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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 787
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Chapter 132: Bonus Story–The Wedding Gift-Part 2

Whipping in the direction of the sound, I saw a family silhouette approaching us.

“Thomas!" I gasped.

He was standing near the back. In his hand was a dagger with a shimmering blade and jewels in the handle. He held

it over his head so that everyone would see clearly.

The design of the knife was elegant and distinct, and even for those who hadn't seen it before, there was no doubt

that the dagger was a powerful Goddess artifact!

Immediately, I thought of the last part of the artifact that Miss Mila had been trying to gather—the missing dagger.

“The Dagger of Mercy!" Thomas announced, and everyone turned their attention from me to him. It was so quiet

that I could hear a pin drop.

I couldn't believe that Thomas, after disappearing for months, suddenly showed up at my wedding, helping me out

with the most difficult problem that I was facing. I had a million questions to ask him, but right now, in front of the

crowd, I had to keep my composure.

My bride felt my internal turmoil and she gently squeezed my hand, and I squeezed her back.

Thomas walked toward me and Piper, bowed his head and held the dagger out to us.

“Here I present Pomeni's Goddess artifact, the Dagger of Mercy!" he claimed, “May the Goddess's mercy be upon

us and the newlywed couple. May her blessing be with the Alpha and Luna of Pomeni!"

I nodded to Thomas, but I didn't take it over, for I knew that it didn't belong to me. The dagger's real owner was

Miss Mila and I would not take it from her!

As long as other packs believed what Thomas said and believed that Pomeni had an artifact, that was all I needed.

Thomas had put on a good enough show and I appreciated that he came with the artifact to help me with my

dilemma, but I couldn't take advantage of Miss Mila's belongings.

Furthermore, normally, artifacts could only be used by the Alpha blood of the pack. While I was made an alpha by

the Dark King, I wasn't sure whether I could use the dagger even if I tried.

Therefore, I left the artifact untouched.

Alpha Gael stared at me, his eyes narrowed, seemingly displeased with what was happening. Suddenly, he burst

into laughter and drew all the attention from the crowd again.

“How ridiculous! As an Alpha, you don't have the guts to admit that your pack doesn't own an artifact, not only so,

you borrowed one to try to trick us! That's despicable and such a disgrace to the Goddess!"

I narrowed my eyes. “Alpha Gael, you continuously tried to interrupt my wedding and have gone too far. Pomeni

pack doesn't welcome you any more. Guards, escort Alpha Gael out of the border of our pack!"

“You're afraid!" he exclaimed.

Before I snapped back, Thomas turned to face Gael, his tone icy cold. “It's Alpha Payne's big day and yet it seems

that your only goal here is to cause disruption. It's so easy to accuse someone without consequence, isn't it? How

about this, if Alpha Payne can prove he's the rightful owner of the artifact, you agree to take five punches from


Alpha Gael's face fell. He argued back, “Why do I have to agree to your stupid terms?"

“Because if you don't, you'll end up getting fifty from me before you leave the packland today. I guarantee you're

not going to like it!" Thomas said, and then he let out a long howl, “Awhooo—!"

His roar carried formidable force, and all the Alphas present, including me, felt its overwhelming oppression.

Xavier, who was also a Beta, could barely maintain his stance.

The entire hilltop was dead silent. It was obvious that no one wanted to be Thomas' enemy.

Thomas relaxed and pulled up an apologetic smile. “Please excuse my loud noise," he grinned as he held the

dagger up to me again. I could read his lips. “Take it," he said.

Everyone was watching and I really didn't have a choice. However, his encouraging gaze assured me that

everything would work out just fine.

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I took a deep breath and reached out to the Dagger of Mercy. My eyes widened as soon as it started to glow upon

my touch!

What happened to the dagger? Why did it recognize me and accept me as its master?!

Charles and Enzo were the first to lower their heads and bow at the artifact.

“Praise the Goddess's mercy," they whispered.

Like a spell had been broken, the rest of the crowd bowed their heads as I held the dagger up.

I smiled and looked at the rest of the crowd. Everyone in Pomeni was happy but there were several faces that

weren't smiling.

Like Alpha Gael. Besides him, I also noticed that some of the Alphas and Lunas of the neighboring packs didn't look

all that pleased either. They no longer appeared arrogant but… intimidated.

Perhaps, that was the best for our pack for the time being.

“Congratulations Alpha Payne and Luna Piper," Beta Xavier said, breaking the silence as he started clapping. Some

annoyance was hidden in his tone but I wasn't going to call him out.

Beta Xavier turned to Alpha Gael. “Now you've witnessed the artifact has recognized Alpha Payne as its master, on

behalf of the royal court, I won't tolerate any nonsense or further provocative requests."

