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Spoil My Sweet Widow By Billionaire

Chapter 75
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Chapter 91

Bella‘s POV:

Time flew. Half a year had passed.

The weather was getting warm.

After more than half a year of hard work, I not only passed the probation but also valued.

The work went very smoothly. With a good salary, I rented an apartment near the company, so that I

could save a lot of time on the road every day. I didn‘t give up my original dream, but spent all my spare

time to study on the CPA exam.

Although the company and the Wharton building were very close, I didn‘t run into anyone I didn‘t want to


There were two times when I saw the black Bentley by chance. It soon drove away, but I still heard the

sound of my heart beating faster. Occasionally, when I passed by, I would raise my head to look at the

familiar building, but as soon as I did, I would hurriedly leave. I knew that I should have forgotten all

those past events, but the only thing I could do now was to seal them in my heart. To forget all of them, it

would probably take some time. But I finally stood up again. This was the most important thing. That

morning, I was looking at the last month‘s charts of account when my cell phone suddenly rang. After the

call was connected, Klein‘s voice rang out from the other end of the line. “Bella, there‘s an important

guest in my office. Go receive him with a cup of iced Americano, I‘m stuck in a traffic jam here, and it‘ll

probably take me another twenty minutes to get back.” “Alright.” I hung up the phone, then immediately

followed Klein‘s instructions and prepared the iced Americano.

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Actually, entertaining the guests was the work of his secretary, Zoe. However, she was currently focused

being Klein‘s administrative secretary. She was usually arranging the materials for him, and was very

busy. As a financial manager, I was most busy at the end of the month and the beginning of the month.

Thus, Klein often asked me to take care of some of the guests‘ affairs. After all, I was an employee who

earned a salary. I would do whatever the boss asked me to do.

Five minutes later, I walked into Klein‘s office with a cup of iced Americano. “Hello, sir. Mr. Wharton just

called back, said that it would take more than ten minutes for him to

arrive at the company, so he asked me to prepare an ice Americano for you...” Before I could finish my

sentence, the man with his back facing me suddenly turned around. When I saw the familiar face in front

of me,iny smile froze and the rest of my words were stuck in my throat.

It was him, Herbert!

Why was he here?

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19 180 I felt very flustered in my heart. After a few seconds of nervousness, I told myself to calm down. I

must calm down!

I had thought of countless scenes where I might meet him, but there was no such scene as today.

The stubbornness in the depths of my soul was overflowing. I must pretend that nothing happened. I

must not let him look down on me. The next moment, a standard smile appeared on my face as I said,

“Mr. Wharton, long time no see!” “It‘s been a long time. It‘s been more than half a year, isn‘t it?” Herbert

seemed to be in a bad mood. I didn‘t want to continue communicating with him, so I smiled and pointed

at the coffee on the table. “Please have some coffee. Klein will be here soon!”

I was about to leave the office.

However, he took two steps forward and appeared in front of me.

His approach made my heart tremble and I instinctively took a step back. Probably because I was too

flustered, my high heels were a little unstable and my body suddenly lost balance. I couldn‘t help but let

out a low cry!

Just as I was about to fall, a strong arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me into a wide embrace.

“Ah...” I instinctively reached out and grabbed the collar of his shirt. While I was panicking, I was even

more flustered. I could smell his unique aura, and the big hand on my waist was very warm. I was

immediately shrouded by his breath, and I was a little flustered for a while.

The speed of the air conditioner in the office was very low, but at this moment, my vest was covered with

a thin layer of sweat.

I was wearing a thin linen professional skirt, and he only wore a thin shirt. When my body touched it, it

turned into water, like the collision of hydrogen and oxygen. My skin immediately became hot from inside

out. When I heard that I was gasping for breath, I frantically pushed away Herbert. Then I lowered my

head and tidied up my clothes. I felt my face burning. I didn‘t know what to do. At this time, Herbert

reached out his hand. I immediately felt my head go numb. What did he want to do? Before I could take

a step back, his fingers had already pinched the name tag on my chest. “Financial manager?” Herbert

read the title in a low voice, and his voice was very pleasant. At this time, I couldn‘t help but feel a little

embarrassed. Because I misunderstood him and thought he wanted to do something to me. Fortunately,

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he didn‘t do anything excessive just now. Otherwise, it would be even more embarrassing.

He should be married to Caroline now, right? I was once abandoned by him. Why did I still think that he

was interested in me?

Thinking of this, my heart sank into the bottom of the valley, and the burning love also immediately

cooled down.

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19:18 0 It was undeniable that I still had feelings for him. But it was different from half a year ago. I now

clearly know that there was no possibility between him and I.

So after a brief panic, reason replaced my inner emotions.

“Yes, Mr. Wharton.” I replied politely.

“Have you been doing well recently?” There was a hint of sarcasm in Herbert‘s tone.

I looked up and said in a calm voice, “Yes, not bad.”

“Are you together with that Hank?” Herbert continued to ask.

I didn‘t expect him to ask such a question. My unresigned personality was successfully provoked by this

man. I raised my chin and answered, “Yes, we are very happy together. The first person I saw when I got

up in the morning was him, and the last person I saw before I went to bed at night was him. Our

relationship is like an eternal flower that will never wither...”

Before I could finish my sentence, one hand wrapped around my waist and the other pressed my hands

behind my back. Then I was forced to kiss!

“Wuwu...” I wanted to curse, but I couldn‘t say a word.

I resisted strongly, but he suppressed me harder.

My high heels kicked hard on his legs, but he didn‘t seem to want to let go.

His tongue began to invade the territory in my mouth more aggressively...