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Spoiled by Eight Uncles Summary pdf

Chapter 821
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The Weakling Spirit managed to snatch the front-row sofa!

He sat cross-legged in front of Lilly, resting his elbow on his knee and his chin on the back of his hand. His gentle

eyes fixed on Lilly.

The Harem Spirit also claimed a spot in the front row, excitedly exclaiming, “Finally, we have ghost stories to listen


This was their favorite routine.

Although they could interrogate the freshly captured spirits in the jar of souls and listen to ghost stories on their

own, they preferred waiting for Lilly to bring a small chair and listen together.

The Victim Ghost had never seen such a scene, and a question mark slowly appeared on their forehead.

Blake had just gone to the kitchen to get a glass of water. When he returned to the living room, he found that there

was no space left on the sofa.

He had to pull over a chair and sit down, casually crossing his legs and resting one hand on the chair’s back, looking

relaxed and lazy.

The Ghost Bride whispered, “Ah… I suddenly don’t feel like sitting on the sofa anymore.”

Blake pretended not to hear.

Lilly rested her chin on her hands and tilted her head, saying, “So, Victim Ghost, tell me, what’s your name, where

are you from, and how did you die? Be honest with me.”

The Victim Ghost had initially intended to stay silent and not speak.

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But as they looked at Lilly, they couldn’t help but feel that this child had an unquestionable aura about her.

With a bewildered expression, they said, “My name is Sabrina Figueroa… I was 29 years old this year… from Malie

City, living on Carrut Road…”

Lilly exclaimed, “From Malie City!”

Blake glanced at the Female Spirit, raising an eyebrow.

The Victim Ghost nodded, seemingly accustomed to enduring hardships, even in their past life.

Lilly continued to inquire, “Since you were in Malie City, why didn’t you go home? Didn’t your family set up a grave

for you?”

After setting up a grave and a memorial tablet, one would typically move on to the next life!

The Victim Ghost shook their head, saying, “My parents are no longer alive.”

It turned out that the Victim Ghost was a doctor at Malie City’s Blossom Hospital.

“People always say that being a doctor is a stable and respected profession, with a high status…”

“But in reality, from the moment we start studying medicine, we embark on an ‘irreversible path’.”

Studying medicine usually takes five years for a bachelor’s degree, and if one takes the entrance examination for

postgraduate studies, it takes another three years.

After graduation, one enters the hospital, typically spending a year on rotation, followed by systematic and

standardized training as a resident physician, which lasts for three years. This phase is known as the internship.

Only those who complete the training and pass the progress assessment and final examination receive the

nationally recognized certificate for standardized residency training, becoming a resident physician.

Becoming a full-fledged doctor takes at least nine years without postgraduate studies or twelve years with

postgraduate studies.

“In terms of time alone, we endure the same hardships as our peers in other industries,” the Victim Ghost chuckled

bitterly. “Others graduate from the university after four years, immediately start working, and after four years of

work, they have their own homes and cars. Most of them have settled down.”

“But in our line of work, after four years of graduation, we finally enter the profession, only to realize that we’ve

barely advanced at all!”

Being a resident physician is no easy task. There are shifts and medical records to write, and when there are many

patients, one stays busy all day, with no rest after work.

No, there are medical records to write.

Writing one can take an entire night, staying up until the early hours of the morning, repeating this cycle day after


“Perhaps the most frequently asked question when it comes to hospitalization is whether or not there is

insurance…” the Victim Ghost said, especially referring to public health insurance.

“Many people think that medical insurance covers all hospital expenses, but it’s not that simple. There are limits to

the coverage.”

“For example, if the hospital’s total reimbursement limit for the year is ten million, it means that no matter how

many patients apply for reimbursement, they will only receive a total of ten million.”

“If it exceeds that amount, the department’s doctors have to cover the excess.”

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That’s why some hospitals and doctors are reluctant to prescribe medications that can be reimbursed. Why does

the cost of medical treatment keep rising?

“One year, we exceeded our reimbursement limit. The department’s remaining balance was only five hundred

thousand, but the total reimbursement for all the patients amounted to five hundred and fifty

thousand.”xo.com fast update

“Since I had prescribed medications covered by medical insurance for a patient in a difficult condition… I ended up

contributing the most towards the excess.”

With a monthly salary of two thousand, after exceeding the medical insurance limit, I had to cover 1,800 out of my

pocket, plus various deductions and additions. That month, my salary was reduced to 180…

“It’s hard to believe when you say it out loud. A doctor, with such a high status, earning only one hundred and


The Victim Ghost shook their head. Such grievances were normal, as long as one remained in this environment,

they had no choice but to endure and learn how to balance reimbursements.

They would avoid prescribing medications that could be reimbursed and try to save them for patients who truly

couldn’t afford them… and so on, various cunning strategies in less regulated small hospitals.

Lilly was too young, wearing a bewildered expression. “Ah…? Why is that?”

Blake calmly interjected, “Don’t dwell on that. Let’s move on to the next question! How did you die?”

Lilly exclaimed, “Oh, right, right! Next question, how did you die?”

The Victim Ghost snapped back to attention, ceasing their full-on complaints of negativity.

“One day, a man brought his wife to the hospital…”