

“What?” I lifted my head to look at him. The light of the moon and stars glimmered in his eyes, and i was

lost in his gaze.

I heard him say, “This is only the very first day of our many years of a perfect life to come.”