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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

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Chapter 69: The Fake Ciana


It was late afternoon when I saw that the coast was clear, and I

decided to go ahead and go to my parents' house. I could tell Warren had moved in because the light

was on in the Master suite.

I had a feeling that Raymond would insist that Warren take the best room in the house.

I would have to sneak in like a common thief, but once I was in there and with Warren, I should be safe.

I didn't think that the servants would be hanging around Warren too much since he could easily just tell

them to leave him be.

I could see Warren pacing around the room. Carefully, so as not to fall or draw attention to myself, I

made my way to the window of the Master suite. Keeping my balance, I situated my knees on the

window sill and knocked on the window.

He jumped a bit when he saw me, and then rushed over to open the window, helping me inside. "Thank

the goddess you' re here! I was worried. It seemed to have taken you a while. Did you run into


"No. Sorry to make you worry," I said. "I wanted to make sure no one saw me." I straightened my

clothing and took a deep breath, happy to have made it in. Now, I felt relatively safe-at least for the


"You have a beautiful home! I'm impressed," Warren praised. He poured me a glass of cool water from

a pitcher and handed it over. He was so thoughtful-unlike some people.....

"Thank you. Mom and Dad poured their love into this house. It indeed is a wonderful place." I couldn't

help but smile.

"Is this the Luna and Alpha's bedroom?"

"Yes. Why?" I asked him, taking a sip of the drink. The cold water felt good going down my throat. I

looked around at the familiar space and instantly missed my parents.

My heart felt heavy as my eyes landed on a picture of the three of us that was sitting on my mother's


When would they be home?

"I should've asked for another room," Warren said, causing me to give him my full attention.

"No, you're totally fine. Even if my parents were home, they'd put you here. You're the prince. You're

not just another visitor."

His cheeks pinked slightly with my compliment. "Still, Ciana, I feel rude."

"It's all good, Warren. I promise."

Just then, we heard voices in the hallway. I lifted a finger to my lips to signal him to be quiet.

Maids. They were passing by in a bit of a rush. I assumed they had decided the whole rest of the house

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needed a thorough cleaning now that a distinguished guest was staying here.

"I wonder if Miss Ciana has met him yet," one of the women was saying.

"No, I believe she's still out in the garden," the other said. "She sure does love to tend the flowers. Her

mother will be proud to see how they are doing when she gets back."

Once they were out of earshot, I said, "Since she is nearby, we should go do some observation."

I had always loved to take care of the garden in the past, so I was curious to see how this new version

of me did when it came to pruning the hedges and tending the flowers. Any information we could gather

about her could be helpful.

Warren nodded. "I think that's a splendid idea, but we'll have to make sure no one sees you."

I nodded. Luckily, it was getting dark, as long as we were careful, it shouldn't be a problem. Otherwise,

our entire plan could quickly go off track.

Warren went first, and I followed behind him. He was careful to watch for servants or anyone else who

might see us.

Eventually, we made it out to the back garden. It was easy to find a place to hide out there because of

all of the high bushes, shrubs, and trees.

The moment my eyes landed on her, a wave of fury washed over me. I wanted to run right over to her

and accuse her of pretending to be me. But I knew that wouldn't work because I had called her out the

last time I was here, and clearly, no one had believed she wasn't me.

Now, she was kneeling in front of my mother's prize rose bushes, a pair of shears in hand, trimming

away the weeds and some of the undergrowth.

We moved down closer to a curve in the stone path and took up a position behind a large blooming

tree. It smelled lovely, but I couldn't think about the beauty of the garden or the fact that I was finally

home again at the moment.

Instead, I needed to concentrate on listening to what the servants who had accompanied her outside

were saying.

There were four of them, and I recognized them as people who had worked in my parents' home for a

few years.

I didn't spend much time around them myself because I preferred to be by myself most of the time. But

this Ciana must've been different because they were clearly there as her attendants.

And they were talking. About her.

"Really, being off at the palace has matured her quite a bit, don't you think?" One of them, an older

woman, was talking to a man.

"Yes, yes, I agree. They must've given the girls etiquette

lessons," he surmised. "After all, she seems so much more graceful."

"I appreciate how much self-control the Alpha's daughter is able to exhibit now," another woman was

saying. She had her hands folded in front of her, standing like a statue, all prim and proper. "Do you

recall how she used to always be running about, getting dirty, and tracking filth into the house?"

