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Spoil My Sweet Widow By Billionaire

Chapter 83
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Chapter 83

After being banned from watching the palace drama by Harold, Crystal was not disappointed. After all,

she had already finished watching the most classic drama. Her next goal was to watch the battle

between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law at 8 p.m.

Harold pinched the space between his eyebrows and said, “You cut the fruits. Don’t you want to eat


Crystal asked, “Are you done with your work?”

“Yeah.” Harold put the document aside. “What’s wrong?”

“Then let’s eat together.” Crystal picked up a strawberry with a fork. “Here you go.”

Harold didn’t like sweet food very much, but Crystal was completely different from him. She loved

sweet food so much that she ate three-third of a large plate of high-sugar fruits, which made Harold

wonder if she would have tooth decay.

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After eating the fruits, it was already past ten o’clock. Crystal yawned. She had been busy at the

counter for a whole day today and was a little tired. She leaned on Harold’s shoulder in a daze with her

eyes half closed. “I’m so sleepy.”

Harold held her with one hand and got up while holding her slippers with the other. Crystal was really

light. She could eat a lot, but she was still very light. There was no meat at all.

Returning to the bedroom, although Crystal was very sleepy, she still remembered that she did not.

take a shower yet. She stood still in a daze, opened the wardrobe to find her pajamas, and looked for

her underwear after the pajamas. She felt a little dizzy and could not find it after looking for a long time.

She sat on the ground and muttered to herself, “I remember putting it here…”

The cabinet door next to her opened, and a hand was holding the thing she was looking for. “Here.”

Crystal took it and thanked him politely. Then she suddenly realized that something was wrong. She

turned her head and looked up at Harold.

Harold raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong? You don’t like this color? I think the pink color is cute.

There’s also a cherry pattern on it.”

Crystal: “…”

Harold: “How about the one with a blue shark?”

Crystal: “…”

Crystal woke up in an instant and wanted to escape from the earth and live on another planet.

It was no longer important whether she could take a shower or not. The most important thing at the

moment was to kill Harold, or herself.

At present, it seemed that the former was very difficult to be carried out. She’d better kill herself.

Harold smiled and picked her up. “Do you want to take a shower or not? It will be 11 o’clock soon.

Aren’t you going to work tomorrow?”

Crystal’s voice drifted. “If you tell anyone about this…”

“What are you going to do?”

Crystal blushed and said, “I won’t let you go even if I become a ghost!”

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Harold laughed so hard that his chest was shaking. “Are you shy?”

Crystal was filled with grief and indignation. “If such a thing were to happen to you, wouldn’t you…” “I

won’t.” Harold placed her on the sink, and the light outlined the man’s well-defined features. The small

mole beneath his eye was particularly attractive. “Do you want to see mine? I’ll show you now.” Crystal:


Crystal pushed Harold away. “I’m going to take a shower. Get out.”

Harold was pushed out of the bathroom and he saw that the little girl’s face was flushed red. She

looked at him as if she had seen a fierce beast. It seemed that she had gathered all her courage before

she said, “You hooligan!”

Then, with a bang, she slammed the door.

“…” Harold laughed out loud. He hadn’t felt so relaxed for a long time. He couldn’t help but want to

tease Crystal again, so he leaned against the door and said, “I’ve seen yours. If you don’t see mine,

you’ll be at a disadvantage.”

What responded to him was the clothes that hit the door.