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Stand User in Marvel Universe

Chapter 827
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Berlin, Germany.

A few days later, Mysteused EDITH to enhance his Hologram Tech and created an Avenger Level Threat in the form of a huge alien!

Peter’s confession day failed, but MJ now knew that Peter was the Spiderman. Therefore, they had so many things to catch up and thus, they didn’t care about the scenery they passed on the bus.

The SHIELD that had their temporary base in Berlin now was surprised as Mystesuddenly appeared outside of their door.

“I cas soon as I received the news! I went around the city, but I couldn’t find anything!” Quentin said with a worried expression.

“The pulse has becstronger!” Maria Hill shouted as she looked at the data on the computer.

“I will go out and search for the disturbance again!” Mystesaid as he immediately flew out.

“Report back as soon as you see anything strange!” Nick Fury shouted demandingly.

“If it is anything like I imagined, you can only pray to God, Fury! May God bless us all!” Mystesaid through the communication channels.

However, he didn’t fly out to patrol the city, but he hid in a covered bridge nearby that was blocked by several Holo Drones. Quentin shook his head as he shouldn’t beca superhero with these technologies on his hand! If he chose to make a movie, he was sure that he would make a fortune!

But, now that his plan was working as intended, Quentin didn’t have any reason to stop either!

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“Ok! No Avengers are supposed to chere at this time, and now, you can start with our plan, William!” Mystesaid as soon as he switched off Nick Fury’s channel.

“Confirmed! The Drone is about to enter the Atmosphere, and it’s also fully armed!” William reported. Outside of Earth, the satellites under Stark Corps dropped all the drones that Quentin secured there, and thousands of Holo Drones immediately flew towards Berlin.

“Excellent! Janice!” Quentin shouted.

“I am still straightening the cape, hold on!” Janice said from the communication device.

“I hope there are no folds there, I will shake hands with the queen in a few hours!” Quentin said with a smirk on his face. “Gutman?” Quentin asked.

“Everything ready on my part!” Gutman answered.

“Alright! Turn on Pulse Enhancer!” Quentin said excitedly. “Edith, show the target, and after the show starts, I will give you the order to execute!” Mysteordered. At the stime, Edith showed Nick Fury and Maria Hill on SHIELD’s base and aimed at their heads.

Although Quentin has successfully lied to Nick Fury, he still ought to die as the SHIELD itself was of no use to Quentin anymore. With the SHIELD gone, Mysterio’s position as the world-leading Superhero would be solidified.

After this show in Berlin, Mystewould bring the show to New York! The next victim would be Tony Stark, and once Tony died, Mystewould steal the Iron Man armor and becthe Iron Man himself!

“Let’s save the world!” Quentin gave the signal.

“Let the show start!” All of his men said at the stime.


“Whatever it is this time, it is 100 times more powerful than before!” Maria Hill said solemnly. But Nick Fury didn’t seem to mind as he showed a dignified smile like everything was under control.

The sky outside the base burst with thunders before a downpour hit the ground. A huge face appeared in the sky, and it started to summon various elements.

The people on the ground panicked and immediately fled.

“This is Avenger-level threat!” Nick Fury said to himself before he got a call from Mysterio.

“You better go to a safe place, Fury! I think this one will be more brutal than before!” Mystesaid hurriedly.

“Thank you for your concern, but I will never abandon my comrades!” Nick Fury said indifferently.

“The elements are converging into sother substances and becmore powerful than ever! It’s drawing energy from the Earth’s core! I will try to end it at all costs, so good luck to me! if I am lucky, I will accept your invitation to officially becthe Guardian of the Earth!” Mystesaid hurriedly, but Nick Fury didn’t say anything and took the initiative to hang up on the call.

“Can you believe that guy!” Nick Fury said to Maria Hill. He sighed tiredly. Although both of them were good at acting, this was really exhausting.

At the stime, Peter changed into his classic Spiderman costand saved speople while Mystewas busy fighting the Elemental Monster.

“Hey boy, next tyou shootwith that spider web of yours, I will throw you to the North Pole!” A figure suddenly appeared behind Peter, but he moved past Peter before Peter could even react.

Peter was startled, but the voice was from a familiar figure, and Peter immediately realised who it was.

“Pietro!” Peter reacted.

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“CallQuicksilver from now, Kid!” Pietro said as he took his mask off, showing his face to Peter.

“Nice to see you here, Quicksilver! Helpsave more people!” Peter shouted excitedly.

“Save people? You really are ignorant, are you? I will show you something!” Pietro said as he quickly dragged Peter with him despite Peter’s opinion.

When Peter arrived at the place that Pietro wanted him to see, Peter was confused as it was like a place that a science fiction movie would depict.

“Where are we?” Peter asked confusedly.

“We are inside the monster’s body!” Pietro said casually.

“What? That is impossible!” Peter exclaimed!

“If you don’t believe me, then just go out and check it out yourself! You have been deceived, Kid!” Pietro said with a smirk on his face. Pietro mocked Peter a little bit, but it was necessary for Peter’s sake.

Peter would never admit that he was being deceived by anyone, especially by someone he trusted with his life. Pietro would do the sthing too, but after he heard Luci’s doubt about the Fire Monster in Prague, he went back to the site and saw several people sneakily collecting something on the ground.

Pietro then followed those people and found out the truth about the Fire Monster.

That was why Pietro cback to face the next monster that appeared in Berlin. He wanted to end the true monster himself! 

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