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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 937
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Chapter 143 : I Don’t Know What to Believe


The things Lena and Xander told me about Jared were confusing. I knew for a fact they were wrong. My memory

wasn’t lying. Why would they try to convince me otherwise?

As soon as I was well enough, I went back to my house. According to Lena, Jared bought me the house, but I didn’t

think that was true.

It wasn’t just a house; it was a home, where I could see myself raising my child and giving them a good life, far

away from the Dark Realm and Jared.

He’d never buy me anything like that, and I would never want to accept anything like that from him.

The day I got home, my mom met me there. I was glad to see her. I remembered her always telling me that Jared

was bad news. It had taken me a while to figure it out but finally, I’d learned.

“How are you feeling, dear?” she asked as she fixed me some soup for lunch.

I sat at the kitchen table, a horrible feeling of despair building in my stomach and I just knew it was because Jared

was still hanging around.

He was staying with Xander, and fortunately, they had Hestia to worry about.

“I’m fine, Mom. Just a little… confused.”

“Confused about what?”

She dished up two bowls of soup and joined me at the table.

“People keep telling me things that I don’t remember happening. It’s like I lived two lives or something.”

“Eat your soup,” my mom said, tapping the side of my bowl.

I complied, mulling over everything that had happened recently. Everyone had been telling me that the awful Jared

I remembered wasn’t the real Jared.

But if that was true, why hadn’t he tried to come to see me again? He was staying as far away from me as I would

expect. He hadn’t done anything to make me think he was this “decent” Jared they all talked about.

“Well, if you don’t feel like Jared is a good man, then no one should pressure you into rekindling your relationship.”

She smiled across the table at me.

I smiled back. Having my mother’s support was helpful. I couldn’t remember her being that friendly and supportive

all the time, but I was glad she was on my side with this one.

“Thanks, Mom. I appreciate that. I just wish I knew what everyone was talking about. I don’t know what to believe.”

I finished my soup and my mom started to clean up. She was being so supportive, but I could tell there was

something else she wanted to say.

“Mom, is something bothering you?”

She sighed and turned around, facing me. “Honey, I don’t want you to feel like you have to listen to everyone else,

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especially when it goes against what you believe right now.”


She smiled humorlessly. “But I don’t want you to wake up three years from now and realize you made a mistake.

Living with regrets is not something I want for you.”

“How could I regret keeping my child away from him, here in the Light Realm? He’s… awful.” I looked at my lap.

Even as I said the words, they felt so cruel and harsh.

Was that because I still had feelings for him, after everything he’d done?

My mom came over and put her hand on my shoulder. She squeezed gently.

“Eliza, I want what is best for you and my grandchild. I might not have always thought Jared is good for you, but he

has surprised me in the past. He bought you this house, and he has worked really hard to build a relationship with

me and your father.”

I scoffed and narrowed my eyes. Standing up, I walked away from my mother and crossed my arms.

“Why are you saying these things?”

“Because you know that I wouldn’t lie to you, Eliza. I’ve always been honest, even when you don’t want to hear it.”

My mother’s words hung heavily around me. She was right. No matter what, I could count on her being honest,

even brutally honest.

“You know, he did save you from becoming a breeder. I’ve heard the stories the kids are telling each other, stories

that you told them.”

I shook my head, still struggling to wrap my mind around that. I liked what my mom was saying. I liked what my

friends were telling me. But my memories just didn’t back it up.

“Hey you two, I’m not interrupting, am I?” Scarlett came into the kitchen with a wide smile.

“Scarlett! How’d you get here?”

I ran to her and hugged her. She grunted, almost dropping the basket in her hands.

“Um… what do you mean? I came with Archer when Jared sent for him.”

I let Scarlett go and she set the basket on the kitchen table. She sighed and unruffled her shirt.

It was surreal to me to see Scarlett there, out of Jared’s village. She’d been held there just like I was, unable to

break free or run away. When I’d left to help Lena, I’d regretted not being able to take her with me.

“I can’t believe Jared let you come here….”

Scarlett creased her brow. “I didn’t ask for his permission. Besides, Archer told me I was needed.”

“Yeah but, you were a prisoner there, just like me.”

Scarlett pursed her lips. She looked around me at my mother.

“I’ve got to get to the store and do some grocery shopping. You girls will be fine here on your own?”

“We’ll be fine, thank you,” Scarlett nodded.

As soon as we were alone, Scarlett took my hands and squeezed.

“Lena and Archer filled me in on what’s been going on. I’m really sorry that all of this has happened to you, Eliza. I

know things feel… confusing, but please believe me when I say that we all just want to help.”

