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Spoiled by Eight Uncles Summary pdf

Chapter 243
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Chapter 243 Wherever He Went, the Company Went Bankrupt

The unlucky ghost continued, “How is it possible!”

He stepped on the hen, and the rooster went mad and rushed up to give him a peck. He fell to the ground, and it

pecked at his eyes! The pain made him angry, so he grabbed the stick and hit the rooster’s head, and

the rooster died.

The chickens kept clucking. His eyes hurt so much that he could not see anything and accidentally trampled the

chicks to death. The hen rushed up to him again, so he killed the hen.

“When my mother returned, she found that I had trampled three chicks that had just hatched, and I had beaten the

rooster and the hen to death. She was so angry that she beat me up.”

As his mother reprimanded him, he was so annoyed that he left the house and kept playing. He did not go to school

even after school started.

“So my father didn’t let me go to school anymore. I was also stubborn at the time. I thought I could earn money

even if I didn’t study! So I applied for a job as a chef and found my first job smoothly. But within a month, the

restaurant went bankrupt. I had to change my job as a security guard in a hotel. Of course, I was successful, but

after only half a month, the hotel went bankrupt. I had no choice but to go into the factory. But it was only seven

days! The factory went bankrupt too.”

Jean and Lilly were dumbfounded.

“And then?” They squatted by the gate while holding their chins.

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The unlucky ghost continued, “I had no choice but to work as a cleaner in the prison. I thought the prison wouldn’t

go bankrupt. But the prison also closed…”

Lilly and Jean’s eyes widened.

“It was new urban planning. The original prison was planned away, and they didn’t want me anymore.”

Lilly thought it was astonishing and asked, “And then?”

“Wherever I went, the company went bankrupt. Over time, the bosses knew about it and refused to accept me. I

had no money, so I realized it was difficult to live in a society. I returned and begged my father to let me go back to

school. My father agreed. I only returned for a few days, but the school went bankrupt too.”

Lilly was stunned. “Schools can go bankrupt?” Hannah must like his ability very much!

The unlucky ghost sighed. “The school.was upgraded to a prestigious school. The old campus would be razed to the

ground, and students with poor grades would be sent to vocational high schools. So I went home, only to find my

home was gone.”

Lilly wondered. “Why is it gone?” It was bad luck. Everything disappeared wherever he went, and even his home

was gone.

“My father and mother quarreled, and my mother went to other provinces to work. My father was so angry that he

also ran away.”

The unlucky ghost had no choice but to start his own life. At that time, he was only a student, so he did not know

any skills and spent days in a daze. There was no way to stay in the countryside, so he could only go to the city.

After working for half a year, more than a dozen restaurants, hotels, and companies went bankrupt. He became

famous again, and no one dared to accept him. One day, he went for an interview. When the

go to work in the opposite

interviewer saw him, he said, “I’ll give you five thousand dollars. Can you t


The unlucky ghost went to the opposite company, but the other party gave him six thousand dollars and asked him

to get the previous company bankrupt.

“The two companies fought and got into a police station. The trouble became bigger, and both of them went


Lilly and Jean were speechless.

“But I’m still not convinced! I saw a way from this incident. From that day on, I went to all the bosses and said if

they don’t let me work here, I won’t leave!”

The trick worked. The bosses were afraid of bankruptcy, so they gave the unlucky ghost money and sent him away.

He found this method to get money quickly and without hard work. He was so happy. He went to enjoy himself and

threatened those bosses again when he had no money.

He dyed his hair in the most fashionable style, and his clothes were also the most popular. He became a playboy,

and several girls loved him!

“The money was getting less. I had no choice but to threaten the bosses to give me more. As a result, those bosses

couldn’t bear it, and they cooperated to say that I was extorting them and sent me to this prison.”

Entering this prison was the beginning of his nightmare.

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“I didn’t know I couldn’t pick up the soap!” The unlucky ghost cried. “But I picked it up!” Then, he returned to the

shared room of the prison in a daze.

“I didn’t know I couldn’t sleep in the middle of the shared room! As a result, I slept with a boss in the prison!”

He did not even have time to relax!

“I went to file a complaint, but it was even worse when I returned. I shrank to the corner but got electrocuted by a

leaky switch! I couldn’t stand it and ran away but was chased by dogs. The prison guards gave me an electric shock

with the electric batons. I applied to change prisons. But I still couldn’t leave for various reasons!”

He continued, “The first time I applied successfully, I thought I could finally get out of suffering, but that day

someone escaped the prison and burned the distribution box. The second time was the food- problems. Many

people vomited and had diarrhea, and the higher–ups were held accountable. The leader changed, and I stayed

again. The third time, it was the prisoners fighting. The higher authorities were held accountable again. The leader

was also changed. The fourth time, the prison’s production line caught fire… I couldn’t leave again. The fifth time…

The sixth time…”

He applied repeatedly, had accidents in prisons, and changed leaders. Later, the higher–ups stopped his

application. They thought he made everyone unlucky. So they pretended they were too busy at work and

backlogged his applications.

Jean clicked her tongue. “The leaders were unlucky.”

The unlucky ghost had always been inseparable from the prison.

“Then, how did you get pecked to death by a chicken? Are there chickens in prison?” Lilly was curious.

The unlucky ghost’s expression darkened.