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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 410
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Chapter 68: A Change of Plan


The window in my office overlooked the garden. Most of the time, I didn't pay any attention to it at all,

but today, it seemed like I couldn't stop staring outside.

She was gone. Really gone this time. And I couldn't follow her as I had the last time she had run away.

No, it was better this way. And even though it hurt right now, I knew I would get over it eventually.

With as much experience as I had at being all alone, I knew from the past that I would eventually forget

all about her.

I'd forget the shape of her face, how her mouth curled up at the corners when she smiled, the way her

eyes twinkled when she was happy.

I'd forget her scent-that fresh, warm smell of all things lovely and inviting.

I'd forget the softness of her skin and how her lips felt so perfect pressing against mine.

Before too much longer, all of that would fade into the background, and someday, when someone said

the name

Ciana Black, I'd be able to not feel part of me was missing....

Jake knocked on the door and waited for me to tell him he could enter. "What is it?" I asked him.

"Just a note that Ciana got safely to her pack. The men you had followed her have reported back.

They're still there to protect her. That's all." Jake was looking at me like he expected me to look sad or


"Okay," I said, acting as if I didn't even care. The lapel pin in my hand seemed heavier now, as if it

weighed as much as the rock sitting in my chest.

"Are you all right, Alpha?" Jake asked me.

"Yes, of course I am," I said dismissively.

"Don't you worry about her? Sure, we have men protecting her, but..."

"I have faith that she can handle Raymond on her own. After all, most of the pack simply just didn't

know the truth. As long as she can prove her identity, she'll be fine."

"Alright." Jake nodded, but the look on his face told me he didn't agree. "Even if she is fine, how about


"What about me?"

He gave me a concerned glance, but I was fine. I would be fine.

It really was all for the best that she was gone. Staying here would only put her in more danger

compared to her pack, and neither of us needed that.

"Could you go get me those files we discussed before?" | asked Jake, trying to get back to business.

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"Oh, sorry. I meant to bring them. They're in my office. I'll be right back.”

He left the door ajar and headed over to his office to grab them. Since his office was just down the hall,

it should only take a moment.

That gave me a few minutes to stare at the lapel pin in my hand. All of the images on it reminded me of

the special times we'd shared together.

"There he is!" I heard a female voice say. I looked up to see two women standing in the entrance to my


I recognized both of them from the consort group. I believed they were friends of Sophia, though I had

no idea what their names were.

"Your Highness," one with dark hair said, "is there anything we can do to serve you? Could we

straighten your office? Or rub your feet?"

"Perhaps we could cook you something?" the blonde asked. "We would love to do whatever we can to

help you."

What the hell?

"Who let the two of you into my part of the palace?" I demanded, staring them down.

"Your Highness... Beta Xavier said you might be lonely and it's our responsibility to-"

Their words caught in their throat as I narrowed my eyes and sneered, "To what?"

Xavier, I should've known he wouldn't just give up. Father must have tasked him to continue monitoring

the progress and I should've known he wouldn't give up so easily.

It was as if my words encouraged the two women somehow.

"To... serve you," the dark-haired one stood up, batted her eyelashes, and gave a flirtatious smile which

made me want to puke.

"And bring you joy," the blonde said in a seductive tune as she started walking over and even reaching

out her arm, about to touch me.

"How dare you!" I gave each of them a cold glare and they both stopped midway.

Panic flashed on their faces as I scoffed, "It seems that you two are tired of living?"

They both dropped to their knees immediately.

"We're so sorry!" the one with dark hair cried, "We... were only trying to help!"

"Really, my Prince!" the other one explained, "we were hoping to be of service to you. So far, all we've

been doing is sitting around and waiting. Beta Xavier said..."

"Get out," I ordered. "Now."

Both of them burst into tears and took off down the hallway, clutching onto one another.

Jake came back in with the files. "Really, Jake, close the door next time."

He looked confused and closed the door behind him as he came over to my desk. "Sorry. Did

something happen?"