I nodded, my eyes welling with tears a little. I did know that all my friends and family wanted the best for me. It was

the only reason I entertained the notion something in my memories was wrong at all. But that didn’t change my

memories or my feelings.

We sat together in the living room and Scarlett told me about my life with Jared.

“He saved you from that awful auction and he let Archer care for me after I lost my son. Jared has always been a

fair and decent man. I know you don’t remember it that way, but we both owe him a lot.”

“I wish I remembered things that way. If I did, maybe I wouldn’t be so confused.” I sighed and shook my head.

“Look at your left hand. See that moonstone ring you’re wearing? You haven’t taken that off, even after

everything.” Scarlett grabbed my hand and held the ring up.

“What about it?” I couldn’t remember where I got the ring but taking it off seemed… wrong somehow.

“Jared gave you this ring. It is your engagement ring! The two of you are married and you’re Luna of Midnight Sun,

his pack.”

I shook my head. “No… that can’t be right….”

Scarlett chuckled. She hopped off the couch and brought me the basket she’d carried in.

“Come on, these are some of your things from your life in Jared’s village. Maybe they’ll trigger a memory.”

She plopped the basket in my lap and sat back down.

I sifted through the items. There was a broken artifact, a certificate of sale from when I was sold, and a gold chain

necklace with a locket pendant.

Creasing my brow, I lifted the pendant and held it up to the light. I practically forgot about Scarlett as I opened the

locket and listened transfixed as familiar music played.

“That’s my song… I composed it when I was young and….”

As I listened to the song I saw flickers of memories in my mind… Jared sacrificing himself for me and our baby,

hiking and swimming together in a remote village, snuggling with his wolf all night long.

Gasping, I closed the locket and put the necklace down.

“What is it?” Scarlett’s eyes were wide and hopeful.

“Where did this locket come from?”

“Jared gave it to you. It belonged to his mother, and that song is one of the first clues that the two of you were

fated to be together.”

Confusion rolled around in my stomach.

Those memory flashes seemed so distant but they felt real. The feelings that came with them were so strong and



“I think I should talk to Jared.”

Scarlett and Archer were able to arrange a meeting with Jared. He came to the house, which made me nervous. I

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wasn’t sure how I would feel about him being in my home, in my space.

“Why am I here?” he barked, crossing his arms. His look was hard and unflinching, just like in my memories.

I licked my lips, nervously trying to ignore his attitude as I took in a deep breath and smoothed my hands over my


“I found something, and it brought up some questions for me and my memories. Maybe it will do the same for

you.” I pulled the pendant out of my pocket and held it out to Jared.

He sneered. “Why do you have that?” He snatched it from my hand and stuck it in his pocket.

“According to Scarlett and Archer, you gave it to me.”

Jared rolled his eyes. “Why would I give you my mother’s necklace? It is the only thing I have of her!”

“I don’t know.” I shrugged. “I’m just starting to think that maybe… our memories aren’t as reliable as we think.”

“Oh, really? And what is it you think you remember?”

I sighed and chewed the inside of my cheek. “Well, I heard the song in the locket. It is one that I wrote when I was a

little girl.”

His brow furrowed even more. “When I heard it again I saw memories of us together happy, hiking and swimming

together on a private island….”

I trailed off and glanced at Jared. His brow was deeply furrowed and he looked like he was seriously considering

what I said.

“Maybe if you listen to it—”

Suddenly, he frowned and shook his head.

“I don’t know what you think you know, but none of that has ever happened. There’s no private island, and I would

never trust anyone with this necklace, least of all you!”

I bowed my head, tears stinging my eyes again. My wolf seemed unusually somber. This was how Jared always

treated me. Why was it making me so sad right now?

“I’ve said it a hundred times, but if you need me to say it again, I will. So perk up your ears and listen really well,

because I do not want to have to repeat myself again!”

I swallowed and stiffened my spine, lifting my eyes to meet his and show him that I was listening.

“The only good thing you can do is deliver my child safely. That’s all I want from you, nothing more. I will never

want anything more.”

I took his words to heart. There was no love between us.

I scoffed and wrapped my arms around my stomach. “I will deliver my child safely; you don’t need to worry about


“Good. Then once it is born, you can bring it to my village or I can come and get it, the choice is yours.”

My mouth dropped open and I gaped at Jared. He really did mean to take my child away….

Anger boiled through me and I yanked the moonstone ring off my finger. I threw it at Jared.

Instinctively, he caught it.

“If you think you can take my child from me, there are a great many people that will never let that happen,

including your brother, the king!”