"Oh, yes," the last of them, an older man said, shaking his head. "It was nearly impossible to keep the

dust out of the drapes when Miss Ciana would come running in, wildly, covered in dirt and debris."

"I think she is truly a charming young woman now," the first woman said with a nod of approval. "Fit to

marry a prince. It's too bad that Prince Theo didn't choose her."

"Well, perhaps the rumors are true, and Prince Warren is here for her hand."

I turned to look at Warren then, my eyes widening, but he wouldn't meet my gaze, and since we were

being sneaky, I couldn't verify this with him.

The servants continued to go on and on about how elegant "I" was now until it started to irritate me. I

didn't want to listen to them, but they continued to comment on how I used to live my life.

"Don't listen to them," Warren said, leaning in closely. His warm breath tickled my cheek. "They don't

know what they're talking about. Uppity snobs." He made a face, and I had to cover my mouth to keep

from laughing.

He was right. These people's opinions shouldn't matter to me, and they all sounded like they were

simply trying to impress one another with their knowledge of etiquette and manners.

"I am finished," the fake Ciana announced standing and removing her gardening gloves. "I would like to

go inside and rest."

"Yes, of course, my lady," the first woman said, rushing over to take her gloves. "We shall accompany


The party began heading in our direction. They would walk past the bushes we were hiding behind, but

they were thick, so I wasn't worried about them seeing us.

One of the men gathered up the basket of flowers fake Ciana

must've cut at some other point. He was walking down the stone path in front of her. I ducked down

lower, and Warren swiveled to make sure he was hidden as well.

The stones were uneven on the path. Somehow, the servant managed to catch his toe. He pitched

forward, and the basket launched its contents everywhere.

My imposter was behind him and she tried to dodge him but failed. She managed to trip over the back

of him, falling toward the bushes where we were hiding.


So much for this us not being discovered. Why were there always accidents when I tried to hide?

In that split moment, Warren stood up, though, and he managed to grab fake Ciana mid-fall before she

could see me and before she could further injure herself. Luckily, it was dark, and we were close to a

corner, so he probably could pass as if running into her by accident.

"Whoa!" he said, wrapping his arms around her and steadying her. "Are you all right, Ciana?" he asked,

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setting her back on her feet.

Immediately, the servants broke out in exclamations. Not only did they want to make sure that she was

all right, but they also were shocked to see Warren.

"Prince Warren! What are you doing here in the garden?" a maid asked him, surprised but not asking in

a rude manner.

"Just taking a walk. Sorry, I was distracted by this beautiful garden and didn't see you." Then he asked

the fake me concernedly, "Are you alright? Are you injured?"

"Prince Warren?" She seemed shocked, but she quickly collected her composure. "I'm fine, thank you

kindly, sir."

Except, now I noticed the bright blush that reddened her cheeks. Then, she dropped her eyes to the

ground, staring at the points of her shoes, and a faint smile was still on her face.

A very typical reaction from girls when they first met the handsome, graceful and gentle Prince Warren.

"I'm glad to hear you are okay. By the way, thank you for inviting me to stay at your house."

"You're so welcome," she replied, still blushing, "It was my pleasure."

Warren released her, and he maintained his warm smile, but then he asked, "Ciana, why are you acting

like this?"

Fake Ciana was confused. I saw her eyebrows knit together. "What do you mean, sir, I mean, Your

Highness?" she asked him.

Warren chuckled. "You're acting like you've never even met me before, Ciana. We spent so much time

together back at the palace. Why are you behaving so oddly?"

I saw the faces of the others as they exchanged glances with one another. They were obviously

confused as well.

"Oh...um... Your Highness... because I just didn't expect to see you here," she explained. Then,

realizing she'd gotten caught up in a situation she needed to get herself out of, she exclaimed. "Ouch!

My ankle! I must have sprained it when I almost fell."

"Your ankle?" Warren asked. "Do you want some help getting back to the-"

But before he could finish the sentence, the servants all rushed over and surrounded her.

"Miss Ciana!"

"Oh, Goddess! It must hurt!"

"Let us help you!"

"Take me to the healer, please," she told them. Immediately, one of them shifted to a wolf and the

others helped her to get on his back.

Before she left, she didn't forget to excuse herself from

Warren politely, "Forgive me for not being able to show you around, Your Highness. Please make

yourself at home."

Then the group ran off as fast as they could, leaving Warren standing there on his own.