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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 431
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Chapter 89: My Mate and My Beloved

The trip to Maggie’s pack didn’t take too long.

Vaner pack was one of the biggest packs in the northwest of the Egoren Kingdom. It may not be as rich

as Sophia’ s Pomeni Pack, but at a minimum, they were similar in terms of territory and population. It

was a good pack for a member of the royal family to marry into.

Along the way, Warren and I didn’t have much else to do except talk about his sister.

haven’t seen Maggie in a long time. I think it was her wedding the last time I saw her,” Warren

explained as we rode alone in the hired car.

“You haven’t seen her since she left home?” I arched an eyebrow.

Warren shrugged. “She hasn’t let me come visit. I remember how tender and loving Demarco, her

husband, was to her at the wedding. They hadn’t known each other long, but he was so… devoted.

They’ re fated mates. I always hoped that when I found my mate, we’d feel that strongly toward each


“Why hasn’t she let you visit?” I asked, glancing at the changing scenery. We had to go around the

road that had the cave in and that made the trip a couple hours longer.

“l don’t know. She won’t ever tell me. And she hasn’t come back to the palace, either. It is almost like

she’s being kept away. But I know Demarco would do anything for her,” Warren said, sighing.

“Well, I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you, whatever the reason. You are her brother,” I said, smiling.

“She’s not going to have a choice this time. I’m showing up to surprise her. I mean, I’m sure everything

is fine, but I do want to check on her.” Warren gave a bashful smile and looked outside the window.

I thought it was cute that he wanted to check on his sister. I wondered how close they were before she

got married. Warren seemed pretty bummed that she wouldn’t let him come visit.

“Has she ever let Theo visit?” I asked, curiously. “Or anyone else?”

‘Not that I know of. I don’t see why she would. Theo is only our half-brother,” Warren reminded me.

Maybe that was why Theo always seemed annoyed or exasperated when talking about Warren. He

made it seem like a chore. I wondered if Theo had felt isolated or disconnected because he wasn’t their

full sibling.

“Were you and Maggie close when you were growing up?” I questioned. I hoped I wasn’t pestering him

too much. “Sure. She is my twin,” Warren told me, chuckling.

“Wow! Twin sister! I bet she is a beauty!”

“Thanks,” Warren smiled. “She’s always kind and gentle. A very graceful woman. She… well, she took

care of me while we Mate were growing up.”

There was a border patrol checkpoint that we had to pass through before going into Vaner pack


“State your name and business,” the border patrol shifter said, looking down his nose at us.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“I’m Prince Warren and this is Ciana Black. We’re here to see my sister, Maggie,” Warren said, pointing

between the two of us.

“Greetings, Your Highness! Please go ahead.” The border patrol shifter lowered his head to bow to us

and waved our car through the checkpoint.

As far as I knew, Pack Vaner had very few problems with rogues and wars with other packs. With how

tight they kept security, it was no wonder.

The car drove us right up to the pack mansion. My breath flew out the window as I stared at it. Pack

Vaner was much wealthier than my pack, if the exterior of the mansion was any indication.

We went up a private cobblestone road lined with blooming magnolia trees. The grounds were

beautifully landscaped with all kinds of gorgeous gardens. It looked like we were approaching a royal


The mansion itself was very well cared for on the outside and there were lots of people moving around,

trimming the hedges, and cleaning the windows.

“This place is beautiful,” I whispered as the car came to a stop.

“That’s all thanks to my sister.” Warren smiled, puffing up his chest with pride.

A servant was waiting for us on the steps. She hurried us into the main dining room where Maggie and

Demarco were already expecting us.

Maggie’s lips curved up in a warm smile, but I could see the hesitation in her eyes.

“Warren, why didn’t you tell me you were coming? This place is in no shape for guests,” Maggie

scolded softly, shaking her head.

It reminded me of the way a mother would dotingly scold a child, anyone could tell she wasn’t really

upset. Warren had said Maggie took care of him, she did have a strong maternal presence.

“Surprise!” Warren opened his arms for a big hug. “Aren’t you happy to see me?”

“Of course, I am, you big goof,” she chuckled, gently using her finger to tap on Warren’s long, straight

nose. Then she gave Warren a quick hug and stepped back.

“Welcome to Vaner,” Demarco said, also hugging Warren.

“It is good to have you.”

“T)ånk you. And you’re crazy if you think this place isn’t ready for guests. It is immaculate, as always,”

Warren told them with a big, boyish grin.

“You’re silly,” Maggie said, waving dismissively

‘”Who’s this lovely young lady that you bring?”

She looked at me with a warm smile, but then coughed a couple of times. I noticed how Demarco

quickly turned to her and stood like he was going to catch her, as if he expected her to fall. Maggie just

cleared her throat. Still, Demarco went to her side and touched her shoulder, a deep look of concern in

his eyes. He was so tender and devoted, just like Warren had told me. They’d been married for years

and he still took such good care of her. If only we were all lucky enough to find a love like that. I took a

closer look at Demarco. He was familiar and I wondered if I had met him before. He might have known

my parents, or maybe I’d met him when I visited this pack when I was a child. I couldn’t place where I

knew him from. “This is Ciana Black, daughter of Alpha Soren Black of Pack Alvar,” Warren introduced

me, motioning for me to step forward. “It is very nice to meet you both,” I greeted them both

respectfully. “You’ re lucky, Warren, to have found such a beautiful mate,” Maggie said, winking at her


“Mate, no… we’re…”

“That’s not what..

