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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 767
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Chapter 112 : Manipulating the Manipulator


When I arrived at the palace, I stood at the front gate, too stunned for anything else.

There were acres of beautiful, manicured gardens out front with walking paths through them. I could see staff

members gardening and keeping things clean and tidy.

Beyond the gardens, I saw the palace. It rose up at least ten floors with several additional wings jutting out. I was

pretty sure that some of the wings had wings!

Did the royal family really need so much space? I felt like the entire Saboreef territory would fit in the gardens

alone. The palace was like a whole city on its own.

I thought of Soren. He'd be on his way to catch up with me by now, but I had time to talk to the king and figure out

what he wanted with me.

I knew Soren would be upset… A letter wasn't a substitute for talking in person and I was carrying precious cargo. I

could practically hear the lecture Soren would give me once he caught up to me.

But I had to do this!

Clenching my fists, I walked into the gardens. Many of the staff glanced at me but they didn't stop me. It was like

they were expecting me.

I wasn't going to turn back now. Helen was supposedly in the palace. If there was even the slightest chance she was

here, I had to find her. The last time I'd seen her, she was so weak and didn't seem like she had much time left.

If I'd waited to make a plan with Soren, it might have been too late for Helen.

He'd understand that… I kept telling myself.

Helen was my only family and I wasn't going to lose her!

Before getting to the interior palace, I came to a gate that separated the gardens from the palace. There were

guards blocking the gate.

One of them nodded to me.

“Miss Hathaway, his Majesty has been expecting you."

“Lead the way." I motioned through the gate.

Only one of the guards led me through and into the palace courtyard. The other remained behind to guard the


As we walked through the courtyard, I heard children's laughter. Instinctively, I looped my arms around my stomach

and looked at where the laughter was coming from.

To the right of the courtyard was a large field with smaller gardens in it. I could see three kids playing there.

The guard led me right over to the garden. He bowed when the eldest boy looked at him.

“Crown Prince Justin," he greeted.

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The oldest boy who looked to be about sixteen just nodded and kept a sharp eye on his younger brothers.

“Prince Warren, Prince Theo," the guard greeted them as well, though they didn't seem to care. They were too

busy playing.

Warren looked to be about eleven and Theo was only a toddler, about two years old, toddling around.

“Who is this?" Justin asked, arching an eyebrow at me.

I bowed respectfully.

“This is Miss Hathaway, a guest of the king," the guard answered.


The crown prince studied me for a moment.

Inwardly, I sneered but I didn't let the princes or the guard see. I wouldn't exactly call myself a guest but it wasn't

the right time or place to make a scene. Especially with a toddler who could barely walk.

I couldn't help studying the children. They didn't exactly look related…

A sudden thought occurred to me. If Sebastian really was Dylan and the soul swap had happened 13-14 years ago,

then Prince Justin wasn't his child! It was an odd realization, and one I knew I had to keep to myself.

“I won't keep you boys any longer," the guard said.

He bowed again and I did the same. Then he led me into the palace.

The halls were so big and empty. Everything was perfectly clean and well decorated but it didn't feel like a home. It

felt like a museum.

Instead of bringing me to some cold, damp room or a dungeon, the guard brought me to the King's office.

He was waiting with a warm, friendly smile on his face.

“Welcome, welcome. Come in, don't be shy," he said in a friendly tone.

I walked into his office, rubbing my hands on my thighs. As nice as he was being, I couldn't let my guard down. I was

still a hostage. I still had been forced to go somewhere I didn't want to be.

The king studied me with intense eyes. He emanated strength and power. Even the way he sat was regal and

authoritative. That aura wasn't diminished by his friendly smile. If anything, it made me question the sincerity of the

kindness he showed me.

My eyes drifted to the man standing next to the king. Eros!

I glared at him but noticed he still looked pale and weak. I thought if I blew on him, he'd fall over. It must have been

from the pain of Ashley's rejection.

He stood straight and stiff but it was obvious that he wasn't well.

I turned away from him, refusing to acknowledge his presence more than I already had.

“Your majesty, may I present Miss Hathaway," the guard said, bowing to the king.

Quickly, I bowed too. I'd almost forgotten my manners but I still needed to maintain appearances.

I expected the king to be cold and distant, like I always imagined royals to be. Instead, he stood up and walked

around his desk. Leaning his hips against it, there were only a few feet between us and he smiled, it could almost

be called friendly.

“Ahh, Mila Hathaway. Finally, we get to meet each other!" He waved at his guard. “Leave us."

