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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 744
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Chapter 89 : I Could be At Peace


When Soren told me that he loved me, I nearly broke down but I kept myself composed. My hands trembled slightly

and I tucked them behind my back.

I wanted to tell him that I loved him too and that I was pregnant with his child. More than anything, I wanted to run

right into his arms again. The woman in the picture was still stuck in my heart like a thorn but it didn't matter. I

didn't care about Soren's past, only his future.

And that future, I wanted it to be with me and our child.

I rubbed my hands on my thighs and paced back and forth, trying to convey nervousness instead of hope and


I knew Dylan was watching me. Dylan was what Soren had called him but I wasn't sure if that was his name and I

wasn't about to ask him. It would let him know that I was in contact with someone else.

Any change in myself would alert Dylan that Soren was on his way and I couldn't risk that. Soren still had surprise

on his side.

“You seem anxious," Dylan said.

He smirked and pulled a small knife out. His eyes lit up viciously.

“I'm locked in an underground tomb," I said.

“Ahh, you're anxious to get out of here. Okay, then there's no need to beat around the bush. You want to get back

to your sugar daddy with your precious child, right?"

I didn't respond, I just paced some more. In my mind, I wished Soren would hurry, but I didn't reach out to him in

the mind link. If he confesses his love to me again, I wouldn't be able to hide my joy from Dylan.

“So, all you have to do is tell me where the last part of the artifact is. It's that simple. Tell me where the artifact is

and that's the last favor I'll ask before setting you free." Dylan gave me a slick smile.

I imagined he thought it was a gentle, tender smile but it was terrifying.

How was I supposed to respond to that? If I told him I didn't have it then he might think I was useless. If I told him I

didn't know where it was or how to use it… well, Soren told me to be careful.

I had to think my way through this.

“You've got the Light of Guidance and the Sheath of Protection. Where is the Dagger of Mercy?" he pressed.

I blinked at him and stopped pacing. He already knew more about the artifact than Chandler did. I'd always thought

the final part of the artifact was a dagger because of the sheath but I couldn't be sure. Besides, I didn't know each

of the parts had its own name.

Dylan knew the artifact well. He knew it better than I did, that was for sure.

I bit my lower lip. Chandler and Dylan couldn't hurt me. They'd need me to use the artifact once they had all the

pieces. I had a little wiggle room to push back and ask questions.

Maybe I could learn a little something in the process.

“If you know all about the artifact, why didn't you tell Chandler the truth?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Dylan arched an eyebrow. “The truth about what?"

“The Blade of Souls. I know it isn't as powerful as everyone thinks."

“I doubt you truly understand the power it has," he countered.

“Perhaps. But we both know that it can't raise the dead like Chandler wants. His Luna will never come back to life." I

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motioned to the crystal coffin.

“And you're sure of that?"

“At first, I thought you were helping Chandler resurrect his Luna, but now…" I stared him straight in the eye. “You're

after it for your own purpose, aren't you?"

Dylan's eyes narrowed and flashed. He snarled and I felt like I was having a staring contest with a venomous snake.

One wrong move and he'd strike with poisonous fangs.

Suddenly, he smirked. It was dangerous and hungry and I was his prey.

He scoffed. “Well, you are clever, just like your mother."

I froze at the mention of her but I kept my face a mask. Dylan knew my mother? Then, was he one of the causes of

my parents' demise?

“That smart brain of yours will only get you into more trouble. My recommendation to you is… shut up and do as

you're told!"

I took a half step back as he raged. Clearly, I'd struck a nerve. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing

in this case.

He could keep his composure when he wanted to. Even when he lashed out, it was very controlled. Like he was only

making me think he was angry to scare me or rattle me. I'd never met anyone that could control themselves like

that and use their emotions so skillfully… except Soren.

It made him more dangerous and creepy.

The only difference was, if I provoked Soren, I knew he'd just tease me or… throw me on the bed.

Dylan would do much, much worse. I knew I shouldn't taunt him anymore. But if I was honest, then maybe I could

stall him long enough for Soren to arrive.

“Alright, alright," I said shrugging. “I'm just curious. You don't have to get upset."

Dylan pursed his lips, his brow creasing.

I smiled warmly and softened my voice, making myself as gentle and approachable as possible.

“Since you saved me and my child from Chandler… then I will return the favor by telling you the truth. I don't mind

sharing at all."

Dylan nodded and held his hand out to me motioning for me to continue.

“I have no idea where the last piece of the artifact is." Sighing, I shrugged heavily.

Dylan scoffed. I could tell he didn't believe me but what more could I tell him?

“Perhaps we've been treating you too well, young lady. Unfortunately, that's bad news for you."

“I'm telling the truth."

“That remains to be seen. Willing or not, I will get the truth out of you." he held the knife up, the dim light reflecting

off of it.

Dylan clapped his hands and two warriors came into the tomb.

“Tie her up!"

The warriors came at me. I backed away from them but they caught me quickly. There were wrist shackles on the

wall and ankle shackles on the floor.

I struggled against the warriors but they shoved me against the wall and shackled me in place. They pushed me

back again, the air leaving my lungs.

Groaning, I stopped struggling. I had to be careful because of the baby. I couldn't let them push me around and if I

stopped struggling, maybe they'd go easy on me.