"Doesn't matter now."

I didn't want to explain it all to him, so I just ignored the question and took the folders. Jake didn't ask

more questions, however, his expression looked serious.

"Alpha, I just got some important news about Alvar Pack."

Ciana's pack? He had my attention now. I set the files down and studied his face. "Tell me."

He sank down on the edge of one of the chairs across from me.

"It seems that the pack is undergoing some sort of alliance ceremony," Jake told me. "One of the men

that tailed Ciana there just reported to me. He said that he heard about it on a train. It's some sort of a

big deal."

"Who are they aligning themselves with?"

Jake swallowed so hard I could see his throat moving. “Uhm, we haven't gotten the final confirmation,

but one name that has come up is troublesome."

"Let me guess," I crossed my arms in front of me. “Luther?"


Of course, it would be him. It seemed like every time there was something going wrong in my life

anymore, it could all be traced back to that asshole. "What is he doing there?"

"I don't have a lot of details, sir, but if that's the case, Ciana's pack is in more trouble than we originally

thought. Even if Ciana can handle Raymond, I don't think it's a good idea for her to go against Luther

on her own."

Son of a bitch! I should've known Luther must be behind all of this. After all, he was the one who told

Ciana the news from her pack. He of course didn't do that out of his good heart.

Jake suggested solemnly, "I think we should probably send some troops there to fix the situation, or

else Ciana and the rest of them will continue to be in a mess of trouble."

"No need to send troops," I told him, already knowing what needed to be done.

"What do you mean no need to send troops?" Jake asked, looking surprised.

"We don't have enough information about Luther's group yet. How many of them are there, how many

packs they've been working with, where is their base? Without that information, even if we win the

battle, it won't solve the cause."

"Then, let me send more men to start the investigation. Some of them are already there...”

"I've dealt with Luther before. He's cunning and not easy to handle. Tell Greg and Sherry to come to

see me."

Jake's eyes widened. "You can't be serious!"

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My only response was to shrug.

"But... are you sure that's safe? And what about Ciana? Are you sure you're ready to see her again so


I pushed up from my desk to standing. "I won't be near her. Jake, arrange a new identity for me that

makes it easy for me to travel around the southern packs, but your informants don't need to know

exactly who I am."

"Yes, Alpha, I'll get that sorted. However...."

"This is the best way to do it. I'll have first-hand information. Luther has been after me for some time

now, and meanwhile I' m after him. This is a great opportunity."

He nodded, knowing me well enough to understand that he wasn't going to be able to change my mind.

"Very well, Alpha. I am sure that you'll be able to help Ciana and her entire pack. I just don't want to

see you in a situation you might regret."

Jake was my Beta, but he was also my friend, and I appreciated what he was telling me. "I'll be alright.

Keep informed with everything in the palace. You're in charge here."

I left my office and headed back to my private chambers, which was just down the hall a little way. I had

only just arrived when Greg and Sherry showed up.

We went straight into my bathroom. Greg was a master of disguise, and Sherry, his mate, knew all of

the tricks for making sure a person looked natural, no matter how many changes were made to their

outer appearance.

I sat back and let them work their wonder. Greg extended my hair and gave it a totally different style

before dying it.

After Greg changed my hair to a light blond, Sherry fitted me for colored contacts that made my eyes a

bright blue. Just those two changes already made me look very different.

Then she applied some products to make my skin a darker shade before she worked on my eyebrows,

fake facial hair and minimum makeup that made my chin and nose appear to be different shapes


Lastly, they provided me with a casual outfit.

When they were all finished, I looked at myself in the mirror and didn't recognize the man I was looking


"Well, Prince Theo," Greg began, "what do you think?"

"I have no idea who I'm looking at," I told them. "It's perfect.

We'll leave in two hours when it's dark outside."

"Yes, Alpha."

The two of them bowed to me before leaving my room. I knew they also needed to disguise


My gaze fell on the lapel pin on my dresser. After a moment, let out a sigh, grabbed it, and put it in my
