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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 663
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Chapter 10: Take Care, Mila

Chapter 10 Take care, Mila


As Mila disappeared, I watched her figure grow smaller in the nighttime shadows. There were lights lining the

village streets, which allowed me to see her more clearly as she ran under them but she seemed to be purposefully

sticking to the shadows as much as possible.

There was no hesitation in her departure. She didn't look back and she didn't slow down. Clearly, she didn't want to

be here. That was probably for the best.

Her scent clung to the door and the walls in the hallway. I breathed it in and held it at the back of my nose. In just a

few days, her scent would fade completely and I'd forget it all together.

For some reason, the thought of forgetting her scent saddened me a little.

I frowned and looked at the guards still standing around.

“Return to your posts," I told everyone.

The guards muttered their agreement and lumbered off.

More often than not, my men here was to keep people out, not keep people in. If Mila wanted to leave, no one

should force her to stay.

However, as I stood in the empty hallway and stared out the door she'd left open, I couldn't help but wonder why

she was in such a hurry? What was so urgent that she had to leave in the middle of the night?

I should have been relieved that she was gone. She had too many unknowns hanging around her. I only had a

snippet of her past to go on and it was enough to know that keeping her around would be problematic.

Showing up out of nowhere, poisoned with Blackfire and an aphrodisiac, ending up in my bed… It screamed trouble.

Not to mention, her intentional poisoning with the Trial of Blackfire. Who would do that to themselves?

Then that night came back to my mind in a flood and I held my breath as flickers of her lips seeking mine, how her

body felt in my arms, the way she begged me…

“Ugh." I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts.

It was the one-night stand that lasted two weeks. I was glad it was over, wasn't I?

I just wanted to forget about her. I wanted to shake her off and move on… but I couldn't. Something deep inside

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clawed at me.


I wasn't disappointed that she left, was I?

When she'd turned her back on me and ran, I'd been reminded of Rosalie again. They looked so similar from

behind. I couldn't help equating Mila's departure to when Rosalie left me. That was where my disappointment came

from, so I told myself.

When Rosalie left the islands years ago, had she been as determined and desperate as Mila to get away from me?

I balled my hands into fists. Who was I? I barely recognized this self-pitying version of myself. That wasn't me!

Sighing, I hung my head. The fact was, I might never see Rosalie again. Nor would I see Mila. I just had to accept


In Mila's case, it was probably a blessing. I'd known from the start that she was trouble. Now that I knew her history,

I was more sure of it. So why did I feel like letting her go was a mistake?

Scoffing, I shook my head.

What was wrong with me? I had no reason to be sentimental after all these years. I'd made my peace with it all.

Getting roped into some mysterious beauty's drama was not something I needed to lose sleep over.

She was gone. That's how it was meant to be. That was the best thing for all of us.

I'd come here for peace and quiet and to be left alone. I had come here to forget about Rosalie and to live my life.

Having Mila around only seemed to bring up memories of Rosalie. Now that she was gone, I could return to that

desired lifestyle.

“Mila didn't know any better," Ashley said, her voice cutting into my thoughts.

I whipped around. I hadn't even heard her approach. I'd really zoned out.

“You gave her help and shelter. So did everyone else here. We all cared for her and she showed no appreciation,"

Ashley continued. “All she wanted to do was run off like you and your guys are the enemy. That's not fair. She

doesn't know anything about you or these shifters. Kind of bratty, don't you think?"

I chuckled and nodded. That was Ashley's way of comforting me without being downright cruel.

“As you said, she doesn't know better. She's just doing what she feels she has to."

“Yeah, but she could have still shown appreciation. We helped her a lot," Ashley said snippily.

“I thought you wanted her to leave," I pointed out. “Have you changed your mind now?" I arched an eyebrow at


Ashley's cheeks flushed and she bit her lower lip.

“Well, of course, I wanted her to leave! It was plain as day from the moment she arrived that she was trouble. I

mean, she was randomly plopped in your bed. Who does that? People that are trouble, that's who! I just feel bad for

you. She wasn't worth the effort and care you gave her."

I shrugged. It didn't matter, did it? Saving her wasn't a big deal. It just happened to occur because she was in the

right place at the right time. There was nothing more in-depth or complicated than that.

Simple, like if I'd come across a wounded animal in the woods and helped it. She was the wounded bird with a

broken wing. I'd just put her back in her nest so she'd be safe from predators until she could fly again.

And now, she was flying on her own.

When I looked at Ashley, I saw that she was staring out the open door.

“You did a great job caring for her. She might not have survived without you. I'm sure she would have thanked you

if she saw you and if she wasn't… in a hurry."

“Yeah… right. I'm sure she is just overflowing with gratitude," Ashley muttered.

I decided to change the topic.

“Now that tonight's excitement is over, don't you still have inventory to do?" I asked her with a chuckle.

Ashley grinned sheepishly. “I wasn't going to let you stand here like a statue and stare after someone not worth it."

“Ashley, bottles don't count themselves. While I appreciate your concern, I am a big boy and can handle these

things. What I can't handle is running out of food and booze. No one wants to be at an inn that is out of supplies."

“Fine, fine," Ashly muttered. She headed down the hall, back to the bar.

As soon as she was gone, Payne appeared beside me.

I double-took, wondering where he'd just come from. Over the years, Payne's footfall had been lighter. One of the

common traits of great warriors.

“You are even quieter than usual. How did you do that?" I turned around to look at him.

“Practice," he said, grinning.

I rolled my eyes at him. “I'd prefer it if you didn't sneak up on me."

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“My apologies. I didn't want to interrupt that teaching moment with Ashley," he teased.

“She seems to be taking it hard," I admitted with a sigh.

“She'll get over it. I'm wondering though, will you?" Payne asked. He fixed me with a hard, knowing look.

Sometimes, I thought he knew me too well. I tried to keep my secrets to myself but Payne was the one I went to

when I needed things I didn't want the others to know about.

“I'll be fine," I growled, to end the conversation.

“I know you will. But… well, she might not be," he said, motioning to the door.

I sighed and nodded in agreement. I'd thought the same thing.

Mila wanted to leave and I wasn't going to stop her or hold her prisoner. At the same time, I knew the dangers out

there and I knew she wasn't up to her full strength.

She'd made a miraculous recovery from the Blackfire poison and she had somehow managed to escape and find

shelter when she was drugged, after surviving a sandstorm.

I knew she could take care of herself but there were worse things than sandstorms out there.

“She's a survivor," I pointed out.

“Still, do you want someone to follow her just in case?" Payne asked.

I was a bit surprised. First Ashley, now Payne. They somehow seemed to be more connected to Mila than I

anticipated and neither of them seemed to even realize that.

I thought about Payne's question for a moment and nodded.

It would be better to know what she was up to, anyway.

For some reason, wherever Mila's destination would be, I would like to see her get there safely. I didn't have that

much interest in what she was up to, but knowing her location might come in handy—for what, I didn't know yet.

I just had to follow my instinct, for it was quite accurate most of the time.

“Just to keep an eye on her and ensure she doesn't send trouble our way. Have someone watch her at a distance. I

don't want her to know they are there unless she's in a life or death situation."

“I'll make sure of it," Payne said. “Let me just make a few arrangements."

Alone in the hallway again, I turned to the open door. In the distance, I could still see Mila's silhouette getting

smaller and smaller. Soon, she'd disappear completely.

“Take care, Mila." I whispered before shutting the door.