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Spoiled by Eight Uncles Summary pdf

Chapter 366
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Chapter 366 Keep Your Birth Chart Secret

The old lady huffed and puffed as she took a seat on the sofa after she had finally completed her ritual. There was

a little boy lying on the ward bed who seemed to be used to his grandmother’s strange dance. “Grandma, I’m

thirsty,” the boy said weakly.

The old lady quickly got up to pour a glass of water for him and brought it close to his lips. “My dear, just hang in

there for a little while longer. The doctor said you’ll get to leave the hospital in two days if you get better,” she said

to him affectionately. Her grandson had been diagnosed with a malignant brain turnor not long ago. To be honest,

she barely understood what the doctor said. She only knew that there must be a disease spirit hounding her

grandson. As long as she got rid of the spirit, her grandson would recover naturally and be healthy once again.

That was also why she had been going around making friends with other families in the hospital. If she got hold of

their children’s names and birth charts, she could divert the disease spirit toward them


Once she was done taking care of her grandson, she took her phone out and checked one of her group chats

named “XX Divine Studies”. Members of the group chat received a notification

the moment she logged in, and the chat was flooded with messages in an instant.

“Oh My God, Granny is online! Granny, please give me my reading for the day!”

“Granny, my name is Jennifer. I was born at 6am on the 4th of December 1989. I’ve been having arguments with

my husband lately and he hasn’t been coming home. We’re on the brink of divorce now. Please tell me what to


“Granny, please tell me when is it my turn to get rich!”

The old lady was not great at typing text messages, but she could reply with voice notes.

“To add on to the distrust and suspicion in your relationship, there’s now a third party involved. If you want to fix

you relationship, you will have to follow your heart and learn how to compromise. Being stubborn will only cause a

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lose-lose situation,” she addressed one question before moving onto the next one. “When it is nearing the critical

point for your project, make sure to be always on high alert and extremely careful. As long as you get through this

critical moment, success will be waiting for you at the

finish line.”

Advice spilled from her lips so naturally, with the eloquence and wisdom of a seasoned old woman who had a

certain divine touch. In truth, it was not difficult at all to tell a younger woman how to maintain a harmonious

marriage. Men wanted women who were pliant, unquestioning, and meek. If women learnt how to be patient with

their husbands’ misgivings, most men would not choose divorce, and that was a fact. As for the guy asking about

getting rich, if he truly analyzed the old woman’s words, he would in fact come to realize that the old woman was

not saying anything truly exceptional.

The two group members, however, continued sending string of emotional text messages.

“Granny, that’s too difficult! My husband has another woman outside, but my mother-in-law is still siding

with him!”

“Thank you for the advice, Granny! I’ll wait for that critical moment you speak of…”

The old lady also another incoming message from another new member. “Well… I don’t know what happened, but

ever since Granny gave me a reading last time, my luck has been downright rotten! I’ve gotten into accidents every

time I step out of my house, tailgated by reckless drivers, dropped my phone


on the ground…”

The old lady cleared her throat and replied in a scathing tone. “These are just obstacles I have put in place. to test

your sincerity. Those who truly believe in me would easily escape such misfortune, and I won’t force those who

don’t believe in me to do otherwise either. Your fate and destiny have been written in the stars a long time ago, my



The member was jeered and boo-ed viciously by other members of the group for his skepticism. Not long after, the

chat admin had him kicked out of the group.

“Of course, he’s down on his luck,” the old lady chuckled to herself frostily. As long as she had someone’s birth

chart details, she was able to easily borrow their luck. Her grandson had survived this long despite being sickly, and

her son’s business was expanding quickly, all thanks to these fools who had contributed. their luck to her. In

exchange, they would receive all the misfortune intended for the old lady’s family.

The moment she went online, countless of people willingly gave their birth charts to her. She picked a few suitable

charts and wrote down the details in her notebook before switching her phone off. She was not afraid of anyone

finding out what she was up to, since it was not common knowledge that birth charts should be kept secret. Plenty

of young, gullible girls keyed in their birth chart details on dubious websites, completely unaware of the

implications. If her powers were slightly stronger, she could even borrow a few years of someone’s life… The old

lady recalled Zachary Crawford, the young grandson of the wealthy Crawford family who had a comfortable life

since he was born. How wonderful it would be if she could gift her grandson Zachary’s life!

The old lady made her way to the eleventh floor of the hospital and snooped around the operating theater casually,

only to spot Lilly. She could immediately tell that Lilly was blessed with extremely good fortune. She was destined to

be rich even if she did not work a single day in her life, loved by everyone around her, live a healthy life and have

everything go smoothly for her. The old lady could not fathom how someone had all their stars aligned so perfectly.

Lilly was just about to open the piece of paper that Zachary had given her earlier. Zachary’s words were neat and

tidy, not at all like his usually messy handwriting. It was obvious he had put in effort when he wrote this for Lilly.

“Josh, what is this?” Lilly scratched her head.

Josh peered over Lilly’s shoulder to read the note and gasped in shock. “A will?! Oh no, Zac must have thought he

was going to die…” Truthfully, it seemed a little overdramatic on Zac’s part. Uncle Gilbert said the success rate was

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95%. Zac could not be the unlucky%, could he?

“$500,000 for Lilly, game account for Lilly… Unfinished textbooks for Hannah…” Josh stifled a laugh as he read

through Zachary’s will. That brat left his unfinished textbooks to his own blood sister!

Old Mrs. Crawford ambled over and grabbed the piece of paper from the children’s hands. “What is this

nonsense?!” she chided.

Just as his grandmother was about to tear the paper in pieces, Josh managed to pluck it back. “Grandma, don’t! Zac

clearly put in loads of effort writing all that out.” One might think that Josh was trying to defend Zachary, but in

truth, Josh’s plan was to keep the will so that he could tease Zac about it in the future.

Lilly frowned at the red light outside the operating theater, indicating the surgery was ongoing. She prayed that

Zachary would be just fine.

“Don’t worry, he still has a long life ahead of him…” Pablo reassured her.

“What if he has a long life ahead of him, but he ends up like Johnny?” Lilly asked out of nowhere. No one


+25 Bonus

said dummies did not live long.

Pablo was too caught off guard by Lilly’s sudden question to give her a proper answer. Suddenly, he felt a pair of

eyes observing them. When he turned around, he found the old lady sitting on a bench not too far away. The old

lady’s face was kind and friendly as usual but there was something off about her gaze.

“Lilly,” Pablo got her attention. “Look at that old granny!”

Lilly turned her head to where Pablo was looking and made direct eye contact with the old woman who smiled and

waved at her. “Come here… Come here, girl the old woman’s smile never slacked for one second, making it slightly


The old woman just could not help herself. Her habit of borrowing luck from unsuspecting strangers had become

somewhat of an addiction for her, especially when she stumbled upon someone as blessed as Lilly. She pushed her

luck and tried to get close to Lilly despite Old Mrs. Crawford’s presence just a few steps away. Little did she know,

she was messing with the wrong crowd…