I breathed heavily and couldn't get my hyperventilation under control. Shackled to the wall and floor I had no

escape and no way to protect myself.

Dylan smiled gently and walked closer, holding the knife in front of my face.

Although his smile was meant to be comforting, the knife really ruined that. I glanced around for any help at all but

the only other people were Dylan's warriors.

I could reach out to Soren through the mindlink but what could he do? If he hadn't gotten here already, knowing my

predicament wouldn't get him here faster. I already knew he was getting here as fast as he possibly could.

Dylan stuck the knife into my shirt sleeve and cut it open. The fabric made a loud tearing sound but the knife never

touched my skin.

He cut my other shirt sleeve and the ripped fabric fell away from my body, leaving my torso bare. He gleaned over

my breasts and my stomach.

The warriors behind Dylan all stared at me. They salivated and their eyes glowed with lust.

April popped into my mind and I couldn't breathe.

She'd been so beaten and sexually abused… was that what Dylan was going to do to me?!

Had he been the one to hurt April so badly? Was my fate going to be the same as hers?

No…Goddess, please…help me!

“All of you, get out!" Dylan snapped.

I heard his warrior's mumbles of hesitation. They were slow to react, reluctant to leave. They probably wanted to

see me get tortured.

Finally, they left and I was completely alone with Dylan.

I wasn't sure if that made me safer or put me in more danger.

Dylan offered me a gentlemanly smile. His eyes were empty of all emotion and warmth, which took away from the

gentleman facade.

“I can smell it… your fear. It is… delicious. But clearly, it's not enough to get you to talk…"

“What are you going to do?" I asked, my voice cracking.

Dylan rolled his eyes.

“Don't flatter yourself. I'm not a vulgar barbarian and I have no interest in f*****g a chick like you…"

He sneered as he looked over my exposed body.

Regardless of his insult, I was relieved. I actually believed him when he said that.

Dylan smirked and leaned in, knife in hand.


I cried out as the knife blade sliced a shallow, painful cut across my forearm. Blood bubbled over my skin. It was

warm as it smeared my flesh. The cut wasn't deep but it was painful, stinging like a hundred bees.

Quickly, he slashed several more shallow cuts over my abs.

Groaning, I bowed my head and gritted my teeth. All the wounds were superficial but that almost made them more

painful. The cold air made them sear with pain.

“However, I'm not going to pass up the chance to hear the cries of pain from my dear old friends' daughter," he


The words should have meant something to me… Dylan knew my father too… but I was in too much pain to

process that or think more about it.

“You f*****g monster! You're a creepy bastard that gets off on cutting women open. How does that make you any

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less vulgar and barbaric!?"

I shouted and screamed at him but I held onto my anger and I bit my tongue. There was no way I'd cry in front of

Dylan. I wasn't going to give him that satisfaction.

Dylan continued to smirk. He made several more cuts on my inner thighs. The same shallow, painful, stinging cuts

right in a row down my thighs. It was such a sensitive part of the body and that made them hurt even more.

Blood smeared my skin. It dried and crusted over with more layers. The bleeding didn't seem to stop despite the

cuts not being deep.

I glanced down. My belly and legs were almost covered with blood. I was losing too much. It would get dangerous

for me and the baby.

With quick slices, he cut my arms and then left ten more quick swipes across my abdomen.

“Come on, Mila, I want to see you cry," he said, grabbing my chin.

The knife was so close to my face, I couldn't stop staring at it. It was covered with fresh blood. My fresh blood.

“Don't worry, your face will be fine. Even I don't want to cut up that pretty face and leave it scarred," he chuckled.

My mind was fuzzy. I was so close to passing out from blood loss.

Dylan's voice became cold and hard.

“Now, this is just a little lesson for your smart mouth. If you refuse to tell me what you know, the next cut will go

directly into your belly."

His lips twisted in a cruel smirk. He pressed the tip of the blade into my stomach, harmless for the moment, but I

felt the prick.

“I don't want to see a lovely girl like you die, so I won't kill you. But I have no problem cutting out your womb and

that child inside… I might even enjoy it."

I gasped and gagged, my own breath choking me.

“I don't know!" I screamed. “I told you, I don't have it! I don't know where it is!"

My shrieks echoed around the tomb and Dylan took a step back.

He narrowed his eyes at me for a moment and then licked my blood off the blade of his knife.

I cringed and looked away from him.

Dylan walked a circle around the room. As he turned the corner and started coming at me again, I was filled with

despair completely. What if he didn't believe me?

I wasn't afraid of dying. I'd die to keep the artifact out of their hands to keep Soren safe.

Soren's words echoed in my head, when he told me he loved me.

It was all I needed to know. If I died at that moment, I could be at peace. But it wasn't just me. Now, I had the baby

to think about…

Dylan's eyes turned to ice, sending a shiver down my spine. He closed the space between us and brought the knife

to my belly again.

I closed my eyes, silently begging him not to hurt the baby.


A howl echoed through the spacious tomb.

Opening my eyes, I watched as a massive, beautiful wolf tackled Dylan, knocking him away. The wolf stood between

me and Dylan, ready to defend me.

It was Soren. I knew his wolf anywhere!

Tears sprang to my eyes. I'd been holding them back all day and suddenly the floodgates broke. I couldn't hold back

anymore and I burst into tears.

Soren was here. He'd come to save me!