He looked slyly at me. I tightened my arm around Piper protectively.

“This is a happy, special day," Xavier continued. “We shouldn't delay the celebration any longer. Let the party


The provoker went white as a sheet and looked around nervously. After this, I knew the neighboring packs wouldn't

push or test us at least for quite a while.

Eros immediately made a sign at the band and they started playing the music that was meant for the wedding

party and me and Piper to walk down the aisle to the reception area. The tension melted and everyone began

heading to the party tent at the bottom of the hill.

The bar opened and drinks were served, which also helped with the intense situation.

As soon as I got a moment, I pulled Thomas aside and hugged him.

“Man, I can't thank you enough!"

Thomas chuckled and capped me on the back. “Of course! Congratulations! And it's the least I could do. Sorry, I

was a bit late for the ceremony."

“No, no, it's so good you were able to make it. Really!" Thomas's appearance wasn't the most surprising thing. That

dagger had been with Mila the last time I checked. “Now, tell me. Where did you get the dagger… did you find


Thomas opened his mouth and then closed it, shaking his head discreetly. I realized that Beta Xavier came over to

join us. Similar to Thomas, I wasn't about to start asking questions about Soren and Mila with him around.

Xavier smiled at Thomas. “I don't think we've met. Alpha Payne, did you forget to introduce such a fine warrior

from your pack to me?"

I tapped my thumbs on my thighs. How was I supposed to introduce Thomas? I didn't want to give anything away

nor did I have any ideas what had happened after I left the palace with the provisions to get Pomeni stabilized.

“Beta Xavier, I'm not part of Pomeni. Just a good friend," Thomas filled in.

“Huh. Is that so? I wonder how the Dagger of Mercy, the artifact of Pomeni, ended up with you, then?" Xavier

asked, arching an eyebrow.

This was the Beta's way of trying to extort information. He made it sound like a friendly, casual conversation, but I

didn't think Thomas would get drawn in.

Yet Thomas chuckled. He didn't seem bothered by Xavier's questions. However, instead of answering Xavier

directly, he looked at me.

“Alpha Payne, on behalf of my Alpha and Luna." Thomas put his hand to his chest and bowed respectfully. “Please

accept the Dagger of Mercy as a wedding gift!"

I took a daap braath and raachad out to tha Daggar of Marcy. My ayas widanad as soon as it startad to glow upon

my touch!

What happanad to tha daggar? Why did it racogniza ma and accapt ma as its mastar?!

Charlas and Enzo wara tha first to lowar thair haads and bow at tha artifact.

“Praisa tha Goddass's marcy," thay whisparad.

Lika a spall had baan brokan, tha rast of tha crowd bowad thair haads as I hald tha daggar up.

I smilad and lookad at tha rast of tha crowd. Evaryona in Pomani was happy but thara wara savaral facas that

waran't smiling.

Lika Alpha Gaal. Basidas him, I also noticad that soma of tha Alphas and Lunas of tha naighboring packs didn't look

all that plaasad aithar. Thay no longar appaarad arrogant but… intimidatad.

Parhaps, that was tha bast for our pack for tha tima baing.

“Congratulations Alpha Payna and Luna Pipar," Bata Xaviar said, braaking tha silanca as ha startad clapping. Soma

annoyanca was hiddan in his tona but I wasn't going to call him out.

Bata Xaviar turnad to Alpha Gaal. “Now you'va witnassad tha artifact has racognizad Alpha Payna as its mastar, on

bahalf of tha royal court, I won't tolarata any nonsansa or furthar provocativa raquasts."

Ha lookad slyly at ma. I tightanad my arm around Pipar protactivaly.

“This is a happy, spacial day," Xaviar continuad. “Wa shouldn't dalay tha calabration any longar. Lat tha party


Tha provokar want whita as a shaat and lookad around narvously. Aftar this, I knaw tha naighboring packs wouldn't

push or tast us at laast for quita a whila.

Eros immadiataly mada a sign at tha band and thay startad playing tha music that was maant for tha wadding

party and ma and Pipar to walk down tha aisla to tha racaption araa. Tha tansion maltad and avaryona bagan

haading to tha party tant at tha bottom of tha hill.

Tha bar opanad and drinks wara sarvad, which also halpad with tha intansa situation.

As soon as I got a momant, I pullad Thomas asida and huggad him.

“Man, I can't thank you anough!"

Thomas chucklad and cappad ma on tha back. “Of coursa! Congratulations! And it's tha laast I could do. Sorry, I

was a bit lata for tha caramony."