Warren and I both rushed to explain. We exchanged an awkward glance and Warren chuckled.

“Ciana and I are just good friends,” he explained.

“Oh. Well, you are still welcome to stay here. Any friend of Warren’s is a friend of ours,” she said.

Maggie held her arms to both of us. She dropped her arms quickly and took a half-step back. Clutching

her chest, she started coughing again. Demarco wrapped an arm around her and handed her a

handkerchief. “Maggie, are you okay?” Warren asked, holding an arm out to her. “I’m fine. I must have

just caught a cold. It’ll be gone in a few days. Come, sit, let’s catch up.” Maggie took a seat at the

dining table and Demarco stood beside her. Warren and I sat and the two siblings started to catch up.

“Tell me everything that is happening. How is father, and how is that wayward brother of ours?” Maggie

asked. She reached out and put her hands over Warren’s, a motherly gesture. Warren told Maggie

about some of the things that had been happening in the palace. He told her about King Sebastian’s

plan to get Theo to marry. Maggie seemed to be quite surprised, but then, she simply nodded and

moved on to other topics. I was simply grateful that Warren didn’t tell Maggie I was one of the chosen

candidates for him. As the conversation wore on, I saw Maggie slump down in her chair. Demarco put

his hand firmly on her shoulder. She smiled at him but her eyelids were drooping and her skin looked

pale. “I think that is enough for now.” Demarco stepped in. “I’ll get Maggie upstairs to rest. It is a nice

day out. Why don’t you two take a walk around and I’ll have guest rooms prepared.” “That sounds like a

good idea,” Warren urged. “Maggie, you shouldn’t be moving around like this while you’re sick! Go rest

please.” “We’ll catch up later,” Maggie promised, waving to him as Demarco guided her out of the

dining room. Once they left, I stood up and stretched. I was still a little stiff from sitting so long in the

car. “So, do you feel better, seeing that your sister is being well taken care of?” I asked as Warren and I

headed to the pack grounds.

He smiled and nodded. “I am worried about her sickness, though.”

“She doesn’t seem to be worried,” I pointed out.

“That’s true. Hey, do you hear that? It sounds like carnival music… Come on!” Warren grabbed my

hand and pulled me around the packhouse.

He stopped dead and stared as Nelson, Tallis, and the entire carnival came into view. They were

working hard to set up the tent. Well, everyone but Tallis. He was just standing there, but what more did

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I expect?

“What are they doing here?” Warren asked as we got clos-er to the carnival.

Tallis—Theo turned around and saw us, equally surprised.

I pulled my hand from Warren’s.

During our travels, I hadn’t told Warren that the carnival was coming here. I didn’t want to tell him it was

one of the reasons I agreed to tag along.

Didn’t we just leave you behind?” Tallis asked, glaring at Warren and me.

“We’ re here to visit my sister,” Warren said. “We don’ t need your permission for that.”

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head. “We’ll stay out of your way if you stay out of ours,” I suggested.

Talis sniffed but nodded.

“Prince Warren! Please wait a second,” Demarco called, hurrying up to us.

His timing was perfect, because Warren and Tallis were still bristling at each other. Immediately, they

both turned to Demarco. As soon as he caught up to us, Demarco gave a heavy sigh and looked down

at the ground.

He had bags under his eyes, clearly tired, and the way his eyes darted around, he seemed really


“Demarco, what is going on with Maggie? Is it just a cold she’s fighting off?” Warren obviously sensed

that something wasn’t right.

Demarco shrugged and refused to meet Warren’s eyes.

“She’s my sister, man. I have a right to know what is going on,” Warren pressed.

“She doesn’t want you to know, but I can’t handle it on my own anymore. I love her and I’ll do anything

to help her,” Demarco said, his eyes a little frantic, even though his voice was haggard.

Doesn’t want me to know what?” Warren asked.

“She’s sick…” Demarco sighed. “Really sick. She has been for a while and that’s why she doesn’t let

you come visit.”

Warren gasped and shook his head. “No. No. She can’t…” His face paled and he shook his head


My’heart ached for him and I wanted to comfort him but I didn’t know what to say. When I looked over

at Tallis, I saw his eyes were wide as saucers as well, although he was perfectly still, like a statue.

So, he could show concern for a half-sibling

“I’ve tried everything to help her get better. Nothing I do works,” Demarco vented, finally letting loose

his emotional upset. I could tell it had been a long time since he’d talked to anyone about this.

“Th-there’s nothing anyone can do?” Warren asked, stuttering slightly.

“She is my mate, my beloved. I would do anything for her. But alas, we cannot save her. There is only

one thing left we can do,” Demarco said.

Slowly, he looked at Warren, then at Tallis, and finally looked at me. He looked at me the longest, and

then looked back to Warren.

“What is it?” Warren urged.