The guard bowed and backed out of the room.

I bit my lower lip. Alone with Eros and the king… this wasn't exactly what I had in mind.

“Your Majesty, I'm sorry to say this, but if I'm being honest, this isn't a meeting I was looking forward to."

The king shrugged one shoulder, not appearing too offended. He chuckled lightly.

“I appreciate your honesty." He turned to Eros. “Why don't you help make your friend here feel more comfortable."

“Excuse me, Sire, but he isn't my friend! My friends don't betray me!"

Eros's lips tightened but he didn't respond to me. He didn't even look at me. Instead, he bowed to the king.

“Your Majesty, bringing Miss Hathaway to the palace was my last task in servitude. You said you would release me

as a free man. I request that you please honor your word and free me from being your slave."

My heart thumped in my chest.

Eros was a slave? I didn't think the royal family would have slaves!

The king nodded and regarded Eros casually. “Yes, Eros, you've done well. In all these years, you've never

disappointed me. Not once."

Smirking, the king gave Eros a sly smile and I caught the concern in Eros's eyes.

“You know, it would be such a pity for me to let someone of your talents go… Are you sure you don't want to

remain in the palace? With your skills and qualities… Well, the sky's the limit."

Eros bowed stiffly. “I thank you for your kind words and your generosity over the years. However, please excuse my

forwardness. With my lack of ambition, I would be of no use. Please, I beg of you, release me."

It was so strange to see Eros begging. Every time I'd seen him, he'd been so confident. He didn't act like a slave at


Sure, he could be so down because of Ashley's rejection, but it almost seemed like he was always this submissive

and docile around the king.

I wanted to feel sorry for him. But Eros had made a selfish deal with the king. Me for his freedom! I never would

have traded someone else's life for my freedom.

Eros probably had to retrieve the artifact for the king, too. Why else would he take it? And I was the final task to set

him free…

The king sighed and nodded. “Well, if I can't change your mind, then I will honor my word. When you walk out that

office door, you'll be free. You may go."

He held his arm out to the door.

Eros bowed and I could practically see the tension lift from his shoulders.

“Thank you, your Majesty. I will excuse myself."

The king just nodded and walked back around his desk.

As Eros walked by me, he caught my eye for a moment. Something in his gaze made me follow him with my eyes.

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His back to the king, eyes on me, he mouthed two words in silence.

Helen. Dungeon.

I didn't react to Eros's tip, looking back at the king as Eros left. The door clicked behind me. It was just the king and

me now.

“Well, now that that's out of the way, I'm sure you're curious about why I invited you here."

“Invited me?" I asked coldly. I crossed my arms. “I believe invitations are cordial. That letter was nothing short of

threat after threat. I didn't have a choice."

The king smirked. “Would you have come if I'd been less threatening?"

“Come now, let's not beat around the bush," I said, smirking. “Where is Helen?"

“Why so impatient, suddenly?'

I squinted my eyes.

The king c****d his head to the side, a strange look on his face.

“Has anyone told you how much you look like your mother?"

My breath caught and I held it. He was looking at me like he knew my mother, far more personally than he should! I

didn't think my mother had that kind of relationship with the king and I didn't like that he was implying it.

At the same time, I wanted to know more about my parents and their involvement with the royal family.

“Not just your looks, from what I hear, but you have her same soft, useless heart," he sneered.

I gritted my teeth.

“Did you really invite me here to insult my parents? Because if that's all I'm here for, then please excuse me. I have

more important things to do."

I backed toward the office door.

“Such as?"

“Such as looking for my aunt. And if you're not willing to tell me where she is, then I have my own cards to play.

Perhaps I will go find that ex-Beta of yours… He would probably—"

“Stop!" the king growled, his expression growing dark as he looked down. He shook his head. “Oh, Mila. I must say,

you are bold, aren't you? Too bold for your own good. Is that really how you speak to your king?"

I shrugged. “Are you my king? It just so happens that someone else told me he was my true king." I smirked and

tilted my head to the side, provoking him. “Who should I believe? I asked your enemy the same question… What

should I call you, King Sebastian or Beta Dylan?"

The king snarled, showing his teeth. His careful, cordial composure cracked. He shook his head, his hands clenched

on his desk.

“Obviously, you prefer being treated as a prisoner rather than a guest. So be it. Guards!"

Several guards rushed into the room.

“Take Miss Hathaway to the dungeons."

I smirked as the guards grabbed me. Little did the king know, he was doing just what I wanted.