“No, no, it's so good you wara abla to maka it. Raally!" Thomas's appaaranca wasn't tha most surprising thing. That

daggar had baan with Mila tha last tima I chackad. “Now, tall ma. Whara did you gat tha daggar… did you find


Thomas opanad his mouth and than closad it, shaking his haad discraatly. I raalizad that Bata Xaviar cama ovar to

join us. Similar to Thomas, I wasn't about to start asking quastions about Soran and Mila with him around.

Xaviar smilad at Thomas. “I don't think wa'va mat. Alpha Payna, did you forgat to introduca such a fina warrior

from your pack to ma?"

I tappad my thumbs on my thighs. How was I supposad to introduca Thomas? I didn't want to giva anything away

nor did I hava any idaas what had happanad aftar I laft tha palaca with tha provisions to gat Pomani stabilizad.

“Bata Xaviar, I'm not part of Pomani. Just a good friand," Thomas fillad in.

“Huh. Is that so? I wondar how tha Daggar of Marcy, tha artifact of Pomani, andad up with you, than?" Xaviar

askad, arching an ayabrow.

This was tha Bata's way of trying to axtort information. Ha mada it sound lika a friandly, casual convarsation, but I

didn't think Thomas would gat drawn in.

Yat Thomas chucklad. Ha didn't saam botharad by Xaviar's quastions. Howavar, instaad of answaring Xaviar

diractly, ha lookad at ma.

“Alpha Payna, on bahalf of my Alpha and Luna." Thomas put his hand to his chast and bowad raspactfully. “Plaasa

accapt tha Daggar of Marcy as a wadding gift!"

I sucked in a sharp breath, hiding my surprise. Thomas's Alpha and Luna… that was Soren and Mila. There wasn't

anyone else it could be!

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After almost a year, I finally had news of them.

Thomas nodded and winked at me, guessing the reason for my shocked silence.

He turned to similarly shocked Beta Xavier. “I also have a message to pass along to His Majesty."

Xavier's eyes widened for a moment but then he nodded. “Please, what is your message?"

“The Sheath of Protection was destroyed, the Dagger of Mercy has found its rightful owner and the secret has been

buried in the past. As long as His Majesty does not seek her out going forward, there will be no more Mila

Hathaway, just an ordinary wife and mother."

Xavier rubbed his chin.


My heart hammered in my chest. It was still good to hear that Mila and Soren were alright. They seemed to have

come up with a way to get around the Alpha King's desire to kill them.

Suddenly, Xavier smiled. “I'm sure His Majesty will appreciate that message and honor their wishes, as long as she

upholds her end."

“Wonderful." Thomas grinned.

“Well, now that all this business has cleared up, I've got to report to the king about the wedding. It was lovely, and I

left the King's gifts and well wishes on the gift table."

Xavier nodded and backed away.

“Here," Thomas handed me a letter. “Mila figured out a way to cleanse the artifact's 'memory' by using her blood.

Along with the fact that you're the survivor of the original Pomeni pack member and accepted help from her magic,

she was able to 'persuade' the artifact to recognize you as its new owner. She wrote down how to use the dagger in

this letter."


“Don't ask me how she did it, I have no idea. You know, it's all magical and all that." Thomas shrugged and put his

hand on my shoulder. “I've got to be on my way as well. It was good to see you, Payne. Oh, and congratulations on

your beautiful bride."

There were more questions I wanted to ask him but it wasn't the time for that. He wasn't going to tell me the

important details at a public event, anyway.

I watched as Thomas left, following him in the crowd until Piper came up to me.

“So, was Heather the person you've been looking for?" she murmured softly.

I cupped her face and brushed my thumbs over her cheeks.

“Yes. My heart is a lot lighter now."

Piper's brow creased. “Are you going to go look for her? I do miss Heather."

I shook my head. “If she wanted to be found, she would have sent word before now. She's well and safe, that's all I

need to know."

Piper sighed and leaned against me. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close.

“Are you sure?"

I put my finger under her chin and tipped her head, looking into her lovely eyes. “Piper, could you do me a favor?"

She grinned and bit her lower lip. A look I absolutely adored!

“Anything for you. You know that."

I kissed her forehead. “Thank you, my love."

She frowned, confused. “What was it you wanted me to do?"

I took a deep breath and tightened my arms around her. “Miss Hathaway has done a lot for me and this pack. The

only way I could repay her is to make Pomeni the most powerful pack in this land, a pack with status that no one will

look down on. That way she could be assured that all her effort and sacrifice was worth it. Will you help me make

that a reality?"

Piper smiled widely, beaming.

It was the most stunning smile I'd ever seen.

She looped her arms around my neck. “Did you forget that I'm your Luna? It is my responsibility and honor to help

grow this pack, Alpha Payne."